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Messages - DrPinkies

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Dark Pokemon
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:26:35 AM »
Again, Amphy I agree with your idea xD, I can't seem to disagree with any of your posts ive read so far.

Possibly shadow pokemon you could only obtain from quests, and/or NPC battles.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: HMs + Mounts?
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:23:40 AM »
Suggestion: Maybe leave TM's and HM's alone, but your character learns the skill, not your pokemon.

To elaborate, instead of a bird pokemon learning to fly, and a water pokemon learning to swim, you character can learn how to ride  flying pokemon, or a water pokemon.

It an be kept track of in a skills menu, like in the main menu.


Flying Mount- This trainer can ride a pokemon which can fly.
Surfing Mount- This traner can ride a pokemon which can swim.
Lumberjack- This trainer can instruct a pokemon with sharp laws to cut down a tree.

Ideas & Suggestions / Lets make lengendaries...legendary.
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:14:42 AM »
I think if legendary pokemon are inserted into the game, it shouldent be something every trainer can have.  In other pokemon games the game was centered around you, so basically in that gam you were the only one with that specific legendary (I.E you wouldent stumble across a sprite with a Groudon if you had one.) Wheras this game is a MMO, so if legendaries stayed the same you could face another trainer wih the exact same one, so it would overall lose that "legendary" status if "X" amount of trainers had on over the course of "X" amount of months.

To fix this possibly just leave legendaries out? or have one of each legendary per server, like a very low catch rate, an apearence rate, and it only stays with you "X" amount of time, then returns to the wild.

Any other suggestions or enhancements are appreciated, as I wont be using legendaries, it just wuldent make since if every 3 trainers you fight had the same (insert legendary pokemon here)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Cheats and stuff
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:06:08 AM »
And 'bound' of course meens you can put them away in your PC still right? >.<

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Cheats and stuff
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:25:42 AM »
I like Amphy's idea. that way players could start with different pokemon, an/or start in diffrent regions if that is possible.

Other Games / Re: World Of Warcraft
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:05:04 PM »
Full level undead warlocks ftw!  I dont play very much anymore, The only reason I dont quit is because I put so much work into my account >.<

Other Games / Combat Arms
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:01:07 PM »
Username: DrPinkies3

Character Name: DrPinkies

Rank: SGT 3rd class.

Weapons, starting perms, L96A1, Ak-47(with mods), MP7 RAS.

Clan: The Hell Reavers

Clan Leader: TankTrapper

K.D.R: 1.19

How about you??!?

LOTRO / Re: [PC] Lord of the Rings Online
« on: October 18, 2010, 10:58:08 PM »
I believe it is already free to play, and im downloading now, my first will be a hobbit assassin to annoy people xD   (not usre if thre is an assassin class, may be rogue, or theif or something, its been awile)

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Sooo... Hi and stuff....
« on: October 18, 2010, 10:47:12 PM »
Thanks Jerry :D

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon Breeding.
« on: October 18, 2010, 04:05:44 AM »
I personally think the idea islogical, but redundant.  If its only for the first few levels (I.E 1-5) then the "boost" doesent make much since, as you would not use that pokemon for anything rather important (I.E and PvP, NPC, Gym Leader battle).

I'm not saying it isnt a cool idea though, it would be nie to see in a later updated version of the game, not in the beta public version, I don't want anything unnecissary to stall it :P

Less big words, more correct spelling.

Sorry, I am buyin a new keyboard this week, some of the keys are in bad shape :/

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Cheats and stuff
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:53:31 AM »
Watch Carefully?

*whistles patiently*

Other Games / Re: Favorite mario character
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:31:56 AM »
Toad "d(i.i)b"     I love how parents dont like COD, or other rated M games, yet they let them ply mario, where yur an italian dude, jumping on brown people, kicking turtles, stealing coins, and finding mushroom that talk to you, an change your minds visual size on everything.  Racism, Animal Cruelty, Theft, and drugs in a convenient disk.

I need a new keyboard :(

Other Games / Re: Favorite mario character
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:24:10 AM »
Toad "d(i.i)b"     I love how parents dont like COD, or other rated M games, yet they let them ply mario, where yur an italian dude, jumping on brown people, kicking turtles, stealing coins, and finding mushroom that talk to you, an change your minds visual size on everything.  Racism, Animal Cruelty, Theft, and drugs in a convenient disk.

Other Games / Re: Warcraft (NOT WoW)
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:20:55 AM »
I play WC3, TFT all the time, and make maps.  Im working on a map where you make your own Greek city-state including your type of Governent, location, name, visual effect, gods and goddesses you worship (each has improvements, researches, buildins, and units) Includin some well known titans (I.E Kronos, Oceanus...etc)  And certain combinations of things cancel otehrs out, and gives you iprovements. (I.E, choose Monarchy, Warlike, and Ares you ain a research that if you learn it you lose all rangd unit except siege, and your land units become mega epic)

btw im looking for a team to help, its not needed, but I would like to finish this map quickerto work on my other proect, (messge me if you want details about that)

LOTRO / Re: [PC] Lord of the Rings Online
« on: October 18, 2010, 02:14:15 AM »
I am making an account, usernae will be DrPinkies, only downside is you cant e on evil side (I.E Orc, Goblin, Urak-Hai) yous stuck with Humans, Elvs, dWarfs, and hobbits >.<

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