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Creative Discussions => Fan Fiction & Writing => Topic started by: Eulogy on August 14, 2010, 10:04:51 PM

Title: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: Eulogy on August 14, 2010, 10:04:51 PM
I know the stories are flying out once a day or every other day, but there are only four parts and I have them typed up. Please don't say "that was a long time" sarcastically, because they (like I said) are all typed up.
The Beginning is The End
Pt 3

I got up at dusk, while the sun was at his horizon. The orange star soon became purple, being cut in with the horizon. I got my application to join the Marines. I would be heading off to Afghanistan in just three days. They were going to ship me off fast. I’ll admit it, I’m pretty scared, but this is for the best, right? No. It’s not. I know it isn’t. But I can’t back out now.

   “Jeremy go, go, go!”
   “I’m trying!” The lightning struck down by the car, only inches away. Jill screamed, as I did too. I could barely see, as the water flooded over the car. I could barely see…

   “Why can’t I get these dreams out of my head?” I thought. They re-occurred, over and over, just how it happened. I took a shower, and headed off into the streets of Orlando.

   It was beautiful outside. Blue skies, no clouds, and the ocean looked phenomenal from where I stood. I went off onto the beach, stared off into the never-ending water, and thought about Jill. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why me? Questions went swarming through my head.

   Three days passed, and it was now time to go. I packed up, and headed off to Fort Peters. We got into the helicopter.
   “Okay private! This is no joke! You need to get yourself together and not be afraid! Listen to my orders, and follow me!”
   “Sir yes sir!” We all yelled. I didn’t know what I was doing. I have no experience with guns, no experience with callouts, and I was a loner. Why did I do this?
   “Oh my gosh! Watch out!” Sirens went off, and everyone ran in different directions. We were heading 10,000 feet into the ground, and no water. Someone grabbed me, clipped something to me and we jumped off into the forest that seemed like it would never end.

   “Jill, I love you… don’t you ever forget that.”
   “I love you too…”

The next one will explain ALL of your questions.
Title: Re: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: St. Jimmy on August 14, 2010, 10:19:06 PM
This one is much better than the second! I'm not sure it was better than the first though, it's hard to tell, but great story!
Title: Re: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: Eulogy on August 14, 2010, 10:28:53 PM
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: Jerry on August 14, 2010, 10:33:59 PM
Well, you're keeping the standard (IMO) which is good. Looking forward to the next one :)
Title: Re: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: Eulogy on August 14, 2010, 10:36:30 PM
Well, you're keeping the standard (IMO) which is good. Looking forward to the next one

Your standard or the standard writing? Lol.
Title: Re: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: Jerry on August 14, 2010, 10:38:41 PM
Your standard of writing, in my opinion :P
Title: Re: The Beginning is The End Pt 3
Post by: Eulogy on August 14, 2010, 10:42:37 PM
K thanks! =D