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Messages - Zekiram

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 14
Stepping out of the helicopter thatbrought him from Unova he signaled toward the pilot telling him to leave and gazed forward at the hut where the grunts in the helicopter said the boys were last seen, when he heard the sound of  Keys jingling.
Walking up to the house he saw an old man enter through the door approaching him Will asked

"Sir have you seen a group of young boys passing by here?"

"Why yes I have they were headed towards route 30."

Thank you sir

Calling out Unfezant Will told him to fly him above route 30 low and slowly after a few minutes he saw a battle about to commence he recognized one of the battler fit the description of Steven assuming alex and Sean were with him. Will opened his watch and said harshly

"targets found send grunts and tell them to be Ready to jump out of hiding on my signal"

Then turned it off not waiting for a response. He commanded Unfezant to hover and waited for the battle to end so he could give the signal.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: Pokemon Apokalypse Profiles (Redone)
« on: April 11, 2012, 11:51:44 PM »
Bounty hunter

Character names:Karamlik
Weapons:Twin swords dusk and dawn, dusk's hilt is white at the bottom and slowly morphs to black until it reaches where the blade begins while dawns's hilt is the exact opposite.
Appearance:light blue hair that falls into his Amethyst eyes he is lean and well built he is usually dressed in a black cloak with the hood up a pair of loose camo-jeans and black combat boots.
Short backstory:As a child he was abandoned by his parents. After living on his own for a few weeks he was taken in by renowned poacher
Jay He quickly became her right hand man. He proved himself by acquiring several powerful pokemon only keeping Lucario, Pidgeot, Toxicroak, and Hippowdon for himself.Poacher Jay was killed by an enemy asassin soon after the first climactic battle. Her last orders, spoken with her dying breath were number one, have dusk and dawn. number in this war fight on the side he thought would win and watch his back. He is currently in virvidian forest.
Pokemon:Lucario,Pidgeot,Toxicroak, and Hippowdon

Pokémon Roleplay / Pokemon Apokalypse Profiles (Redone)
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:10:47 AM »
     After the fall of Team rocket slowly new organization began to form Aqua and Magma, Plasma and many more but each one was eventually defeated and faded into the background. After years of peace attacks begin again and after each one the symbols from fallen organizations are left behind. Authorities put it off as young teenagers causing mischief, but deeply regret it when in one swift and organized strike the regions of Johto, Unova, and Sinnoh are destroyed by a new organization calling themselves Apokalypse leaving few survivors. Immediately Kanto and Hoenn  begin taking actions against Apokalypse. All trainers on their journey are Immediately recalled and anyone under 16 is placed on house arrest with all their pokemon. The lands have all been turned into desolate warzones and recently pokemon who look like they have been crossed with other pokemon have been appearing They have been nicknamed Halfas. Darkness has descended on us all will you choose to aid the regions or destroy them?


Character names:
Pokemon:(if any)
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Short backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions)


Character names:
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Short backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions or wild)

Bounty hunter

Character names:
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Short backstrory:
Pokemon: (if any)
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions)

Apokalypse or Regions leader

Character names:
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Detailed backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions)


Character names:
Gender:(Can be genderless)
Appearance:(picture preferred, but not necessary)
Crossed:(What are the types of pokemon)
Short backstory:
Side:(Apokalypse or Regions or wild)

No g-modding
No killing another character without consent
Obviously no controlling other peoples character
No one line post
There is a 3 strike warning system

I will create an oocc an Rp after I get my first member

Post your profile and any questions below and i shall read and answer.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: April 11, 2012, 04:03:36 AM »
tepig, if she asks where you live, DO NOT answer. She will steal into your house at night and steal your tablet.
okay, consoles....Gamecube. Wii. DS with triggers that dont work and the left side of the screen is faulty. Also, the hinge is broken. 3DS. gameboy advance light PIKACHU EDITION. W00T. Also, my brothers Xbox360. Computer. And before anyone makes any "spoiled" comments-I bought almost all of this myself. The gamecube used to be my bros. THe gameboy was a christmas gift. But the wii, ds, 3ds, and computer, were all bought by me.
Also...Has anyone here read "Ashes" by Ilsa J. Bick? IT'S MESSING WITH MY MIND. Anyone wanna guess WHY....? (Pumpkin, don't ruin it, since you already know.)
Ayara, something you might be happy with. or not. ;___; ---> removed link! Trololololo.
And, i won't take it! Shouldn't he be more concerned that I might be some old man-lady-thing with a fondness for dissecting younger people? Lol, just kidding. Anyway, I never ask people abut where they live. i might ask Suburbs, Rural, or Urban, and maybe age, but never where you really live.
for example even though i totally dont if i told you i was 14 or 15 and lived in the suburbs you just tottally blow that off yeah right for all i know you could be a genius and somehow track me with that and then cut me up  :o

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: April 11, 2012, 02:18:09 AM »
I will not tell wtp where i live she is coming off as a stalker  :P and ayara just to bug you "spoiled"

Will was in the training room fighting any challengers that would take him on in a double battle When his communicator watch went off he hit the recieve button and the leader of team Plasma appeared on its screen.

"Will we have your next assignment, report to my office and you will be briefed and given your supplies for this mission."

Will grunted in response and used pignite's flame charge to finish the weavile he had been facing. As soon as Weavile went down he returned his Unfezant and Pignite to there pokeballs and let for the leaders office. He arrived a couple of minutes later and sat in the chair in front of the leaders desk.

"Will we have recently caught wind of three young men that may cause a problem from a couple of grunts stationed in Johto normally we would just out number them and wipe them out as I'm sure your already aware of but one of the three named Alex has aqcuired a legendary and powerful pokemon named Terrakion. It shall be your job to find and eliminate this miniscule threat while capturing Terrakion."
The leader paused and Will started to stand but the leader stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Before you leave you must also know that this will be different you have never dealt ith a pokemon of this scale of power you will be operating this specific mission differentlywe will stage an attack on them with a wave of grunts you will then show up and help them therefore gaining some of there trust you will stay with them and slowly gain more of there trust and strike when the time is right here is the gear you will need" he said handing him two pokeballs and a set of contact lenses

"Those two pokemon will be essantial in facing Terrakion and the contact lenses will change both your eyes green your two different colored eyes would give you away as Team Plasmas most powerful and succesful hunter because I'm sure as you already know your reputation proceeds you now leave and don't return without Terrakion"

"Yes sir" Will mumbled barely above a whisper and set off in search of his targets.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:55:36 PM »
Beat this all i have is a computer and a tablet  :'( i dropped my dsi and it shattered :'(

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOC] Return of Plasma
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:50:54 PM »
k thanks aqua im gonna go finish read the pages i missed and then post it

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOC] Return of Plasma
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:26:35 AM »
I am going to post i've been approved so tell me to remove it and i will

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:15:35 AM »
Im on right now to let people know I am still alive I just moved again recently and started a new school again and the minute i did i got thrown in to flipping state testing i will attempt to be on at least once every few days now I am off to torture people with my horrible rp writing

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:43:49 PM »
whoa! just finished reading the past thirty pages and i missed alot of decent conversation since the last page i posted on before this was 154. 

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: February 05, 2012, 09:48:07 PM »
whoa i missed thirty pages! do i still need to pm cortex saying i still get on pokemon universe ? i lost internet for a while so i havent been on i will try to get on more often. im going back to read the pages i missed so will post again after i finish reading.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 17, 2012, 03:17:39 AM »
Ok so im answer everything posted in the past few days in this post. lavender town theory is creepy and welcome new members thats about all so see you when i return to pu .

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 07, 2012, 05:47:40 AM »
I would then destroy them problem solved  :D

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« on: January 07, 2012, 03:42:40 AM »
team plasma members

username: Tepig8592
Character name: Will
Gender: male
age: 18

Short back story: Hates every one is a very cold person who only cares about power. He was not always like this he has a mysterious past that few people know he only lives to carry out order and destroy any one in his way.He was picked up by team plasma as a kid that all every one knows. He is now convinced Pokemon should not have any life but to serve there trainer and put there life on the line at any moment they are worthless throw away's in his eyes.He is currently in team plasma hide out awaiting orders.He is very smart and rarely loses a battle thanks to his tactics. He is really wanting to be ranked up and will crush anyone stopping him

pokemon collected: unfezant and pignite

appearance: round glasses orange hair usually dressed in a silver jacket with a p on it and black pants he is about 5'10 and and not very muscular his skin is very pale his most strange thing is one eye is blue and one eye is brown for reasons unknown he has a huge scar from his chest to his right hand he wear gray sneakers with white laces.

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