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Messages - schindle

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Badge Ideas
« on: March 25, 2010, 02:11:34 PM »
i wouldnt like to see the number of catched pokemon to increase the attack or something like that. Instead, it should increase the EXp gained by leveling this pokemon type, e.x catching 100 grass pokemon gives you an increase of 10% EXP for all grass types.

the idea to increase damage done by a special type could be solved that way:
when using 1/6 grass pokemon: 100% grassdamage
using 2/6 grass pokemon: 102% grassdamage
using 3/6 pokemon : 105% grassdamage
using 4/6 grass pokemon: 110% grassdamage
using 5/6 grass pokemon: 120% grassdamage
using only grasspokemon: 135% grassdamage

just to let grass-specialists be competetive. :)
it shouldnt increase damage just because you have captured pokemon, but when USING them infight!

Trainers Lounge / Re: What Are Your Goals On Pokemon Universe?
« on: March 19, 2010, 01:18:30 PM »
goal: just to have fun and to get the CUTEST! team :-D
focus: more PvE then PvP... i dont like the 'shoddy-battle-style' :-)

News & Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday Kamaran
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:48:45 PM »
happy birthday:-)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Player made clans
« on: March 05, 2010, 12:23:02 PM »
guilds doing quests together? isnt this kinda... ehm... groupquests? i guess they will be implemented;-) doesnt matter you do them with guildmates/other guilds.

guild battles? since there are no kinda 'battlegrounds', why do you need guildbattles? Or do you mean a special statistic-center where the fights between 2 guilds are written on?

Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:58:58 PM »
they will:-) just wait, because they are still working on it. so be patient, it will be cool and mind-blowing:-D

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 20, 2010, 12:43:57 PM »
1) i already suggested this one. the answer was: they want the battles to be as it is now. i already said that you would have a lot of more strategies, but, it would need a complete overlook through all moves and so on. simply too much work

2) no items would be more RP like i guess. but, cooldowns are better then changing nothing:-D

Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:35:34 PM »
look at announcements:-)

News & Announcements / Re: [Official Feature] EV&Abilities-Replacement
« on: February 17, 2010, 05:32:47 PM »
oops... could swear you've posted it :-) 1000000 excuses for this:-) should be: appel to pidgey:-)
no offense there !

Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:09:19 PM »
as you surely saw: there will such a 'move training' in form of abilites in kinda tree :-)
*yeehaaa* ^^

News & Announcements / Re: [Official Feature] EV&Abilities-Replacement
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:45:49 PM »
you are influencing your stats. the system is simply doing it by gear :-) the only reason for picking up 'A' instead of 'B' is because it gives you better stats, regarding to what you are trying to get. Gear isnt everything. i used to see people wearing 'full epic rockzorzzz' thinking they are the poop... but not ever looking on what they are wearing. and i saw blue geared people topping damage meters just because they understood what hitcap/expertize and so on are. but yea. youre not influencing them directly (yea youre able to do this through talents/buffs/debuffs and so on or special on-hit items)! but wow is way more comlex then what im posting here:-D i used to math my gear days and days when getting a new item :-D:-D youre spending more time on math then ingame:-D

if we change it to, influencing your stats by doing this through another system, stat points givaway for winning a fight/tournamnet whatever, you get the same effect. and for an MMO, THIS is essential.

News & Announcements / Re: [Official Feature] EV&Abilities-Replacement
« on: February 17, 2010, 02:32:36 PM »
Stats don't play a big role, as for most challenges, you're required to just have a certain standard of gear.
The more important thing is the way your skill build is built and customised.

as for WoW, i played guild wars just for fun, this isnt right at all.
stats are a major concern of every player in endgame. imagine a basic skilled tree and just messed up stats like not beeing on hitcap, expertice lvl and/or have a min of required crit chance. as well as not being crit immune / crush immune as tank with having enough avoidance.
the same as, not every stat gives you the kind of stat you need to maximize your dps! as well as keeping the surveilibity you need on differen encounters.
as for pvp, since BC, stats are playing a extremely high role for endgame pvp. talents? nah. everybody gots the same builts. but not having enough resilance will kill you faster then having not the right talents.
but, same, in WoW its more about PLAYING style than stats/talents!

talent trees & stats play a extremely important role in WoW.
buut i agree to you. its a very good thing to distance the game from the GB games! go for it:-)
as i always said, if you need help, i loved to help like abilities making and so on:-)

News & Announcements / Re: [Official Feature] EV&Abilities-Replacement
« on: February 17, 2010, 01:33:39 PM »
i understand what gammals worried about. BUT. i like it.

You have to be careful balancing this kind^^ basicly said: lot of your changes are way too high. it wouldnt make sense to let a pokemon make so much more damage / avoid so much.

first of all, one basic question:
when TRADING a pokemon, or, otherwise, are you able to RETRAIN your pokemon? To avoid abusing this retrain function you should make it a)for traded pokemon standard and b) for your pokemon it should cost extremely much.

second appel is to gammal:
as is said in your 'balance' thread, your trying to make an MMO out of shoddy battle! IT ISNT THAT WAY. you should be open to changes in the system. we dont want a standrd pokemon game where youre making your shoddy battle team and walk a bit around in a world. no need for something like that. For example: you say that EVERY pokemon is using 100% acc moves. yea. for the moment! because the others are not viable. so. you want to balance out pokemon but you want them still to use the same attacks? where you are right. BALANCE is important, if your increasing acc you have to be able to increase avoidance as well!:
get an example here:

flame thrown: 100*95 = 9500 damage.
fire blast (unskilled): 85*120 = 10200 damage
fire blast (skilled): 95*120 = 11400 damage.

thats an increase of 10% damage! for 20 points out. increasing your damage by 10% for 20/200(!!!!!) points? thats WAY too much! when you even imagin your using flame thrown instead of using fireblast without accurancy improvements, its even 20% increase of your damage done with 20/200 points. it wont work THAT way. make it 40 poitns worth (still, EVERY pokemon trainer would get this!) or change it to 1%/2%/3%/4%/5%. why? you can double your chance to crit with taking 20 points in. so. lets do some math here. base crit chance: base crit chance: 6.25%. for regular moves, you would increase your chance to crit hit by: 6.25%... wheres the point?  20 points spent for incredibly 6% more damage. in addition: the damage increased of all INcreased-cri-damage-moves, they got already 12%, would be increased by 12%. mh.... still too low/high. dont say: double your chance to crit hit, but make it: incrases the chance to crit hit by: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. that would increase all damage done by 10%. and make it 40 points at last-evelution.

one ability i guess is needed there: decreases the damage you take of crit hits. every tank would need this kind of when looking at offensive abilities. would mean hes not taking 100% more damage of a crit hit, but, like 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% less damage. essential!

 regarding the system:
its very very hard to balance such abilities. that must be clear to you. i guess, that in pre-beta/beta and so on, you should be able to make a lvl100 pokemon WITH all these abilites and then look if its really balanced. You have have a counter for all your abilities. status changed are getting nerfed. so you have to have abilities to buff it. i would love abilities like 'increases damage of your non -STAB [add a type here] moves by 5%/10%/15% as well as STAB damage increases.  As well as every of your damage increases / lowering should go to BASEDAMAGE, not to end-damage. i made some maths here, and i guess that would be more powerfull.

summary: i love it. but be careful!

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Multi assigns perhaps?
« on: February 16, 2010, 10:59:37 PM »
im sure they will implement kinda 'key bindings' :-)
perheps with a bar where they are shown:-)

General Chat / Re: What's your favorite type of pokémon?
« on: February 15, 2010, 06:30:20 PM »
milotic and gyriados 4tw :-)

Archived / Re: League/Ranks
« on: February 15, 2010, 05:20:23 PM »
1) i guess no elite 4. but, i hope so, hard modes for all gym leaders for PVE-end-game

2) i guess like in every ranking^^

wins / loses.

also kinda points you earn, so that beating an player with higher rating, you get more points then beating an player with lower rating :-)

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