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Messages - fuzzy3158

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Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Dunsparce
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:14:05 PM »
Pokemon # 206 Dunsparce, normal type, Land Snake pokemon.

Dunsparce is a pokemon that goes by typically unnoted. It is an oblong, mostly yellow pokemon with a blue underside, blue circles around his eyes, and blue and white stripes on a round square patch on his back. He has a drill-shaped tail, two pointy teeth and two tiny, white wings. Its eyes seem closed, as though it’s always peering through slits.

Dunsparce typically lives in caves and underground, where he digs mazelike tunnels to use as a home. Sometimes Dunsparce comes above the ground and can be spotted. Dunsparce’s ability to create vast and complex labyrinths underground is relatively perplexing. The network of tunnels is periodically undone by passing hordes of Diglett and Dugtrio.

Dunsparce eats bugs and munches on roots that he finds underground. Dunsparce is not a hunter, but will consume the corpse of a small animal if it finds one.

Dunsparce is a very shy pokemon, and thus is rarely spotted in the wild. When it is seen by a trainer or a big pokemon, it quickly burrows itself in the ground with its tail. A trainer will find itself shocked at Dunsparce’s ability to flee. Dunsparce can use its small wings to float for short distances, but it rarely uses this ability since it spends most of its time underground. The wings appear to be remnants of a winged ancestor that lived above ground.
Dunsparce is an exceptional user of elemental moves. With a range of attacks including flamethrower, ice beam, thunderbolt, solar beam, shadow ball and even dream eater, Dunsparce is a fierce contender for pokemon with the most versatile moveset amongst normal types, even though it is strictly outclassed by natural users of those moves. These moves are made possible by a strange organ that is present in other normal-types, but is exceptionally well developed in Dunsparce.
Although Dunsparce does not seem like it at first sight, it is able to use a plethora of moves with unmatched grace and serenity. The elegant execution of certain moves, such as headbutt, body slam and ancientpower, allows Dunsparce to greatly increase their effectiveness. Many pokemon have been left stunned by a series of moves expertly executed by Dunsparce, held back by a barrage of flinching and paralysis. The move ancientpower may unleash Dunsparce’s full potential, making him a force to be reckoned with.
Even though Dunsparce has its potential, it goes by typically unnoticed by the average trainer. Dunsparce is considered a rather dull pokemon by many, and few are willing to go through the trouble it takes to catch one. The discovery of an exclusive population of Dunsparce above ground on the Sevii Islands has fulfilled the need of most pokedex enthusiasts, making the number of active Dunsparce-seekers dwindle even further.

Pokemon League Commission notes: Class D. Although Dunsparce is an extremely rare pokemon in some parts, the reported population levels are typically stable since Dunsparce is not very sought-after. Additionally, its shyness makes for that the largest part of the population lives away from human eyes, which is enough to ensure continued Dunsparce survival.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickilicky
« on: March 02, 2014, 10:49:10 AM »
IT is correct that lickilicky has the strongest explosion out of all pokemon. Being 375 power this is increased even further if holding silk scarf, life orb, choice band, etc.

That's what I was talking about :)

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickilicky
« on: February 28, 2014, 10:14:45 AM »
This was really good :)
Could you do me a favor? You mention Lickilicky being able to explode, (good job!) I like that part, but could you mention that Lickilicky has the strongest explosion of all pokemon? It's the only normal-type pokemon that knows explosion, thus the only one that gets a STAB bonus, which makes it the strongest explosion ;D If you don't feel like adding it, that's fine, but I'd really like it if you added that.

Apart from that, like I said, great job :)

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« on: February 27, 2014, 11:19:35 PM »
Your arguments are pretty good. Now that you've shed light on your reasoning, I'm going to go ahead and agree with you :)

You sound mean? Sure, but I know that it's practically impossible to have an argument on the internet and still sound nice ;) good job :)

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:17:42 PM »
Xetroc, no offence, but that's pretty much a contradiction from what you said when I asked about the way I used Bulbapedia.
I also changed the text and asked if the way I changed it was good enough, and you told me to change it completely. I now get that it's okay to use Bulbapedia as long as you change it a bit, but I would've appreciated it if you had compared what I had done to the text to change it instead of just saying "change it completely" without reference. Because this text here is effectively no different from what I had done in some entries, and I'd rather put effort into new entries rather than change old ones that are already fine.

I do hope I'm not coming on too strong, I just don't like contradictory instructions.

*Edit*: after carefully thinking it over, I came to the conclusion that the above was likely my own damn fault for asking for it and using the word copyright :p

Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Kakuna
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:09:11 PM »
Pokemon #14, Kakuna, Cocoon Pokemon, Bug/Poison type.

Introduction: Kakuna is the evolved version of Weedle. It is a yellow or brown cocoon with a conical body and a clearly defined head with two triangular, black eyes.
The body consists of multiple layers and an abdomen. It also has a specific segment that looks like Kakuna is wearing a tie, which is actually the outline of the future beedrill's arms and drills.

Habitat: Kakuna lives in forested areas, hanging from trees on a silk strand. In some areas, Kakuna can be seen hanging from cave ceilings.

Diet: Kakuna does not eat anything during its short period of existence. Wild Kakuna are mostly immobile and can only harden their exterior as a means of defence.
Kakuna that evolved from Weedle in the presence of a trainer retain the ability to use the moves Poison Sting, String Shot and Bug Bite. The use of the move Bug Bite is a mystery, since Kakuna has no mouth to bite with or to consume the berries is steals with Bug Bite. The poison stings and strings are expelled from the abdomen, which Kakuna is able to move slightly.
Kakuna hanging from silk strands are able to lenghten and shorten the strand at will, in order to control suspension height. A sudden tremor or shock causes Kakuna to temporarily lose control and lenghten the strand.

PLC classification: Kakuna is a Class D pokemon, with no restrictions on catching, as populations are typically plentiful.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« on: February 26, 2014, 06:34:25 PM »
A substance called 'Licky'? That's going a bit far isn't it? I'll grant you that the saliva story is original, but completely rewriting the origin of Lickitung's name is a bit much in my opinion. Also saying that it is not harmful might be a bit contradictory with the fact that the move Lick causes paralysis  ;)
I recognise that the rest is pretty much a Bulbapedia rewrite. I did that too for the introductions of Qwilfish and Absol, but Xetroc recommended that I write my own story instead of just rewriting Bulbapedia. Try to use your own imagination and experience from the games and episodes. Since Jessie had one, there are a lot of episodes with Lickitung to work with. For instance, I remember the episode in which Jessie caught Lickitung, where he ate pretty much everything he could get his tongue on. You say lickitung eats berries and insects, but based on the episode I'd say that's a bit limited.

If you don't agree with anything I say, be free to tell me. If I take your part at face value, it's a nice story and very well written too. I just like stories to be consistent and tend to have a high standard.

Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Weedle
« on: February 25, 2014, 05:42:32 PM »
Pokemon 13, Weedle, Hairy Bug Pokemon, Bug/Poison type.

Introduction: Weedle is a tiny, brown or yellow caterpillar pokemon consisting of eight spherical segments. Six of the segments in the middle of the body have two small pink or purple feet with suction cups, which allow it to climb trees. The head and tail segments each have a large spike. The head also has two bead-like eyes and a large pink or purple nose. The stinger in its head is its main weapon, and is filled with poison.

Habitat: Weedle is found primarily in forest areas, though they sometimes wander outside of this area into nearby patches of grass.

Diet: Weedle eats primarily leaves, but may also scavenge fruit that has fallen from trees.

Biology: As a pokemon that is mostly used by starting trainers, Weedle is known to be a problematic adversary due to its ability to sometimes poison the opponent. This is also true for starting trainers trying to catch a Weedle without bringing antidotes.
As with Caterpie, Weedle evolves at level 7 and learns the move Bug Bite at level 15. Halting Weedle's evolution for this move is actually better justified than for Caterpie, since the resulting Beedrill is a pokemon that uses its physical attack rather than its special attack. Exchanging fury attack and focus energy for Bug Bite (which Beedrill learns at level 10 and 13) may thus be a decent choice for a trainer.
In its habitat, Weedle is more resilient to predators than most of its caterpillar counterparts thanks to its large stinger. Most flying-type pokemon will not risk swooping down on Weedle in fear of being poisoned.
Weedle is not able to learn any TM’s and no egg moves can be passed down through inheritance.

Pokemon Leauge Commission notes:
Catching Classification D: no restrictions on catching Weedle applies, as populations are typically plentiful.

Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Growlithe by Triloog
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:36:15 PM »
Written by Triloog

Pokemon #58, Growlithe, Fire Type, Puppy Pokemon.

Growlithe is a medium-sized canine Pokémon. Most of his fur is orange, but the fur on his head, belly and tail is cream-colored. This fur is also longer. He has black stripes on his back, the front of his front paws, and the back of his hind paws. It has a black nose, a pink tongue and round ears. When Growlithe becomes older, two sharp, pointy teeth appear. His front paws have two claws and his back paws have three toes. There have also been sightings of yellow Growlithes. This is because the genetic code for orange became damaged in early foetal stages. Instead of orange, this resulted in a less warm, yellow color.
Growlithe is a Pokémon that is very friendly and loyal towards its trainer. It will protect him and its territory, and will go up against nearly any opponents for this cause, in any way it can think of. Hiding and waiting for Growlithe to go away will not be an option, since Growlithe can detect these foes with his amazing sense of smell. The relationship between a Growlithe and a trainer is often easygoing, since Growlithe are very obedient Pokémon.

Growlithe originate from carnivorous ancestors. Living closely to men, they adapted their eating pattern, switching from carnivorous to omnivorous. They will happily eat anything their trainer feeds them. Meat and none-meat leftovers are a nice treat for Growlithes. In the wild, Growlithes are often encountered with berries, especially Rawst berries. Scientists used to think that Growlithes liked these berries best. Further research refutes this theory. Growlithes carry berries to help other Pokemon. Growlithes are very teritorial, but when they win the battle and their territorium is acknowledged, they are very helpful and even help former opponents from their burned status.

Domesticated Growlithes are often found near humans, in cities and villages. In the wild, Growlithes are found near human-made structures such as buildings and roads. The territories of Growlithe are quite big.

A domesticated Growlithe is friendly, very loyal and very protective. It tries to intimidate opponents or makes them less dangerous by hindering them with moves like Attract or Swagger. The attack types it uses are mostly fire and normal, but Growlithe can use other move types. Typical moves are Flamethrower and Return. The better the relationship between Growlithe and his trainer, the better Growlithe can protect him.  They also have a relatively high attack and special attack and are skilled at using these in battle. Growlithe makes a great pet and can become a great police dog when trained properly. Their good sense of smell can be very helpful. Bonds between Growlithe and humans go back ages.
Growlithe in the wild have a big territorium. The males protect the territoriy, while the females take care of the children. Since their territory is so big, it is not uncommon for Growlithes to protect it in packs. As this pack behaviour is more likely to put a strain on male numbers, evolutionary, this resulted in a male/female ratio of 3:1.  This is why there have been more encounters with male Growlithes than with females. Because of their big territory, there are often too few territories for all the Growlithe in an area, even when packs are taken into account. Growlithes without a territory of their own often search for new places or new chances to gain a territory. When a Growlithe has no territory of its own, the bond beween human and Growlithe often attracts them to roads and civilization. Growlithes share the same niche with Vulpix, and are rarely seen at the same time in the same place. Scientists think that the territorial behavior of Growlithe causes the Vulpix to flee. When Growlithe leaves the area for a longer amount of time, Vulpix may reclaim the niche.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Growlithe is a Class C Pokemon under the PLC guidelines. It is a semi rare Pokemon. Growlithe can be found in the wild, but since they’re very territorial, it is recommended to look whether you could see a female Growlithe and children nearby. If that is the case, pursuit is not recommended. Growlithes with families are extremely territorial. It is seen as animal cruelty to interrupt these families, and dangerous for the trainers themselves. There have been several notifications of aggression by Growlithe protecting their territory. Growlithes without a territoriy may be caught at will.

Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Metapod
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:35:30 PM »
Number 11. Metapod, the Cocoon pokemon. Bug Type.

Introduction: Metapod is a green, crescent moon shaped pokemon with a rather polygonal appearance. It has two eyes and an angular nose. As the evolved form of Caterpie, Metapod is typically only a Metapod for a short while. Metapod is developing into a Butterfree on the inside.

Habitat: Residing in the same forests as Caterpie, Metapod can be found hanging from a string in trees.

Diet: Metapod does not have a mouth. During the short development period before turning into Butterfree, Metapod does not eat anything.

Biology: A Wild Metapod typically only knows Harden. It uses this move to reduce damage from attackers, which is fairly pointless since it lacks a way to counterattack. Of course, one cannot expect much movement from a cocoon.
Ironically, a Metapod that was evolved by a trainer retains the ability to use the moves Tackle and String Shot, and even Bug Bite if the trainer was dim-witted enough to hold off evolution until level 15. The use of the moves String Shot and especially Bug Bite is a complete and utter mystery, as Metapod does not have a mouth, let alone teeth, which are needed for these moves. It can be speculated that a well-trained Metapod is able to create some form of inertia by moving inside the shell, allowing it to use the move Tackle, but the other two moves cannot be explained.

PLC rating: D. As with Caterpie, the Metapod population is large enough to warrant unfettered continuation with any level of catching.

Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Caterpie
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:34:25 PM »
Pokemon 10, Caterpie, The Caterpillar Pokemon, Bug type.

Intro: Caterpie is a small, green pokemon consisting from seven segments. The first segment, the head, holds the relatively big black eyes, lined with a yellow circle. The head is decorated by a red antenna, or osmeterium, which Caterpie can use to produce a foul-smelling substance (which is ironically not supported by any move). Caterpie has a small, round mouth consisting of two green circular segments. The second and third segment of the body are decorated with a yellow circle and hold the total of four legs, which caterpie uses to move. The legs have suction cups, which allow it to climb trees. The rest of the segments make up the rest of the body, which is typically referred to as its tail. The underside of the body and the rings on segments four to six are all yellow, as is the final segment, the tail horn.

Diet: Caterpie has a tremendous hunger for leaves, and spends most of its waking hours eating, preparing for evolution.

Habitat: Caterpie lives exclusively in forests, where it is a common sight.

Biology: Caterpie is a typically uninteresting pokemon, not able to learn any TM's and has for several generations been unable to learn any moves beyond tackle and string shot. In recent evolution, Caterpie has gained the ability to learn the move bug bite at level 15. The person who discovered this wishes to remain anonymous, since anyone who raises a Caterpie beyond level 7 without letting it evolve into Metapod would suffer serious defacing, since caterpie is typically battle-unworthy and halting evolution is regarded as ridiculous. The added value of the move Bug Bite is naturally limited, but it is generally regarded as humorous to steal a oran berry from a pokefan's pikachu.
When Caterpie has eaten enough, or when it has gained enough battle experience, it will start covering itself with the move string shot, creating a cocoon and evolving into Metapod. A caterpie that has been trained by a trainer retains its ability to use the move tackle evolution, while wild caterpie mysteriously lose this ability upon evolution.
Caterpie is particularly well-suited as a pokemon for starting trainers, since it evolves at a very low level. This rapid increase in strenght is a motivation for new trainers to also continue to train their other pokemon, although the rewards come slower. Additionally, Caterpie is a docile pokemon and easy to catch, making it the perfect catching target for starting trainers.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D- Common Pokemon. No strict catching guidelines.
Butterfree is a pokemon that reproduces very quickly, only outdone by Magikarp, and thus Caterpie populations are typically on the rise. Regulations in certain areas actually recommend that all starting trainers catch at least one Caterpie in order to limit overpopulation and prevent deforestation.

Pokedex Entries / [Pokedex Entry] Magnemite
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:33:33 PM »
Pokemon 81, Magnemite, Electric/Steel type, The magnet pokemon

Intro: Magnemite is a greyish metallic pokemon, consisting of a metal sphere with a single eye and two Phillips screws on the bottom left and right of the sphere, complemented by a single Phillips screw on top of the sphere, which is only screwed in halfway. To the sides of each side of the sphere is a magnet turned sideways, with a red and blue tip. In case of a shiny Magnemite, the tips are black. Magnemite is typically seen levitating in midair.

Diet: No scientist or trainer has ever seen a Magnemite consume everything but electrical energy. How this pokemon sustains itself is a mystery.

Habitat: Magnemite is typically found in and around power plants, where it may leach off of surplus power sources. Magnemite has also been found in certain caves where a strong magnetic influence is present.

Biology: The existence of magnemite is at the very least enigmatic. As a pokemon without an egg group, only able to reproduce with Ditto, it does not appear to descend from anything. How it came into existence cannot be reproduced with any modern evolution simulations, but records show Magnemite have been around for hundreds of years.
Magnemite’s evolution is a complete and utter mystery. A single magnemite may evolve into Magneton by means of leveling up, which causes the body to triplicate. However, definite reports have also been published in which three separate Magnemite have been seen sharing a magnetic bond and turning into Magneton after connecting. Additionally, Magnemite has been reported to evolve after a complete overload of electricity delivered by a Pikachu and a device using static electricity. This last method has not been reproduced since, but video evidence is available.
Magnemite has been used as a means to store and generate electricity. Magnemite farmers actively chase thunderstorms in the hope of charging their Magnemites and selling the stored electricity. It is unclear how the biology and metabolism of Magnemite is involved, but the typically docile pokemon does not appear to mind when used in this matter. A Magnemite completely drained of electrical energy goes into hibernation and will not respond to outer stimulants until recharged. Natural Magnemite death has not been reported to this day, though Magnemite have been deceased due to excessive damage caused by fire or physical damage.
Magnemite consists of a corrosion-resistant alloy. The exact nature of this natural alloy has eluded material scientists for years. Research persists as such a corrosion-resistant material would definitely serve as a valuable building material.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D- Common Pokemon. No strict catching guidelines. Although the reproduction of Magnemite in the wild remains an utter mystery, plenty of Magnemites can be found in several locations.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Persian
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:32:26 PM »
you balanced them all? wow that must've been quite a job. I'll start the editing. Will not refer to bulbapedia for pokemon descriptions from now on. Will also change absol and Qwilfish retroactively.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Venusaur
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:27:08 PM »
This post definitely deserves appreciation. Great stuff, I like the part about the evolution ceremonies, though I've always despised that episode due to Ash's bulbasaur not evolving ;) That has nothing to do with the quality of your work here though, which is excellent.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Mamoswine
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:22:57 PM »

Roloc made me post this. Was written late at night in an attempt to break my writer's block, sorry it blows.

This is actually quite good. I like it a lot. I do wonder about packs of Weavile, since Sneasel's method of evolution is quite troublesome, but apart from that, this is high quality work. Very well written too.

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