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Messages - Raktoner

Pages: [1] 2
General Chat / Re: What's the best looking pokemon EVER!
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:40:01 PM »
Shiny Rayquaza is definitely good...but I have to say I've always particularly enjoyed every Pseudo-legendary (Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, and Garchomp, that is). I dunno why, but they always look really good.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: July 09, 2010, 06:54:36 PM »
[q]Either Squirtle or Totodile. Pure water types that can learn ice type moves to get help them defeat their weakness to ground type pokemon. Mudkip's full evo (Swampert) is Water/Ground, so it becomes 4x weak to grass and probably won't get any ice moves off, and Piplup's full evo (Empoleon) is Water/Steel, and since steel is weak to fire it loses that advantage.[/q]

*apologies for failure to quote. Didn't notice the button, and assumed it was done via BBcode.*

You mean grass type (bold) I assume?
In any case, I've always thought Mudkip/Swampert were awesome because grass types typically aren't that common, are they? Or at least I personally hate them, except for Chikorita/Treecko. I figured electric types would be more common for some reason.

I also think that fire neutrality isn't much of a weakness for getting rid of grass-types. After all, I probably wouldn't want my Typhlosion going up against an Empoleon. The fighting type weakness is notable, though, so the steel dual-type does probably hurt more than it helps. (runs away from Blaziken)

^The above is very much based on opinion. I know absolutely nothing about competitive play, so take that with a healthy dosing of salt.

Sorry for the very late reply, but yes indeed I meant grass type. Whoops! Thanks for catching that ^^;

Other Games / Re: Nintendo 3DS
« on: July 07, 2010, 03:12:19 PM »
I don't really see this as "just another DS" considering how it's a next-gen handhold (they mentioned backward compatibility with regular DS, meaning that 3DS games won't work on a regular DS, meaning that it's a different hand held completely). Sure it's based on the DS and sure they're pretty much the same, but it's not "just another DS (that everybody wants anyways)."

Other Chat / Re: Something you are currently trying to learn
« on: July 07, 2010, 05:09:20 AM »
Right now I'm trying to learn how to type properly on a korean keyboard, as their phonetic sounds don't match up with our phonetic sounds, so that came up with a new keyboard for themselves. It has consonants on the lefts, and vowels on the right.

Take a look:

Please note the sounds they make aren't listed. :p

Other Entertainment / Re: What music do you like
« on: July 06, 2010, 06:25:04 PM »
Atreyu, blessthefall, A Day To Remember, Escape The Fate, Eyes Set To Kill, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Skillet, and Thousand Foot Krutch are pretty much my favorites. Other artists I listen to include AFI, Avenged Sevenfold, Bring Me The Horizon, Bullet For My Valentine, Children of Bodom, Five Finger Death Punch, Flyleaf, Greeley Estates, Hawthorne Heights, Hollywood Undead, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Saosin, Sick Puppies, Sixx A.M., A Skylit Drive, Story of the Year, Three Days Grace, The Used, Usher, and The Word Alive.

Yes, it was necessary to type all those bands out. Yes, I listed every band on my itunes playlist. :P

That chart seems to show 4 new pokemon, 2 of them being evolutions...That bat...puffball...thing by Jesse's head looks weird. So for the pokemon by her foot (no, not Meowth). The pokemon near that unknown man look like evoltuions of Mijumaru and Tsutaja, and they both look pretty nice. Really excited for official releases on all this.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Uknown - <Witty title hereya.>
« on: July 02, 2010, 04:08:23 AM »
lol, "unique" is nothing I'd ever attribute to my own writing style, to be honest. It pulls from many different authors. Brian Jacques, R.A. Salvatore, Christopher Paolini, and that's only naming three off the top of my head. (Books by them happen to be right here, so yeah...)

I do realize I need to get into a habit of shortening my sentences more and trying to be more concise. At least, I believe so. I've started reading new books recently. (Ever hear of The Lightning Thief?) The style of writing is quaint and charming. After finishing it, it made me realize that other styles work just as well and trying to expand isn't a bad thing.

I digress, however. Since you guys have shown interest, and if anyone else does, I can post up the next section when I'm finished writing with it.
A quote of my own is that you are simply a reflection of those who have influenced you. The part I don't really tell people is that you are a reflection of everybody, not a single person. You take different aspects of all these different writers and make it own to your own unique style--as they probably did to create theirs. Honestly, nobody just got a pen, learned the alphabet and some words, then wrote the most amazing story ever. They probably read other stories before hand and got some idea of what to do. To sum that all up, yes, your style is unique. At least unique enough. ^^

General Chat / Re: The weakest pokemon
« on: July 02, 2010, 12:37:43 AM »
Farfetch'd. It never evolves and doesn't have a particularly impressive move set. That would be fine if it's stats weren't...meh.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Uknown - <Witty title hereya.>
« on: July 01, 2010, 06:28:07 PM »
It's a very interesting style, I'd love to see you expand more on it. Makes me wonder who "he" is... It seems unique enough, and I'd definitely enjoy reading more.

I don't like picking favorites, especially when it comes to people. So I refuse to vote (even if I don't have many posts and as such don't know you all that well).

Games / Re: Starting Six on SS, and Pt
« on: July 01, 2010, 03:51:26 PM »
Sketch isn't temporary, it's permanent. That's why he learns it multiple times (once every 10 levels).

General Chat / Re: What's your favorite type of pokémon?
« on: July 01, 2010, 03:30:59 PM »
Dark type was always the most appealing to me. I love my Umbreon :P

If not Dark type, then probably water. I always picked the water starter and always enjoyed it.

Other Games / Re: Warcraft (NOT WoW)
« on: July 01, 2010, 03:28:40 PM »
Loved it for it's story, completed the campaign multiple times. I wish I was still into it but when I try to play it online I play for a day or two then get bored, it's just not what it used to be (especially with all the bots).

General Chat / Re: List Your Pokemon Teams Here
« on: July 01, 2010, 03:25:55 PM »
Not quite sure about what I want for sure, but it would probably be something along the lines of...

1. Spiritomb (Have a guy that can't get super-effected out first so I know what my opponent starts off with...if I beat their first pokemon that's just a plus)
2. A water pokemon
3. A grass pokemon
4. A dark or pyschic pokemon
5. A fire or ground pokemon
6. A flying pokemon

Like I said, not sure which pokemon it would be.

General Chat / Re: Best Steel Pokemon
« on: June 30, 2010, 05:04:02 PM »
I'm surprised so many people are saying Registeel when the first post clearly said no legendary pokemon...

But anyways, my favorite steel pokemon would have to be Forretress. It has solid stats defense wise and can have some pretty good move sets considering the attacks that it learns.

(That, and I'm pretty sure nobody has picked it yet).

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