Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Universe => Ideas & Suggestions => Topic started by: loudskies on July 20, 2011, 01:19:02 AM

Title: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: loudskies on July 20, 2011, 01:19:02 AM
Hey Guys! I was Curious if you planned on making a Server labeled: [RP] Or something, please do.. I would love to be able to play a Server where everyone you encountered you could RP with. Here is how I would make it work:

Requirements to Join:
*Requesting it on the Website, I.E Some Director of the Server before Your account is given permission to log in.
*Filling out a Survey and having the Survey looked over.

Rules for the Server:
*You tell somebody if you are IC/OOC, to Prevent confusion.
*It would work like any other server, you level grind and such, but when you see somebody, you act as if you were a character in the Anime, I.E

What not to do:
Jimmy: Hi Billy, Coincidence to see You out here in the Woods, What cha' doing?

Billy: lol level grinding1sec kk?

What to do:
Jimmy: Hi Billy, Coincidence to see You out here in the Woods, What cha' doing?

Billy: (I am OOC, just leveling my pokemon to take on the Gym.)

Jimmy: (Oh... alright, I will just pretend my character didn't see you, Sorry.)
Also, add an Emote command if there isn't one. :P it'd help a lot.

So, what do you think?
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: Frenchfry on July 20, 2011, 04:33:04 AM
There will be two servers, one in Europe and one in the US. Neither will be roleplay servers.

That's one of the drawbacks to working with something that's already been copyrighted. You have NO budget, so having oodles of servers isn't that easy.
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: Jerry on July 20, 2011, 08:58:24 AM
Also, we have an RP sub-forum for that and it's not that active. I honestly don't see why we'd need a whole server for RPing...
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: genbor on July 20, 2011, 11:38:31 AM
 Another thing, you can always organize an RP here on the forums and decide on a set time of when to meet and what to do. If you do this you could even get a Moderator to help you with the "event" if enough people are enthusiastic.

 So there really is no need for an RP server. Since we want everyone to have fun, you won't have to be worried about people telling you that RPing is lame while you try to get the story going, if a Moderator or higher is helping you do it. :)

PS: Labeling OOC is usually "//".

Ex: //Sorry don't feel like RPing right now.

Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: Jerry on July 20, 2011, 01:58:40 PM
Well, we have a specific thread for OOCC/OOC talk ;)
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: genbor on July 20, 2011, 08:04:51 PM
 I meant you organize it and act it out in game. Ex: Namelist; Time when to be on; what to RP (or the like) and then once decided you all log in at that period of time (once the game is up and running).

 I've done this many times in Neverwinter Nights.
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: loudskies on July 20, 2011, 08:09:40 PM
a Specific place to RP would be peachy too.. like a place RP'rs can walk into and expect to see more RP'rs.
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: Noah_Road on July 20, 2011, 09:46:24 PM
Having a general area where many RPers can go ingame would be a more efficient idea. That way they can meet there, then go off and RP elsewhere. Its not like others will look down on players if they see them RPing.
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: Amphi on August 06, 2011, 09:57:24 PM
Honestly there isn't really a point to an rp server, as Jerry said the current rp section on the forum isn't active so i suspect that a server labeled with "rp" it would end up just becoming a normal server eventually.
Title: Re: Roleplaying Server!
Post by: Mr_Dark on August 07, 2011, 01:43:53 AM
If there really is a need for roleplaying we can create an OOCC chat channel in-game