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Topics - Juno

Pages: [1]
Roleplay Corner / Table Top Pokemon RP
« on: April 29, 2011, 01:02:00 PM »
Was looking around the forums and couldn't find anything so this should generate some discussion at least. This has been an idea that I have had for quite a while since being newly introduced to D&D, I was hoping that people would be able to help me create a base structure( Numbers of all kinds, stats, growth, IV and EV calculation if possible) for a dice based Pokemon game. The main problem I am having is should I try and figure out a way to convert Poke's stats or create an entirely new system? I got the idea from a friend who made a zombie survival game based of of D&D's system... kind of... very loose. But anyways if anyone can help I would love for some input. Actually I need input because whenever my friends and I talk about this we get distracted.

Here are the basics of what I can guess.

Two or more players a DM and a player

Hits are calculated using percentage you have to roll lower than the percentage. Horn Drill is 30% have to roll 30 or  lower

Criticals are based off of a percentage roll as well.

For Natures it’s a choice of a neutral nature or a roll of the dice for when you catch a pokemon

Shiny is a perfect roll using percentage dice. 100 out of 100

Field moves are done through the ability to learn then with a negative if you don’t know it yet, also if you don’t have the badge then you get another negative??

Trainer classes? Would they help? What would they do?

IV 1-3 is 0, 4-6 is 1, 7-9 is two and so on. Reroll 97-100

How would the attack damage work I thought to use a dice roll, but the attacks are more base damage in game with attack as modifiers, how would I go about configuring that

Can use any move that the pokemon knows up to that level, in a fit of rage/ desperation that could change to using a stronger move, flame thrower at level thirty on a charmeleon.

All Pokeballs:  Pokeball Greatball, ultra ball, Masterball, Safariball, Netball, Diveball, Nest Ball, repeat Ball Timer Ball Luxury ball Premier Ball, Dusk ball Heal Ball Quick ball Cherish Ball Park Ball Fast ball Friend ball Heavy ball Level ball Lure ball Love ball moon ball Sport ball and they would help what based on the videogames description.

Should the Players characters have stats as well? Small stats but stats none the less

I would really like to be able to create a well done pen and paper pokemon game.

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