Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Universe => Ideas & Suggestions => Topic started by: Reshington on December 06, 2011, 03:36:06 AM

Title: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Reshington on December 06, 2011, 03:36:06 AM
Will there be unranked and ranked player vs player battles or even tournaments?
If you win a tournament (ranked or not), will you get acknowledgement from it? Like will there be a global ranking system so you can strive to actually become the "very best like no one ever was".
Hold a title. Like if you keep what they used to do when you pushed A on a tv, and it shows your latest accomplishments. Instead it could perhaps hold information dealing with winners of tournaments, number 1 ranked local/regional/globally rated player: who has the most caught Pokemon, who has the most wins against other players; and/or sightings of rare Pokemon (I read that you have plans so I really thought about not typing that but if it was set in stone, I thought it might be a nice thing to consider. Just a thought.)
I know that not everybody likes the whole someone's "better" than me because they've battled more or anything, but being able to say, "I AM the very best" would be such an accomplishment. there's fame, and always people after your title, it won't get boring too soon. (All of this is obviously from my point of view. I have no idea how other people feel about this topic.)
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Jerry on December 06, 2011, 01:54:30 PM
There will be friendly and ranked tournaments and the other additional features are considered to be on the low important list for the time being. The most important parts are the art, tiles and sprites, then the coding and all the battle system.

After that, Tournaments will be ready.
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Dkiddeh on December 06, 2011, 02:20:01 PM
sounds awesome indeed.
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Mr.Dodo on December 06, 2011, 03:19:42 PM
Cooool :D
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: IndigoChamp on December 29, 2011, 02:59:20 AM
I think this is awesome, but it comes with a lot of complications that are hard to handle. What happens if the Champion goes away? How will new players ever be able to catch up to the Champions? How could you prevent experienced players from battling inexperienced players to gather wins? How do you prevent one person from battling a friend and defeating them a thousand times?

All of the questions might have answers, but I'm just trying to exemplify how its a bit hard to do.

Personally, I still love the idea, I'd love to see the Dev's find a way to integrate it.
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Kamaran on December 29, 2011, 11:13:17 AM
Quoting Jerry.

There will be several different tournaments where the point system, so to speak, is calculated differently.

Friendly battles: no need for stuff here.

PvP: you start with X points and you'll meet an opponent with the sane amount of point or at least very close. The winner gain point while the loser loses points.

The Pokemon League: First you battle everyone in your group (5 battles). A win gives 2points, a tie gives 1 and 0 for losing. The 1st place in the group will meet the 6th place from another group in an elimination battle. (2nd vs 5th and 3rd vs 4th and so on).
After that it‘s simply elimination to the top and the last man standing is the champion until next league.
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Jerry on December 29, 2011, 11:19:40 AM
Hmm... Kamaran posted before me... oh well, I'll still post it anyway :P

I think this is awesome, but it comes with a lot of complications that are hard to handle. What happens if the Champion goes away? How will new players ever be able to catch up to the Champions?

Having the Champion participate each time to conserve the title is what I think would be best.

How could you prevent experienced players from battling inexperienced players to gather wins?
I don't think that is a valid question... there is always one trainer more experienced than another. Also, as a side note, experience is not everything.

How do you prevent one person from battling a friend and defeating them a thousand times?
Something could be used to have the 'ranking' depend on other factors too such as trainer level and such. So, beating the same friend 5 times might bring the player up the ranks, but then, that trainer will be having a higher trainer level and the difference between this trainer and his friend will become larger, meaning it will be more difficult to gain more ranks by beating the same trainer.

And adding more to it to make that even harder isn't impossible.

I think that's it :)
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: bazzleman on January 03, 2012, 07:10:04 PM
That doses fun but won't there be large gap between tournaments and most players will appreciate this because they will want to train a new team but some want to stick with there current team so will players be able to create there tournaments like PU can or do they just have to use paper 
Title: Re: Tournaments and Rankings?
Post by: Jerry on January 03, 2012, 07:13:57 PM
They can organise unofficial tournaments, but the prizes (if there are) will be from their pockets.

Like if you want to make a tournament and offer a nugget as prize, you'll have to provide the nugget.