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Messages - baralai15

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Well if people are willing to risk one of their Pokemon then I think that's their choice. There will be a lot of complaints regarding this though. People will have arguments and begging to have their Pokemon back etc. But another thing is that higher level people may be scamming noobs into battling them for their starter Pokemon or best Pokemon and then the noob has a poor opinion about the game unless you could only battle people around the same power level as you or same amount of badges. This will be thought out

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Lul wut?
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:47:37 AM »
I could be mistaken but some of these things are probably whats going to happen. They are hiring mappers, well not hiring but you know, and its far from done so changes could happen. Some nice suggestions you have posted but the server suggestion kinda doesnt really need to happen IMO. I guess we'll just have to see what the Dev's say  ;)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Degree of open-worldness
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:44:10 AM »
Yea i like the ability to run, I get annoyed with the weedles and i gotta run lol so im sure they will be there anyways  ;D

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Degree of open-worldness
« on: March 16, 2010, 12:41:34 AM »
Sounds good, a bit of freedom and even responsibility if you want to put it that way. You gotta be responsible and train your Pokemon to keep up with the difficulty as you go along your journey. Also if someone somehow gets a master ball then you could walk towards the end of game and catch a very high level Pokemon and zoom through the gyms lol. Only if you have a master ball ;) Good idea though, I admire it.

Jobs / Re: Developer
« on: March 16, 2010, 12:18:11 AM »
Hmm hopefully they will need you so things can get done easier =D

Development / Re: Welcome to the US of A!
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:38:58 PM »
Awesome! Good move guys because we have a lot of US players lol. Now just cant wait for the game to start up  8)

Trainers Lounge / Re: What Are Your Goals On Pokemon Universe?
« on: March 15, 2010, 12:44:59 PM »
Thats a pretty good point, this topic is really general because it says goals in Pokemon universe not just in game goals lol

New Trainers / Welcome / Im newish
« on: March 15, 2010, 04:44:34 AM »
I guess I will start here like everyone else, never thought of really doing this but I guess I can now.

Well I found out about this game by a friend of mine, he gave me the link to this and what really caught my eye is how well just the forums are put together. A very well organized forums means an awesome game in my opinion.

I am 17 I am a male. I live on the east coast of the US more specifically Vermont. I like sports a lot just got out of basketball season with a record of 10-4 but sadly lost in the semi-finals. My favorite college team is Kentucky and my NBA team is the Lakers. My favorite video game series is easily Final fantasy but I do enjoy Pokemon a lot. I normally like playing only multi-player games but fail to find any game such as Pokemon universe and this kind of game-play since people only make stupid and disgraceful Pokemon game that are really boring. I wish to help out around these forums and I don't need to be staff or part of the team to do so. I can easily just have good manners, help people out if they ask questions and all that small stuff. it does help out in a long run. Well I really don't know what else to say so I guess you guys will get to know me more as the game progresses because i have a feeling im going to be part of Pokemon Universe for quite a while ;)

BTW you can call me Bara if you want for sure, usually what other friends online call me.

Trainers Lounge / Re: How awesome do you think this is gonna be?
« on: March 15, 2010, 04:33:09 AM »
It looks really great but i cannot rate it yet because i dont know how smooth the moving around is. Also there will be some bugs to start so those could also affect game play although they will eventually be fixed. Pretty much other than those, it will be a really spectacular game that i am sure to wait a long time for. I want to play it now, wish i joined the forums sooner to become a tester but everyone else knows more than me for this game and is more worthy so they definitely deserve the spot over some noob like me who just started lol

The game will be smooth, just like the games you have on your GBA or DS console :)

awesome, now i dont own a gameboy or DS nor play pokemon atm until this game comes up. I need to play a multiplayer game otherwise I would get really bored. But this game is most promising.

Other Games / Re: Final Fantasy
« on: March 15, 2010, 04:30:26 AM »
My favorite Final Fantasy game is Final Fantasy X (and its sequel, X-2). But once Final Fantasy XIII comes out, I have a feeling it will knock X out of my #1 spot.  :)

Final Fantasy X is by the THE BEST final fantasy game out there. You got like the best story in it, best side quests like blitzball, capturing creatures, getting the extra summons and things. The ending is just so good and really sad. Love it so much. FF7 is my second favorite and it has such a wonderful story also but since there are no voices you cant really see exactly how the emotions were for the scenes. If there were voices then maybe it would be the top FF but right now X is and like i said before im currently playing XIII and its pretty dam good so far lol

Other Games / Re: [360]Coop-game tips
« on: March 15, 2010, 04:26:34 AM »
For me best are:

- Forza Motorsport 3

- Final Fantasy XIII (I don't have it yet)

-Cameron's Avatar

I love the Final Fantasy. Its the game im playing now. Got it a couple days ago but really havnt been around much to play it so ive played for 7 hours game time and i just got odin for light.

That's 3 best positions for me : )

Steinfield Port
Laconia Port
Sanrick Port

Lake Hague
Lake Sunkha
Lake Beibas       
Esmeralda City (Spanish for Emerald)
Holyoak City
Onkempo City (pokemon mixed up)

Greenboro Town
Whitestock Town
Secura Town (arceus mixed up)

Drago Village
Lebague Village
Gaffrey Village

Yorkton Tribe
Wasaki Tribe
Tutsaka Tribe

Some random things between mixture of town names, maybe some things will interest you who knows thought I would participate. Some names were mixed around so there you go lol and good job on the game :)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: something not to have
« on: March 15, 2010, 01:17:27 AM »
I agree also Pokemon Indigo is a game that is just a disgrace to pokemon games. Poorly though out and put together. Pretty much pointless and no way to communicate with eachother and all people do is hack it idk why but they do. Its a really worthless game.

Jobs / Re: Mapper job request.
« on: March 15, 2010, 12:52:01 AM »
Looks pretty good, probably better than i could do but yes it can still be improved by the small things and no major improvements. Good work and keep it up!

Game Features / Re: Obey/Disobey feature
« on: March 15, 2010, 12:48:39 AM »
Good because in another game i formally played, it was do-able and things got out of hand with noobs surfing to one of the last gyms lol

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