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Messages - Lance_Stormblade

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Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:32:46 PM »
what I mean, is let's say I work a spell to make a dog bite you in the @$$ (there is no such spell, trust me!) the Karma of that spell would come back and bite ME in the @$$ three times as hard or as many times possible till I learned the lesson, in your case you were fooling around with a spellbook that potentially could have dangerous repercussions on you, and the entity will keep going at you until you learned the lesson about what you did

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 07:39:01 PM »
I told my mother about the shadow, and she told me that I onced talked to an old man in a mirror at my grandmothers at 5, and the little boy I seen when I was 10 apeared in her dreams and tried to kill her.

now this changes things, your mom telling you that you seem to have communicated with spirits as a child, you might be sensitive to spirits, I do not think I will be of much help in this matter (true I may be sensitive to some degree but I am merely learning at the moment), but tell your mother that she may need to be cautious, what you described with the boy sounds like a possible prophetic dream. so it is a good Idea to be alert

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 07:34:18 PM »
Lance I found alot of cracker wrappers on the stairs again. And the childs book besides my brothers head when he woke up is gone today. what did you mean by it coming at me 3 times?

ever heard of karma?

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 03:35:48 PM »
Okay, I somehow calmed the entity down by just simply talking to it, but I can now communicate with it completely through my mind. Although I knew I could this before (becasue everytime it wrote I knew exactly what it was going to write) Anyways, I don't think this makes an end to the problems I have since I only calmed it down. Point is, sometimes I'm staring at one direction, being sure that it's standing there. Still I don't see anything.

This reminds me, I feel Ill whenether I stare in the big mirror in my room, there's no other mirror that makes me feel like that, so maybe that's where the entity probably comes and goes...

Also I still remember a bit of the conversation I had with it. She probably ended up suprised because she asked why I still acted politely against her in some way. Yes I'm polite thats just who I am... But I do have resisted alot so far. I pretty much just want to bring her to rest. She can't do that if she keeps a watch over me.

Also, another paranormal experience I had is that I've learned to create psiballs. (For those who don't know, a Psiball is used for recovering from fatigue, illness, that kind of stuff.) People that carefully put their hands near it can feel it too. However, I haven't tried using it for healing yet because it has one con for healthy persons.

that is not exactly paranormal, the term for that is psychic healing, a common healing technique in the pagan and wiccan community that doesn't necessarily mean you should become wiccan or pagan, there are people who can do it across all religions and spiritual paths, and people can also do it without a spiritual path at all! 

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:00:15 AM »
hmm... the way you describe it sounds like an entity not liking you two reading that book, there are such books and from the description this sounds like one, called Books of Shadows.  despite the foreboding name not all of them are negative or even necessarily malevolent.  they are simply notebooks compiled by people who practice Magick, I have one myself and many have been published such as the one by Wicca literature classic author Scott Cunningham (his was published at least a decade after his death) and I have no doubt that energy from the owner of that book still lingers around it, though I do have to say Magick is NOT something to toy around with, most likely that book was compiled by a seasoned practitioner of the craft and would know how to properly work some of the stuff in there.  you two on the other hand I doubt have any proper training so I heavily advise against doing that.  sry if I sounded mad but doing that could cause all kinds of problems, just remember this: Whatever you do will come back at you three times, that is known as the threefold law in our traditions

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 11, 2011, 05:00:06 AM »
Wow... just wow.  First off, I have to say it is NOT WICCAN! I practice wicca myself, I am unsure wether it is satanic or not, satanism, well, true satanism is more of a philosophy than a religion, Do you still have those books? I would strongly recommend taking the old books to an occult expert and have them see what they can tell ya, or if you would like, I could PM you my E-Mail address and if you could send me some scans or pictures of the books, I could have some contacts I know take a look at them, another option while on the books is see if the world of witches Museum in Salem Mass. would be willing to take them in or take a look at them.  but when it comes to the activity GET THAT HOUSE BLESSED ASAP!!!! I am going to contact an online friend of mine and major person in the pagan community to get his take on this! Cortexjs, they are right, you are going to need to face this thing, the way you describe your experiences it is attached to you, Maybe have a priest bless you or like I said, Wafting the smoke of burning sage works great, I've done it before with great success.

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 10, 2011, 10:16:41 PM »
were they in a distinguishable human shape? because if so, the technical term for that is shadow people in human form or not they are considered to be manifestations of the dead, Ziger, I recommend looking into property history, see if previous owners experienced anything, are there any objects of interest that possibly could be storing energy, IE objects that people were close to, in your family or found on property or also have potential occult importance (statues, or other artifacts)?

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:30:57 PM »
Here's a good explanation. The house is old, the black mass could have been a real person, but you were too tired to recognize them, and they were too tired to throw away the wrapper. That or the above post.

I could believe that, however, he said he saw the crackers being lifted up near the black mass, if it were a person lifting them up wouldn't he have seen the person? and cortexjs, were there any other people in the house?

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 10, 2011, 02:56:20 PM »
okay, this is interesting, on the subject of the creaking of the stairs, how old is the house? and do you see this activity all year round or in certain times of the year? the movement of the crackers and such is a phenomena referred to in investigations known as Object manipulation so obviously it is an intelligent entity.  Get A Paranormal team to check it out!

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:42:23 AM »
If it turns into something negative, though I do have my doubts because it would be a lot crazier than what it is, you would be having bad smells, growling sounds, heavy objects moving, it would be really nuts, anyway, if it is negative, get spiritual help, a majority of religious faiths have ways of blesseing houses and people to banish spirit activity, one method that wiccans such as myself use is taking bundles of dried sage leaves and light them wafting the smoke around the room, it is believed that sage smoke is stinky to spirits, I've done this a number of times with good results, the key is to think forceful thoughts forcing this entity out of your home, and your life never to return.  there are other ways of doing it, I find this one personally very effective

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 09, 2011, 08:22:25 PM »
you know it sounds to me like the entity is trying to make contact by conveying it's emotions over to you, I've seen this before in a few cases, usually it means that the entity in question is depressed in this case maybe the entity had family that it was sad to have left behind (pure speculation on my part), based on your claims it doesn't seem like it desires to harm you, it seems just sad, and by conveying it's emotions to you it wants help.  find a medium or a sensitive to help you find out about this entity and maybe through contact with it it might pass on properly.

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 09, 2011, 05:59:44 AM »
hmm... I have my doubts that the shadow is anything to fear, creepy as it may be, obviously it is attached to you seeing as it followed you from that apartment,  if it meant any ill will towards you it most likely would have done it a long time ago. there are a few methods of dealing with this, one I like to do is just sit down and speak with the entity, explain that he/she is making your life uncomfortable and you wish that you could back off,  Wouldn't hurt to have a digital recorder with you, you might pick up an EVP or two, another method of communication is a K2 meter, measures electromagnetic frequencies which can be signs of activity and a method of communication if used right.  or if you believe in this sort of thing contact a medium to try and make contact, I have changed my view on Sensitives and the like after I found out that I TOO AM A SENSITIVE, found out a few months ago and let me tell ya that rocked my world to its foundation!

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 08, 2011, 02:04:34 PM »
I have no religion, I'm agnostic. Still remember the first line the entity wrote to me... It was not a language I've every heard of it was:

Le check de oeffrenchen de o

okay, I googled the phrase and it pointed it to being dutch (I think) I sent the quote to a friend of mine who lives in the netherlands to see if she could translate it and if I can get a translation I'll tell ya what it is

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 05, 2011, 01:20:17 PM »
I do not know if you would be willing to accept advice on how to do a banishing spell done by wiccans such as myself, but one easy thing I can srsly recommend is get a smudge stick of dried sage leaves (normally used for cleansing in wiccan/pagan rituals) light it with something and let the smoke waft throughout each room, run the smoke along the edge of each window and doorway in the house and waft the smoke at EVERY mirror in the house (mirrors can act as portals for spirit activity) the reason you use sage is that it is VERY stinky to spirits so you would be literally smoking them out of the house with the sage

Other Chat / Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:10:32 AM »
depending on how you stand spiritually I do know of some ways that can get rid of this entity

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