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Messages - vengeful

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
Other Chat / Re: Please stop freaking out.
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:51:59 AM »
Oh, by the way.
So please, give us a little slack, i mean i love the community and the people, but the yelling gets old, and it tires me out.
You registered your account August twenty-seventh. It is now September first. We tired you out in five days? Gee, I've been here a year and a half and I'm still fine.

Yes five days. Five days is all it takes when youve just had surgery on borken ribs. When you have Acute Stress disorder and panic disorder. and as i said all im asking for is a little understanding. not a lot, just some. and a lot of your answers to this post are exactly what im talking about. and if you dont think so then its probably you who are the cause.

Other Chat / Please stop freaking out.
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:39:36 AM »
Alright Im kinda tired of this in every forum i have ever been to. "your topic was already explained in another thread, you should learn to find that one before you make a new one." Alright i get there is another thread with a SIMILIAR topic. that does not make it the same. And yelling at people about not posting there if its locked doesnt help any of us, it just makes everyone mad. I myself wanted to freak out the other day when I post in a thread that ordains to my topic instead of incurring the repeated saying of "the whatever has already been discussed in another thread you should have found it instead of making a new one" no no no no revive most old threads get yelled at. make a new one, get yelled at. try to be helpful... get yelled at. Im sorry, I have anger issues already. You adding to them about every little thing does not help. So all I ask, very simple actually, is that you be a little more understanding that maybe we didnt find the thread we should have posted in, or if we did it was old. So please, give us a little slack, i mean i love the community and the people, but the yelling gets old, and it tires me out. so please just a little understanding, thats it.

Game Features / Re: In-game events!!!
« on: August 29, 2011, 07:19:42 AM »
Okay so this will probably anger someone, (because im reviving this thread), but events sound just awesome. But i was thinking more like natural events, landslide that gets cleared for new areas, or a burning forest everyone online helps put out, things like that. the rewards would be up to whoever would be in charge.

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME] You're Banned!
« on: August 29, 2011, 07:13:52 AM »
Banned cause hes not a spammer.

Computers & Technology / Re: Post your desktop!
« on: August 28, 2011, 10:14:48 PM »
I use mediafire almost everyday :P my ipod (old 80GB) went from 14GB to 39GB in a month!

Jobs / I would like to be a pixel artist
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:58:01 PM »
I have a little experience with pixel art. and if you would like send me a example of what you would like me to make. i will totally have time to work on it, cause right now i do NOTHING all day :P. but yeah just give me a few examples and a list of stuff to make, cause i have nothing but time!

Also i have none of my past works because i have moved around and also have gotten a new computer.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Seasonal pokemon
« on: August 28, 2011, 07:20:44 AM »
i was thinking every month would contain all four season. a week for each. that way you have a chance every month to get certain pokemon you normally would not be able to or ones that would be a little harder to get.

Ideas & Suggestions / Seasonal pokemon
« on: August 28, 2011, 02:18:39 AM »
Okay. So before I get chewed out, I want to point out one thing. There does not seem to be a thread that covers my specific idea.

I was thinking about the whole regional pokemon concept, which is good, but I was also thinking of the seasonal idea a few other threads covered. If the game was seasonal maybe you could do like specialty pokemon that only appear during that season.

Delibird and stantler during the winter. (Like santa has actually come around.)
Special flower and bug types in the spring. (Heracross and bellossom)
Special Fire and flower types in the summer. (Sunflower and Sol.)
Special Bug and Bird types in the fall. (Combee and Ho-oH, maybe luna.)

I mean yeah it might not be perfect, but it is just an idea.

New Trainers / Welcome / Hi! Nice to meet everyone.
« on: August 28, 2011, 12:13:51 AM »
Hello! My screen name is vengeful (though it is usually vengefulchao :P). I'm 19, a gamer, geek and all around nerd! I play D&D, Cyber Punk and a few other Pencil and paper rpg's. I've been coding for 6 years (ridiculous right?). I have always been a giant fan boy of pokemon (im talking a huge fan). I am also a resolute friend, so if you ever need help just ask! :D

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