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Messages - SantaClaws

Pages: 1 [2]
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Something not to do
« on: May 31, 2010, 11:45:07 PM »
How is an item mail system imbalanced?? Sure you could send an item to a newbee friend, but wouldn't you be able to trade with him anyway?? The solution should be that high level items only can be used by high level trainers.

But if this wasn't what you meant please rephrase :)

Game Features / Pink slips
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:55:22 PM »
I bet this has already been asked, but I did not know what word to put in search tbh :S

Is there / will there be a feature where you can make a "pink slip" for a pokemon or an item etc. And then have to battle for it? I realize this in theory could be done without a system from the developers, but it would be nice with a way to prevent people from just walking away like a sore loser.

If you don't understand what I mean let me rephrase.
Player#1 meets Player#2, They both have a rare pokemon. Neither one wants to trade, because they both want both rare pokemons. They decide to duel, and whoever wins gets both pokemon. Player#1 wins, but Player#2 childishly decides that the match didn't count and walks away.

Would you consider to make a "pink slip"-system like that?


Ideas & Suggestions / Rested xp
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:41:14 PM »
In some mmorpg's like wow (sry if that's against the rules), they have a rested xp system, or a bonus pool. Basicly what it is, is when you're offline you charge up your rested xp. And while you have rested xp, you get double the amount of xp you normally get. And as you train your rested xp decreases. This is so that people who don't play everyday can still keep up with those who do. Will this be implemented in the game?

I'm not sure I explained it verry well, I just hope you guys are familiar with the concept.

Game Features / Observing battles
« on: May 31, 2010, 09:40:37 PM »
Is it/Will it - be possible to observe a battle? Whether it's just a friend trying to catch a pokemon, or a battle between trainers. I guess the most relevant example is in tournaments, will we be able to go and watch those? I was thinking like, you watching player 1 in the grass. You go to him and click "A", or whatever you call the buttons :P , And it asks you if you want to observe the battle, you press yes. And you basicly just see it from the trainer you clicked at , point of view. And then you'd be able to give the trainer advice if he so wishes (not in tournys' obviously). Would it take to much ressources or something? -I know nothing about programming.


Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Legendary Pokemon + dots
« on: May 31, 2010, 09:22:51 PM »
I quite like the idea of grouping together to fight them, but I can't really see this working for groups of more than 2.
The damage over turns thing is interesting, but I assume that it will keep with the handheld game's style where this does not occur.

I was thinking you're against lugia, it has a billion hp+recover :). The quickest way to beat it is to pump it full of stackable dots. Even in the gameboy games, the abillity curse deals damage over turns and is stackable with the various buffs as burn and sleep. So why wouldn't burn and poison be stackable? Personally I think it's ridiculous that a pokemon can't be poisoned and burned at the same time.

When ever Lugia attacks, it has an AOE effect. So everyone in the party gets dealt damage on the same turn. If it's a larger party (2+) however, you'll have problems with waiting a long amount of time for 1 player. If it takes more than 30 sec or so, you could automaticly make that player an npc which randomly picks a move, untill the trainer returns and presses a button. That could apply in 1v1 matches aswell, so you don't get "stuck" playing against a guy who's afk.

Ideas & Suggestions / Legendary Pokemon + dots
« on: May 31, 2010, 08:52:23 PM »
Hi, I tried to use the search function to see if I could find some posts about this and I couldn't. But if it has been asked already I apologize, just try not to flame too much, I'm new here!

I asume legendary pokemon will not be catchable if they are even going to exist in the game. However, will we be able to fight some of them at all? I was thinking along the lines of you needing at team of say 2-5 or something, with high leveled trainers, and even then being difficult to beat.

In addition, if that is being considered, the legendary pokemon shouldn't spawn the same spot every time and they should have a long respawn period, of like 24 hours or maybe longer.
It would make a highly attractive goal, and the only way to achieve it is to interact with the other players, and in a quickly fashion since you'd never know how long it would stay there. And it would be somewhat of a gamble to start typing in general chat "I've just found mew at route 118!! Need party!!", since people in guilds would be there in a flash.

My 2nd question; will dots' be stackable? By dot I mean "damage over time", or in PU's case "damage over turns", such as poison and burns etc. That would really make combos between different types of pokemon powerfull against stronger pokemon.


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