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Messages - dreadknight

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Ah, Olivine's nice, isn't it? Daisy had a dreamy look on her face.

Yeah, it's pretty relaxing there. I especially liked the lighthouse.

I'm gonna build my Daycare there someday!

Draykos smiles. She's very enthusiastic about her goals. he thinks to himself.

Hey, you wouldn't happen to have a Pokemon with Heal Pulse?

He thinks for a minute, then says, I don't think so, sorry.

Ah, never mind. But cool--is this your guys' first visit to Johto?

Heh, not exactly. We were here a few years back, but we didn't really get the chance to take in all the sights, or take on any of the Gym Leaders. Long story short, I was needed elsewhere. He says, crossing his arms.

And how many badges have you collected so far?

None here, but I've got all the badges from Sinnoh and Hoenn.

Dewott walks over and stands next to Draykos, occasionally looking up at the two trainers, but mostly just spacing out.

Daisy's eyes widened and she rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed. Eheh. Sorry, my mind wanders even more than I do, and I just shot a bunch of questions at you at once like that....

Draykos smiles and shakes his head. No need to apologize, I've been guilty of doing the same thing in the past.

Suddenly, Draykos' Pokegear starts ringing. He raises an eyebrow, wondering who'd be calling him randomly in the middle of the day like this, and then answers. Hello?... Oh hi... How is he?... Great, so I can come pick him up later?... Okay, thanks, bye. he hangs up. He then turns his attention back to Daisy, readying himself for any more questions.

Yeah, if it's Falkner, he'll be out as long as he says he'll be out.

I kind of figured. He says, chuckling a bit.

So how long have you guys been here? Not too long I'm guessing, if you're only now hitting our first Gym.

A few days. We got off the boat at Olivine City two days ago, and then flew here, which took several hours. We've just been kind of checking out the sights since then.

He could of sworn he heard her mutter something about a Celebi, but he shrugs it off. Even if she did have a Celebi, it's not like it would be the oddest thing he's ever seen.

Yikes, really.

Yeah, I imagined he'd be coming back soon. Although now that I think about it, he never said he was. He says whiles shrugging.

Hmm. Love your Dewott, by the way!

Oh, thanks.

If I'd been Unovan, I'd definitely have picked Oshawott for my starter too! As it was I chose Cyndaquil.

He smiles and says, And ironically, if I was from Johto I probably would of picked Cyndaquil.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Hearing this, Dewott jumps up, puffs out his chest and puts his hands on his hips.

Draykos looks at him, shakes his head and then looks back at Daisy. He's a boy.

Does your Dewott have a name?

You mean a nickname? Not really, but I usually just call him Dew for short.

And sorry, what was your name?

Name's Draykos. Nice to meet you. He says, extending his hand.

Draykos looks up and sees a pink-haired girl standing over him. She goes on what can only be described as a mini-rant before she turns her attention to him.

Hey, Unova kid.

Oh, hey. He says solemnly.

What are you sitting here for? The Gym isn't open till tomorrow.

Yeah, I gave the Gym Leader a call not too long ago. Oh, what's it been? About... He checks his Pokegear to see what time it is.

...a hour. He finishes with an exasperated look on his face.

*sigh* I guess it's a good thing I called him in time.

Draykos stands up and stretches. He then nods, not really knowing what to say.

He glances over his shoulder and sees Dewott, still stubbornly sitting next to the door.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOC] Return of Plasma
« on: April 17, 2012, 03:28:31 AM »
i have alot of them, and in Violet city will include everyone if everyone is there.

Well, I'm in Violet City just kind of waiting for something to happen. >_>

Upon reaching the gym, the young man stopped and looked at a note that was pinned to the door.

"I'll be gone till tomorrow. If it's a battle you're looking for, give me a call." -- Falkner He reads aloud.

Well, I guess we'll have to-

Dewott dew-dewott! Dewott said, pointing to the phone number scribbled at the bottom of the note.

The young man sighed. He had the whole day planned out, and having to wait for the gym leader to finish doing who-knows-what certainly wasn't on that list. But, Dew was looking forward to this, and he wasn't about to let him down.

He gets out his Pokegear and dials the number, waiting for somebody to answer. Finally, after several minutes, someone picked up.

Hello, is this Falkner?... Okay, the name's Draykos and I'd like to set up a battle later to- What's that? You already have a battle scheduled?... Oh, well...

He glances down at Dewott, who looks like he's about to jump out of his skin with excitement.

I don't think it can wait. You see, my friend here is really loo- What's that? You can work us in? Great! Thanks. He hangs up.

Well Dew, looks like we've got a battle later. What'cha wanna do to pass the time?

Dewott goes over and sits done by the gym doors. Draykos sighs and sits next to him.

General Chat / Re: Favorite Pokeball Type
« on: April 14, 2012, 05:36:40 AM »
Cherish Ball for design, Pokeball for nostalgia.

Games / Re: Pokemon black and white...2
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:10:42 AM »
Or the salt and ice trick. .__.

Or freezer burn.  ;D

And I'm still looking forward to this game!! :D

Heh, I imagine we all are.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: April 14, 2012, 02:04:40 AM »
Charmander, all day every day. First generation reptilian starters ftw!

Trainers Lounge / Re: Greatest Legendary Of All Time?
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:57:39 AM »
Technically speaking, Mewtwo probably is the strongest legendary, (or second strongest considering Arceus is a god) but I'mma vote for Lugia 'cause I roll like that. -w-

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [OOC] Return of Plasma
« on: April 13, 2012, 11:26:24 PM »
Ok, I am very sorry for the double posting, but I have a reason, Dread knight, you need to wait and see if your profile is excepted or not before posting :P

Aqua PM'd me and said it had been accepted. Just so you know.  ;)

A young man wise beyond his years exits a Pokemon Center. At his side, one of his many faithful partners, a Dewott.

It sure was nice of that nurse to give us an extra map, eh Dew? He asks with a cheerful tone of voice.

Dew dew-wot... replies Dewott, stretching a bit with a tired and dreamy look about him.

The young man straightens out his new map, looking it over with childish glee.

Well, we're in Violet City right now... where should we head next?

Dewott didn't answer, simply swaying from side to side with his paws behind his back.

Hmm... we could head to Sprout Tower, or maybe the Ruins of Alph.

Dewooooottt... Replied the Pokemon, sounding bored out of his mind.

Or, we could check out the gym.

Dewott perked up his ears and his eyes gleamed with excitement. Dewott dew!~ he said.

The young man rolled up his map and put it in his bag. Well, I guess that settles it! he said while heading off in the direction of the gym.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [Profiles] Return of Plasma
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:10:36 PM »

Username: dreadknight

Character Name: Draykos

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 15

Short Backstory: Draykos has what some might call wanderlust. From a young age, he was fascinated by exotic locations and the Pokemon that lived there. Being raised in Unova, he was use to the bustling cities, but he always had the desire to explore. So it came as no surprise when he jumped at the chance to become a trainer. He's been traveling the world for about three years now, catching Pokemon and making friends along the way.

Pokemon Collected (if any): Escavalier, Dewott and Magmortar (more in his PC)

Appearance (Picture preferred, but not necesary): (Description just in case you can't see the pic) Mid length curly brown hair. Pale red short-sleeve shirt. Worn-out looking black overcoat. Slightly baggy blue jeans. White sneakers with blackish-blue edges.

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