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Messages - Redthebeast

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Luke heard the the announcement and headed toward the ballroom. He noticed that there was already a large amount of people there. Although he knew this event was for dancing he couldn't dance, so instead he stood against the wall awkwardly. He watched and sort of chuckled as all the trainers fumbled around the dance floor like a bunch of headless chickens.................

As soon as Luke got there the ship began to take off, he was glad that he had gotten back in time. He went back to the Diningroom and got something to eat. Then he went to the pool and swam a bit before going back to the dining room and battling a few trainers, then to the infirmary to heal his pokemon. After that he didn't know what to do so he decided to go tan for a bit....

After a while in the seclusion camp, Luke emerged with a renowned respect for pokemon. He decided he would head back to Vermillion to get his third badge, although he knew he was already going to win. After he had passed through Saffron, he saw that the cruise ship was still there and decided to go see what was goin on up there before going to the gym......

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Old School Pokemon RP
« on: July 01, 2012, 11:26:50 PM »
I'm baaack :P

Luke knew he was defeated and there was no point in continuing with this nonsense. He withdrew Pidgeotto and went to the Infirmary to heal his Pokemon, he then walked off the ship and headed toward Saffron city. Once there he decided to go to the mall in Celadon, so he did. There he picked up some TM's and began to head back to Vermillion, when he was passing through Saffron, he saw a man talking to a crowd of people about some special trainers camp up in the mountains. He walked over and asked the man what it was about and he said that it was a camp designed for trainers who want to be able to train in the seclusion of the mountains instead of with a bunch of other people and trainers around. It sounded like just what Luke needed so he decided to go, after all it only cost about $300 for an entire weekend. Luke left on the Saffron train that night to go the the TSC (Trainer Seclusion Camp). Once he got there, he was told he would have his own 30 acres of mountain land to train on. He was given survival supplies for both him and his pokemon including a device to call with in case of emergency, then he was sent on his way.....once there Luke released his pokemon and said:

Luke: Let's go, we have a lot of work to do.....

(Sorry blades I'm tired and I wont have Internet connection this weekend until like late Sunday cause I'm goin to my grandmas, so I figured I could put this made up thing up there and maybe ya'll would accept it, idk. But anyway, you can message me and I'll read it tommorow, cause i'm goin to bed. But your either gonna have to wait for me to get back online to do the cruise ship thing or we could do this, which I think this is easier, so yea, make sure and tell Nightshade to read this too.)

Luke knew there was no way he could dodge both....

Luke: Alright Pidgeotto head straight threw the Acid spray directly at Arbok with Quick Attack again!

Dodging the Ice beam, Pidgeotto flies straight threw the Acid spray taking regular damage and going straight for Arbok with insane speed...

Luke: Jolteon, Thundershock one last time! Pidgeotto use Agility again and dodge the Ice beam!

Jolteon gives off one last burst of electricity before fainting, Pidgeotto on the other hand continues straight for Seel after swooping to the left to dodge the Ice beam.....

Jolteon winced in pain but was still able to stay concious, nearly fainting though...

Luke: Jolteon, like before use Thundershock! Pidgeotto use Agility then use Quick Attack!

Jolteon gave another dose of electricity to Arbok, while Pidgeotto became extremely fast by using agility, almost unable to see it flew toward Seel at a blazing speed....

Luke: Quick Jolteon use Quick attack to dodge acid then head straight for Arbok!

Jolteon dodged the acid but charged head on into Arbok's wide open jaws....

Luke: Growlithe use.......

Luke stopped talking because Growlithe had taken off and charged right into Seel doing recoil damage to himself...... He had learned Take Down, but the SE damage got to him and he fainted.... Luke sent out Pidgeotto.

Luke: Pidgeotto, use Agility to speed up, then use Feather dance and blow it on Seel using gust!

Pidgeotto sped up to twice its normal speed and dropped feathers down from its wings while blowing them straight at Seel....

Jolteon was, well crunched, by Arbok's crunch doing moderate damage, while Growlithe was zapped by Raichu's thunderbolt doing decent damage....

Luke: Now, Jolteon use Thundershock while he's attached to you! Growlithe use Flame burst once more on Raichu!

Jolteon released an electric voltage from its body as Arbok had ahold of it, while Growllithe shot another ball of flame towards Raichu which bursted into a bunch of tiny flames when it got near....

Luke knew that there was no way Poliwhirl could dodge this attack again, because Jolteon had to deal with Arbok.....

Luke: *withdraws Poliwhirl saving the time, and sends out Growlithe* Growlithe, use Flame Burst on all the Raichu's, Jolteon, use Thundershock on Arbok, then as it gets close use Double Kick!

Growlithe sends a ball of flame which explodes and flys towards the swarm of Raichu's, Jolteon shoots out a stream of electricity towards Arbok while preparing for Double Kick......

Luke knew would take no damage from Thunderbolt....

Luke: Jolteon, jump and block Raichu's Thunderbolt! Poliwhirl use Hypnosis on Golem!

Jolteon Quickly jumped in front of Poliwhirl to catch the Thunderbolt, while Poliwhirl sent a Hypnosis wave at Golem...

Nidorino landed on the ground and was hit by the magnitude... doing SE damage, Nidorino fainted. Luke quickly withdrew Nidorino and sent out Poliwhirl just as Jolteon's double kick met Raichu's slam launching Jolteon off of Raichu and about ten foot back towards Luke....

Luke: Poliwhirl use Ice beam on Golem! Jolteon, use Quick Attack on Raichu, then Double Kick!

A beam of Ice Shot straight at Golem as Jolteon started straight for Raichu...

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Old School Pokemon RP
« on: June 30, 2012, 09:15:32 AM »
Ok, i'll mod.

Jolteon was able to smash the rock with double kick and continue straight for Graveler, but Nidorino was smashed by the rock blast..

Luke: Fine, Nidorino use fury attack on Pikachu!

With Jolteon heading for Graveler, Nidorino jumped for Pikachu....

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