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Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31 ... 33
Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Pokemorphs?![Discussion]NC-17
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:39:01 PM »
wow, me like! congratulations, you have impressed me. i am confused however, i understand that splicers are not specialized, but perhaps i missed out on why someone would choose them instead, it sounded like you just over described espers (most likely because that is what you choose). please consider the alternative a little more.

oh, and good choice picking my favorite non-legendary pokemon. you get +awesomeness points

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: In Game Music/Pokemon Radio
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:42:52 PM »
making your own songs with like in game tools, or literally real songs?

 It'd be sick as hell though if the PU team like literally talked on a pokemon radio, and it was broadcast-ed through the game, and they give you hints on where to locate rare items or just any kind of info in general.

although it probably be pre-recorded unless you could find a way to actually talk live.

i don't know about the rest of the team, but i actually think that would be pretty cool! kinda like the prof. oak talk show they had in gold and silver

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 29, 2010, 02:07:33 AM »

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:07:01 PM »
There is no chicken pokemon.

is there a fruit fly?

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:39:37 PM »
okay, okay I give up, they must have some damn good people in Japan

hahahahahahahaha +11 points for making me laugh

as i said, this game is hard

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Rare Magikarp
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:38:33 PM »
not bad, not bad.... i do like the incentive and the fact that you have to actually do some work (training) to complete it..... but i just don't know, maybe im just being too picky, but i think there is much more untapped potential here....not enough spunk for lack of a better term

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:25:41 PM »
fair enough, i give you that one

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:22:05 PM »
how bout a kangaroo?

ummmmmm.......... a scientist?

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:15:06 PM »
damn, I should know better. How about a bananna pokemon??
its hard eh?

normally i would keep food out of this (i forgot to mention that in the rules), but i think that would be kind of amusing. although, does tropius count as a banana since it has them hanging from his chin? whaddya think?

and normally i would keep most household objects out too, but what about a blanket pokemon

General Chat / Re: what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:08:37 PM »
I don't think there's been a rhino pokemon yet :)
Alternatively an alien pokemon?
cleffary, and deoxys

what about a dolphin

General Chat / what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:01:32 PM »
as you may all be aware, generation 5 is coming in the near to not to distant future (i suspect seeing some info this year at E3), but the makers of pokemon have pretty much used everything in existence as a pokemon (they have a nose for christ sake).
so in the spirit of the wonder of what pokemon we will be faced with next

i thought i would extend a game to everyone that i play all the time (sometimes with other people), the idea is to think of something in the real world (preferably an animal, but not necessarily), that hasn't yet been turned into a pokemon.
i didn't put this in the games section, since its not really a forum game in my opinion, but if people think it should go there instead we can move it
here are just a few quick rules:
  • animals that are almost the same, count as the same (we have to remember this is a make believe universe for kids).
    *for example, if you say mouse, then that includes rats and gerbals as well (yes i know there are already mice and rats)
  • even though as i stated, they have made a nose pokemon, lets refrain from using anatomy in this game (you can guess why)
  • we should keep garbage out as well since we could just start throwing all forms of junk out there
  • basically just be sensible, it does not have to be an animal, but don't start listing stupid stuff off such as: paper, pop can, banana peel, door, dvd, etc....come on....really?

lastly before i start, please recognize that this isn't a place to invent new pokemon, so don't bother describing what it would look like, what its type would be or anything like that (there will be no made up pokemon in PU)

ok, here ill start now

they haven't made a swan pokemon

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Wild Pkmn
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:35:11 AM »
I think that in the game the pokemon to be caught are actually up for grabs and wild. As in by walking you actually see the pokemon you wish to catch. Comment and reflect on my suggestion!!

as far as i am concerned, this should only be the case if it is relevant to a quest or something.... you know how in some of the games people have their pokemon out of its pokeball and you can go up to it.... yeah, like that..... not every pokemon should be visible, the game will just get too cluttered, and might even start to *gasp* lag

i think that there should be new cries for wild pokemon, its lame how a pikachu sounds like a random noise, they should sound more like the anime
and maybe make a faint noise when u beat them

i disagree, keep to the source... besides, pokemon in the games actually DO say their names, really! its true! if you don't believe me, go into ANY of your pokemon games (i don't know about mystery dungeon or anything like that), select just about ANY pokemon in your pokedex, and listen to its cry.... with the exception of a very minor few (mostly legendaries), all the pokemon say their name in a digital tone kind of way... try listening to it, and saying their name at the same time.... believe me it works....oh why wont you believe me.... im not making this up!! i've never made anything up in my entire life! i don't know how to make poop up!!!!

Other Entertainment / Re: Hiteryan's Craptube
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:28:57 AM »
there man, i subscribed

In-Forum Games / Re: Keep the story going!
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:18:08 AM »
one talented trainer, who was respected not only by his friends, but by fans around the world, battled the little riolu, and upon throwing his pokeball, tripped and threw it at a neighboring zubat instead.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: In Game Music/Pokemon Radio
« on: January 27, 2010, 07:29:09 AM »

nvm. This idea was stupid. I just realized you could have another tab open in your browser and listen to your own music if  you wanted to. or even have your i tunes open.

lol I fail :'(

you noticed this, and yet you posted...... wow, someone doesn't seem to be constructively contributing..... but +1 for making me laugh

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