Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Official Forums => New Trainers / Welcome => Topic started by: GoldenBurr on February 16, 2012, 10:34:07 PM

Title: Fresh meat
Post by: GoldenBurr on February 16, 2012, 10:34:07 PM
What, food?  Oh right.  I'm the fresh meat.  Um, well yeah.  I'm the one and only GoldenBurr, burr for short.  Pokemon graced me from the moment I found out how to press the power button, and even though I'm not a devout fan I make it a point to enjoy it to this day.  Not sure what else to say... Just glad to be here.

---edit below---

Also, to conform to this forums standards better... I happen to be trying to get into college, as tough as a challenge it's turning out to be.  @3@  Planning to get in psychology as a major, though currently am clueless as to my goals.  Unemployed as well... though I'm job hunting too.  I happen to enjoy being lazy, and really my preferences are for anything.  I doodle, write, and pretty much dabble into everything.  I also know how to build things thanks to carpentry, so yeah.  I can officially build sheds!
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Mr. Fox on February 16, 2012, 10:37:36 PM
OH! Welcome. If you are still here in a month I will throw you a party! 8)
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Kanyuu on February 17, 2012, 01:27:09 AM
Ohh fresh meat! *nomnom* haha

I'm pretty new here as well :) Welcome to PU and let's do our best to get used to the forums.
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Miss Wednesday on February 17, 2012, 02:04:13 AM
Welcome to PU Goldenburr C: you should come to the balance server ;O
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: GoldenBurr on February 17, 2012, 03:20:02 AM
Ack, no!  Cannibals.  x3 
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone, and I have to ask... balance server?  I have not the slightest clue as to what that is.  Hence why I did a quick trek of exploring and discovered it... guess I'll try when able, seems interesting~
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Mr. Fox on February 17, 2012, 03:25:06 AM
http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,3795.0.html here you go. Should let you know, we tend to get a bit...wild on the server...
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Jerry on February 17, 2012, 01:19:17 PM
Hi there GoldenBurr! Welcome to PU! :)

Do you post your doodles/writing anywhere on a public site or something?
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Kouen on February 17, 2012, 01:30:31 PM
The Burr has arrived >.> Welcome aboard. Now the deadly duo can start reeking havoc on PU--I mean have friendly conversations with everyone :P
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Reafer on February 17, 2012, 04:57:35 PM
Welcome to PU
I'd like to see your doodles, I love to draw from time to time :D
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: GoldenBurr on February 17, 2012, 05:38:18 PM
@ Jerry
Actually, no not really.  Most of my things would be considered "scraps"  I guess, so I don't see much point in posting them up.  Though like Kouen I dabble a little into the "sigs" and stuff of the type, so I guess I'll probably post them up in the Art Work section.... some day.... 
And most of the time friends just throw lineart at me and ask me to color it.  X3  My wobbly hands are no good at lines.

Yes, the pair as classic as Mario and Luigi are together again.  >|D

Sure, I guess I can show the one doodle I can find that's been scanned.  Erm... though I'd have to put in the art work section I think....?  So it'll be a while before it's seen, sorry.  ^^;

Once again, thanks for the warm welcomes.  Hope to get the ropes of this place very soon and not be in a shell for half the year.  :U
Title: Re: Fresh meat
Post by: Jerry on February 17, 2012, 06:55:56 PM
Hey, there's a site called tumblr (http://www.tumblr.com) (sort of like an artist's blog) where a lot of artists put what they consider as 'scrap'. And you get the usual picture posting like everywhere else.

I'd like to see what you can. So, let me know if you make a tumblr account ^-^