Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Creative Discussions => Roleplay Corner => Pokémon Roleplay => Topic started by: PokemonMasterEthan on May 27, 2011, 12:29:34 AM

Title: [Pending] Ornadora Region
Post by: PokemonMasterEthan on May 27, 2011, 12:29:34 AM
The Ornadora Region was hit with a meteorite 5000 years ago and the whole region was a crater.
Pokemon from all regions united with humans after the wreck of the meteorite. People and pokemon started rebuilding towns and cities. Pokemon gyms are everywhere now, because there wasn't any before. The people have one goal: to work together with the help of pokemon.
Pokemon Trainers have many goals, but you can figure what those goals are.

If you are a pokemon trainer fill out his form and post it:
Starter Pokemon:
Rank: (Gym leader Elite four champion ect.)

If you want to be on Team Revenge:
Do the same as the Trainer but put rank as Team Revenge goon, commander, boss.
Age has to be 18+, not in real life just in this RP

If you want to be a pokemon:

Gym Cities and Towns:
Emerald Lane/Town
Haxoran City
Flake City
Ornade Town(Pronounced-Ornid)
Ornade City(Prounounced-Ornade)
Sorrow City
Helmin Lake Town
Rock Ledge Town

Normal Cities and Towns:
Airkin Town
Obaro City
Chanrokan City(Biggest City)
Anrodan Town
Cherry Lake Town
Ikaro City
Lakorana City
Oldena Town(Oldest Town)

Note: You can put your rank as a gym leader but not as the champion cause you have to earn being a champion

Starter Pokemon:

Rules: All RP rules like no godmodding, no swearing, ETC.

JerryEDIT: What's the issue with the +19 thing????? [Still pending]
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: Desbear on May 27, 2011, 12:56:11 AM
you need a mod to approve before you can start rping
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: Desbear on May 27, 2011, 01:02:12 AM
the person who controlls the forum and whats with the lines?
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: PkMn Trainer Black on May 27, 2011, 01:10:35 AM
you also might want to "strech" your background more.
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: Desbear on May 27, 2011, 01:11:24 AM
and whats with the lines?
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: Desbear on May 27, 2011, 02:11:56 AM
nobody can read your post though
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: TrainerX on May 27, 2011, 04:03:19 AM
It's hard to read because of the strikethrough in those six lines in your post.
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: PkMn Trainer Black on May 27, 2011, 04:06:04 AM
Okay I'm new at this so what does strech mean and I wanted the lines *Smiles*

"Streaching" your background means adding more depth into it.
Title: Re: (PRP?Pokemon Roleplay) Ornadora Region
Post by: PkMn Trainer Black on May 27, 2011, 05:07:23 AM
By getting creative whileaying on topic. The background you gave us was pretty much the objective, so try adding more background on the region (Looks, people, relation upon pokemon & humans, ect.) What do you think could amplify the plot?
Title: Re: [Pending] Ornadora Region
Post by: aqua999amazing on June 03, 2011, 07:26:25 PM
i think some people already said this, but your little intro and rules must be read by a mod before you post, and those six lines i could not understand at ALL!