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Topics - spirit

Pages: [1] 2
News & Announcements / Happy Birthday Alais
« on: October 02, 2010, 11:16:42 AM »
Because once again, someone forgot to make a birthday thread, I am, once again, taking it upon myself to start one, this time for Alais. If you are unfamiliar with who Alais is, allow me to explain.
...Alais is our resident female (need I say more?)

As we all know, I like video's, so here is a double helping!
Whoa, all the way...it's so intense!


News & Announcements / Happy Birthday Level5Pidgey
« on: September 24, 2010, 07:54:56 AM »
We all apologize for not making you a birthday thread on your birthday, so enjoy.

Here is a sexy older Pidgey for you to fantasize about.

Maybe one day you too can be lvl8.... or maybe you like the older ones ;)


Development / Get To Know The Team: Spyrit Edition
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:34:47 AM »
Name: marshall
 Age: as of writing this, approx: 672105600sec
 Location: canada (ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha)
 Quote:  There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
 Position:story/quest writer/npc scriptor
 1. Do you have pets? - Currently I only have a dog named Holly, but you can apply to be my pet by dropping off a resume below or on irc. Eh.
 2. What is your favorite color? - It used to be red, and for the sake of argument, I still say it is, but technically, I like all colours equally now. Eh.
 3. What kind of music do you like? - Pretty much everything. My ipod consists of everything from hotel california - for whom the bells toll, and lucy in the sky with diamonds - caramelldansen, and last saskatchewan pirate - caramellansen (metal remix). Eh.
 4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on PU? - Work at a liquor store, martial arts, hang with friends, play games, watch movies/tv/anime, etc. Eh.
 5. What are your goals/dreams in life? - I want to open my own martial arts school, and become an instructor again. I also would eventually like to start a rec center/community/academy (for lack of a better term), but saying anything more on the matter is forbidden (top secret). Eh.
  6. What got you involved in PU? - I was falling through a rough patch in my life when I stumbled upon the site. Like many people here, I found it while looking for a pokemon mmo, and chose it over pwo, despite it not being finished. I then became an active member of the forums, helping wherever I could, and posting almost everywhere; I was a lot like jerry back then. I even had the most +points of any non-team member, back when people could support or flame your comments. I remember being very jealous of hiteryan, when he beet me to joining the team. In the end I wrote to quests for fun, and posted them in the forums, it wasn't long after that, that I was asked to join the team. Eh.
 7. What makes you different from the rest of the PU team? - Absolutely nothing except that I am completely average in every single way. Eh.
8. Who do you admire? Why? - Honestly, anyone who isn't afraid to be themselves, and does what they can to be a positive influence in our world. Eh.
9. Are you into sports? If so which ones? - Martial arts (if you can call it a sport), and the rest are recreational. I went to university for applied business, with a major in sport/rec, one of my classes was sport/rec philosophy, I did very well in that class, and am happy to prove my activities are recreational endeavors, not sports. Eh.
10. What is your dream job? - Sensei eh.
11. What was your first screenname? – Ok, this is an interesting story (or at least it is to me), it starts way back when you could go on msn messenger chat rooms for free. My first e-mail was [email protected]; I don’t think I had a consistent screen name at the time. Eventually, I took the alias: Kilo (I think I stole it from someone else). One day, as I was going into a chatroom, it told me someone else had the same name as me, and suggested a few alternatives, the best of which was: spiritualkilo, and so I claimed that as my own, for a few years. So spiritualkilo was who I was, but people, on Starcraft kept calling me spirit for short, and ever since, I have been spirit. However, the name is often already taken on websites (I was very thrilled when it wasn’t on PU), so I will sometimes revert back to spiritualkilo, which may make you wonder why that’s not who I am on IRC. When I was registering my nick, I just decided that spiritualkilo was too long for an instant messaging thing. Eh.
12. Do you have any piercings? - My hair pierces through my skin. Eh.
13. Are you a lefty/righty? - Interestingly enough, I am naturally ambidextrous, but when I went to ESC and was supposed to draw in my notebook, I looked around the classroom, since I didn’t know how to hold a pencil, and noticed everyone using their right hand. I have been loosing my ability with my left ever since, but there are still plenty of things I can do with it, and some things that I prefer to be a south paw in. eh.
14. Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one? - No, but I was going to get one on my left shoulder that said "42", I am still debating this. Eh.
15. Do you have any siblings? - My big sister; she cameos in my latest youtube video. She is 22. Eh.
16. What is your favorite website? - If I were allowed to post anything here, I would link you all to several troll videos, but im not. Instead, my favorite site is google.ca, because I can get anywhere from there; I even use it for spell check, and facts checking. Eh.
17. Do you play computer games? - AOE, SC, SC II, PU, halo, braid, hearts, minesweeper, and probably a couple others. I don't use a computer for gaming as much as I used to. Eh.
18. Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? - Wii, DS, 360. Eh.
19. Are you married or planing to get married? - One day I would like to meet a girl willing to marry someone as pathetic as me. Eh.
20. Which languages do you speak? - several: english, math, pig latin, and spiritease. Here is an example of the last one; "ajweknoasdcnaw emmvisalwenso". The pronunciation is the same as in english, except you are required to add random clicks every few syllables. That particular word, roughly translated, means: "that wasn't funny!" eh.
21. Do you drink? - Oh, good, just the question I'm sure you were all waiting for me to answer. -_-;
Well, would it surprise you to learn that I don't actually drink that much? Might it surprise you even more to learn that my favorite drink is water? To tell you the truth, I usually only drink when I'm out with friends, or when making a video.....That's right, the 'spirit is an alcoholic' thing, is all an act.
22. Do you smoke? - Only when im on fire! I call it: "flaming tuesday". Eh.
23. Do you have a license? - I do :)
    a) Do you own a car? I don't :(
    b) Have you ever been stopped for speeding? Only while in the passenger seat ;)
eh, eh, eh.
 24. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? - Usually between 8 and 10 hours, leaning to the latter. "Do I sleep at a good time?", is something completely different.
 25. How do you sleep? - By pressing my start button, and selecting the subsequent function.
 26. Have you ever been on an airplane? - Yes; my dad used to work for an airline company, I have flown a lot.
 27. Have you ever broken a bone? - My left collar bone, my left wrist, and my nose (in a sparring match). eh.
 28. Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? - I have a watch, a bracelet, a grad ring, and a thumb ring (with which I use to hitchhike the galaxy). eh.
29. How do you dress? - T-shirt and cargo pants. I also wear a hoodie, and/or a headband, depending on how cold it is. eh.
 30. How many keys are on your keyring? - 6: 2 house key's, grandparents house key, mom's car key, laptop padlock key, handcuff key. eh.
31. What time do you go to bed? If I have to work the evening shift the next day: 6:00am - 8:00am, if I work the afternoon shift the next day: 12:00am - 4:00am, if I don't work the next day: 6:00am 8:00am. eh.
    a) What time do you wake up? - Either 10:00am, or between 3:00pm - 4:00pm, depending on if/when I'm working. eh.
32. What's the freakiest thing you have done? - Oh crap! I'm going to skip this one....it could take a while. eh.
 33. Do you live alone? - I live with my parents, and one of my cousins, but I hope to move out with my best friend eh.S.eh.P.
(^^ get it?)
 34. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? - I have never been in the computer....unless the Matrix is real. But I spend too many hours to count on the computer. eh.
 35. How many hours a day do you spend in PU? - Please reread the last answer. eh.
36. What is your favorite beverage - Water. eh.
37. What do you hate? - Inconsiderate and hypocritical behavior. eh.
38. What do you love? - Anything I can. eh.
 39. What is your religion? - This is kind of complicated....you want the easy answer? Anglican. you want the full answer? spirituality....basically, there are things I agree with, and things I don't...there is no "religion" that I really fit into....Actually, the most accurate "religion" is probably Buddhism. eh.
 40. What is your hair color? - Naturally dark brown; currently black. eh.
 41. How tall are you? - I don't remember.
* spirit goes to find a measuring tape
* spirit returns
Sorry, I can't find one.
I estimate 180cm. eh.
 42. How much do you weigh? - I don't remember.
* spirit goes to find a scale
* spirit returns
Sorry, I can't find one.
I estimate 63Kg. desu.

Also, am I the only one who noticed that the last question is number 42?

General Chat / Spirit's Q&A
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:07:49 PM »
First of all, I want to say: "Shame on all of you, who don't already watch my videos".
Second: "Thank you, to my wopping nine subscribers; you guys are what it's all about."
             "But it's really all about me"
Thirdly, I want to give you all some super-special-awesome news!!!!!!!!!
PARTY        BALLLOONSOk, so in the near future, I plan on making a new YouTube video, where you, the viewer, get to be a part of the action.
It will be a simple Question and Answer session, where I will be reading your comments, and questions, and coming up with (hopefully) amusing answers.

You can ask/say anything; it can be about:
  • Pokemon-Universe
  • Me
  • Relationship advice
  • Another person
  • Your homework
  • Your hot sister's phone number
  • Favorite foods
  • Favorite drinks
  • Favorite place's to vacation
  • How you can send me money
  • Why you suck
  • Why I'm awesome
  • Why I can't currently think of anything else to put here
  • etc

So please, post your inquiries in the reply section of this forum, on my latest YouTube video, in a private message, in an email, on IRC, on facebook, anywhere I can get it.
And remember, there are only two reasons I won't answer your question:
1)It breaks an agreement I have with someone else (ie: disclosing spoiler info about PU, although I will try my best with this one)
2)I hate you and your little dog (that's not true, I love you.....)

The more bizarre and outlandish your questions, the better.
Now go, help me make this video awesome!

First video
Second video
Third video
Fourth video

Japanese Entertainment / Favorite Sailor Scout
« on: June 05, 2010, 11:46:46 AM »
In light of all the: "favorite [anime] character" threads, and other similar threads, I decided to make my own poll.

Who is/was your favorite sailor scout (+ tuxedo mask).
I was also a Sailor Mars guy myself, but it's ok if you don't agree with me. ;)


Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She will...never turn her back on a friend
She is... always there to defend
She is...the one on whom we can depend
She is the one named Sailor.....
.... Sailor Venus
.... Sailor Mercury
.... Sailor Mars
..... Sailor Jupiter
With secret powers
All so new to her
She is the one named Sailor Moon
Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
With her Sailor Scouts to help fight
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one named Sailor Moon
She is the one . . . Sailor Moon

^^has got to be one of the catchiest (english) anime theme songs ever

News & Announcements / Happy Mothers Day
« on: May 09, 2010, 11:31:30 PM »
Hey, I know this doesn't really have anything to do with PU, but I just wouldn't feel right, not posting about my love for the woman that brought me into this world, raised me, and without whom, I would not be here to be able to enjoy Pokemon-Universe.

Please share your love for mom's today, at the end of the day, I am going to show my mom all the compassion here, and get her to give everyone a thank you message.
That's right, spirit's mom is going to be posting on Pokemon-Universe!

Trainers Lounge / PU prebeta video clips
« on: April 10, 2010, 11:38:02 AM »
So prebeta has been going on for a while, and I feel bad for those who have not been able to play the exclusive content.

So if you fall in to that category, I hope this makes up for your loss.

*UPDATE: May 6 2010 1:50am*
EPISODE 3 (1/4)
EPISODE 3 (2/4)
EPISODE 3 (3/4)
EPISODE 3 (4/4)
*UPDATE: AUGUST 26 2010 2:47am*

Also, I would like to point out that patches have been released since these video's were taken, so things (such as my npc's) are working a little better.

Please enjoy, and let me know if there is anything else you would like me to record from the prebeta.
Please remember, this game is just in pre-beta, and is currently in-development. In other words, many things can and probably will change before the games release, and indeed before open beta. If something looks graphically wrong, or buggy, remember what I just said: P-R-E-B-E-T-A, <---there is a reason for it!

EDIT: Thanks to ghostman50 for supplying us with a battle video, even if it was originally meant to show a bug to Mr_Dark and Urmel.
But you don't have to watch it, it doesn't have me talking, so I'm sure it isn't very good.

Fan Fiction & Writing / PU Web Comic [Announcement]
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:27:26 AM »
Ok, so it's been hinted at, (and I think a few people learned about it already), but Kuhns and myself have been in talks about doing a web comic for PU, and I am now officially announcing it.
If you want to take a look at Kuhn's artwork, click the link below.
Anyway, I wanted to have it ready for pre-beta, but with how busy everyone is, I don't think that is going to happen, so when we can get this started, we will.
You may be asking yourself why I would be giving you this little teaser when we have no real date in sight anymore, so I encourage you to click this next link before you keep reading.
. . .
. . .
Ok, so now that you have read that (or not), I would like to announce the second prizes for Jerry and Declan_23.
Congrats guys, you will both be featured in the comic when it finally debut's, but I won't tell you what you will look like, what you will say, what you will be doing, or how often you will appear.
I don't really care if you guys don't find it funny, this is mine (and Kuhn's) comic, and we are finding what we are doing absolutely hilarious.
Now, don't worry, I won't leave you completely empty handed, instead I would like to present you with a small teaser.
. . .
. . .

. . .

. . .
. . .
First, I would also like to note that, that is not the name of the comic, in fact, we haven't thought of a name yet. If you want to give your suggestions for a name, you may do so, if we find one we like, perhaps we will use it, but no guarantees.
Second, I promise not to be the artist for the comic, I am aware how painful that was, instead, I shall stick to the writing since that's what I like to think i am best at.

Oh yeah, as for the story of the comic. It is about a small group of trainers who are on a cruise ship to get to the greatest pokemon region of all time, I assume you can figure out what region I speak of.

Now, feel free to go nuts, I know this is awesome news.
P.S. Before anyone asks, no, I haven't forgotten about Jerry's secret third prize, but you will have to wait a little longer (but not much) before that one is revealed.

Ok, so while Kuhns is still taking her sweet time in the lurking tree, I decided to give you yet another teaser. This time all the drawings were done by me while at work (I get pretty bored there when there are no customers). I tried to put them in chronological order so you can see how my sanity deteriorated over time.

Oh LoL

Yeah, I never did understand that

Inspiration for this one, from my work. Also, LoL at the terrible Victorybell

I was playing HG during my break, and yeah, there is a girl who actually says that

I was gonna draw an Exploud, but couldn't seem to be able to, even though that hasn't stopped me before

Yup, he can actually surf

This was the last one I drew on Easter Sunday, when I was working until 2:00am
There is actually another one that I drew on Easter Monday, when I was working until 2:00am again, but thank god it was lost, it was even more upsetting.
. . .

Oh, and this one isn't really a comic, but I made it anyway as a homage to the greatest series on Youtube

So yeah, there you have it. Hopefully this will encourage Kuhns to draw more, as a way to protect the world from ever seeing such abominations as my drawing skills ever again.

Hur, hur....

General Chat / ONE WEEK OMFG!
« on: March 25, 2010, 08:44:09 PM »
I just wanted everyone to know that there is only one week left before pre-beta!

here`s some info on the matter

News & Announcements / [official]Quest contest winners!
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:06:17 PM »
So, the contest ended (about a week ago), and yes, winners have been chosen!
If you don't know what I'm talking about go here http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php?topic=542.0
I won't tie you down with boring chatter, so lets get straight to the announcement!
drum roll please

Quests & Plots / How to write a quest
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:38:46 AM »
I have noticed people trying to write quests lately, and I figured I would write some guidelines to follow when doing so.
Please remember, that these are guidelines, and are not the only way to write.

  • dont rite liek this plz is vry sad 2 c r lnguage b-come so poor tht ppl cnt tipe n e thing nd not evan use grmmr either
  • Write in as proper English as you can. A few mistakes is acceptable, what is written above, is not
  • Write in any format you want (point form; list; sentences/paragraphs; webs; whatever)
  • I recommend thinking out your quest for some time before writing it. When I write quests for PU, I usually spend a whole week thinking about it to make sure it is possible, and in fact, a good idea
  • If you're unsure if your idea is any good, ask a friend, often times if you can get someone else interested in your idea, more people will like it, not to mention, your friend might help you make it better
  • Remember your context. (for example: in Pokemon Universe you will not be able to catch legendaries, so don't even suggest it)
  • Consider approximately when in the game your quest would be best suited (a great climactic battle will probably not be appropriate for the first quest of the game)
  • Remember your "three R's": Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! (Don't reuse the exact same quest you have seen in a previous game, people will know. that isn't to say you can't base it off an idea from one, but don't give us the same thing.) (When taking a previously established idea and making it your own, try not to reduce it until it has none of the good stuff left. That's like trying to make a cake and thinking: "if i take out the yeast it will be better" That's like trying to make tea and thinking: "if I don't use water, than I will be able to enjoy the tea leaves/bag more!".) (Don't recycle 'the same plot devices from season one', again, if you're going to take a previously used idea, make it something new don't just copy other people's work and call it your own.)
  • I find stories are always better when you think of a back story. Some of my favorite stories (movies, books, games, etc.), have an incredibly developed back story that you only see if you're looking for it. (take Lord of the Rings for example, JRR Tolken, created an entire language, and history for all his characters, and look what it has given us). Many times, what goes on behind the scenes is more important than what goes on center stage.
  • Look all around you for inspiration, I think most people would be surprised where a lot of authors get their idea's from. Next time you're bored, look around you, and ask yourself what is going on with the most simple of concepts.
  • Ask why! Why did this happen? Why did my character react this way? etc.

  • I was thinking of many more things I have wanted to say, but it is late and I have forgotten many of them. I will come back and add to the list as i think of things. Also, feel free to add you're own suggestions, if they are valid, I will add them to the list, and give you credit for them.

Quests & Plots / Write a quest contest (Closed)
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:13:37 AM »
Alright everyone, I have been noticing a few quest suggestions around the forums lately, some good, some ok, and some kind of disappointing. That said, I wanted to give everyone a little more incentive into writing good quest ideas. Also, since Pokemon Universe is a group project, I like to encourage people's suggestions.

I remember always having wanted to work on a project like this before, and am honored to have been given the privilege, so I try to remember what it must be like for those of you that haven't been given the opportunity that I have, but recognize that I am not ready to give it up too easily either.

So here's the deal. You write a quest, and I read it (yes, I read every quest idea on the forums), but now there is a little something extra involved for you. This is a contest to see who can supply the team with the best quest suggestions!

* You have two weeks to submit your work. No submissions will be accepted after Tuesday March 16th (I recognize many people live in a different time zone, so I will be fair and not be too picky if you haven't submitted exactly on time, but that's not to say that you should submit at the last possible moment anyway, as I have ultimate veto power.)
* You can make your quest about anything as long as it follows the rules of Pokemon Universe. (for example: legendaries cannot be caught). If you are unsure about what is acceptable, please take a look around the forums first.
* Use English! i cnt tell u nuf how iritating is 2 red posts whn u can not spelled properly if post liek tis i wil ignor u. That isn't to say you can't make a mistake or two, but at least try not to.
* It can be any length, but I will be honest when I say: I take posts more seriously when they have a couple of paragraphs at least (they just have a better chance of having been thought out).
* You must submit a NEW quest. If I have seen your quest before, or find it anywhere on the internet, I will immediately disqualify you from the contest.
* You may submit up to five quests, with a limit of one per day, just know, that if I find that you keep submitting poor quality to me, I may not be as inclined to take your next one seriously.
* You cannot win more than once. I say this because I wan't to give the competitors a chance to win as well, however, if ALL the other submissions fail to impress me at all, I may be kind and let you win a couple more times.
* I can't think of anything else right now, but i will let everyone know if I think of something later

Please submit your quests to [email protected]
I will notify you that I received your entry, so if you don't hear from me within about 24 hours after submitting, please let me know so we can ensure you still get your quest entered in the contest.

1st place:
* get your quest in the game
* get on pre-beta (if you're not already)
* surprise (I will reveal this one at a later date, but I think you will like it)

2nd place:
* get your quest in the game
* get on pre-beta (if you're not already)

3rd place:
* get your quest in the game

Good luck to all our competitors, I do hope this encourages many of you to get out there and think up some great ideas

Oh, and one final note: while it is not required, it is definitely recommended that you view the following topic before writing anything.

Fan Fiction & Writing / LOZ parody film
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:10:46 AM »
Ok, so something like two or three years ago (in class in highschool), I was bored and started writing the only story I have ever finished (though sequels are on the way). Last year I went back to it, and decided to type it up onto the computer, as well as update some of the material.

This is just a copy/paste of the story that I uploaded from my computer, so I haven't actually edited the text or anything. Please excuse my lack of grammar, or punctuation, or capitalization, etc.

Also, I recognize, you won't know any of the actors I chose to play these characters, but you can use your imagination.

Oh, and yes, I do actually want to film this one day.

i was previously uploading this to the internet, while using HTML coding, but eventually there was a problem, and i have checked and rechecked the coding and everything should be fine, so i decided that it would just be easier to eliminate the HTML stuff and upload it to facebook. (plus then i dont have to waste time typing HTML anymore)

so i will instead be typing this into a word document and be uploading one scene at a time.

remember this is just a fan work, and when i finally get around to filming it i will create a full credits list of all the people and companies i ripped off... i mean referenced and parodied.

the current cast list is as follows (in order of appearance)
Link: Marshall
Lawrence: Lawrence
CH2: ______(i still haven't selected someone to do this characters voice. if your interested let me know) (preference will be given to people with smaller or no parts)
Andrew: Andrew
Michael: Michael
CH4: ______(i still haven't selected someone to do this characters voice. if your interested let me know) (preference will be given to people with smaller or no parts)
Alysha: Alysha
CH7: ______(i still haven't selected someone to do this characters voice. if your interested let me know) (preference will be given to people with smaller or no parts)
Holly: Holly (my dog)/Jordon (voice actor)
Zelda: Jessica
Kirk: Kirk
CH9: ______(i still haven't selected someone to do this characters voice. if your interested let me know) (preference will be given to people with smaller or no parts)
Gannon: Curt
Evan: Evan
Vegeta: Vegeta
Nappa: Nappa
Jordon: Jordon

Zelda Movie Script

You know you have been playing too many RPG's when...

Opening credits

Link uses the wiimote and attachment
Lawrence might use the wiimote (if not he will use a real racket)
Try to get shots over the course of the day (mourning, noon, evening, night, and (different weather if possible)
End game with a casual farewell

Title screen

Music (from the link song by system of a down)
Intro (explanation from "A Link to the Past" about the generations)
Link getting on to a bus, riding the bus, and getting off the bus
While introduction is playing, the background should be dimmed
Fade to black
Fade in with Link walking into his bedroom (wii is in the room with one wavebird attached to it) (Link does not make notice of the wii)
Link lies down on bed
Voice: Link!
[Link searches the area, but finds nothing] ( [] <- denotes text on screen)
Voice: Link!
(Link searches the room again and see's the wavebird receiver blink every time the voice calls out. the voice is calling out every so often)
(Screen fades out)

Scene 1
[*lets not waste a lot of time on introducing the plot; it's The Legend of Zelda, how many different plots can there be?*]
(Screen fades in)
CH2: Link! I am C-H 2; rank one. The evil lord Gannon kidnapped my brothers, you must help them!
Link: What?!
CH2: you have been chosen by the gods, you must help us!
Link: I don't understand! Why am I helping you?
CH2: Holy crap! Your ancestors never questioned their tasks, they never said a word!
Link: That's because my "ancestors" were a bunch of mindless mutes!
(Screen cuts to a clip of Link from the Zelda parody on YouTube, the one revolved around the high school and the dance)
CH2: come on, the fate of the world depends on this, who knows what Gannon is planning to do to my brothers?
Link: who cares?
CH2: I do! What can I do to make you understand?
Link: will you shut up if I agree?
CH2: yes!
Link: Then I'll do it. Now, what do I have to do?
CH2: my brothers have been scattered across this land, one is in the Forest Temple, one is in the... what are you doing?
Link: You said the Forest Temple right.
CH2: Yes! There you will need to fight terrible monsters, and solve difficult puzzles to move on through the many rooms and finally kill a dangerous creature to gain access to the room my brother is being kept in
Link: Yeah... um... screw that, it's a forest; I'm getting my dad's Chainsaw
CH2: ...
(Link leaves the room and goes into the garage where Andrew is working)
Andrew: Hey!
Link keeps walking
Andrew: [*Hey Link! *] Where are you going?*]
(As this appears on screen, Link looks between Andrew and the bottom of the screen a couple of times)
[*I just finished your sword and shield*]
(Link slaps Andrew)
Link: (sternly) No! No!
Andrew: (grunt)
Andrew: [*what the hell?!!*]
Link: (slaps Andrew again) (sternly) No! Stop it! Speak boy!
Andrew: (glares) Fine! I just finished your sword and shield, follow me and I'll get them for you. (Andrew starts to walk off)
Link: Umm... I never asked for a sword or shield.
Andrew: But you're a hero, chosen by the gods, descendent of the hero of old, you must have your sword and shield! Come here!
Link: ...
Link: (walks over and receives the shield
Andrew: Now where's that sword? Hmm... Why don't you go for a walk, and I'll look for it.
(Link walks off out of the garage and down the street)
Andrew: Where are you going?
Link: What? You just told me to go.
Andrew: Aren't you forgetting something?
Link: Oh the chainsaw. Thanks for reminding me.
(Walks to one of the walls)
Andrew: Huh? No! You just got an item...
Link: (mumbling) you’ve got to be kidding me!
Link: (Link holds shield over head) [*you got the nunchuck shield*]
Link: [*Use it to deflect attacks by pressing the Z button*]
Link: What?!!
Andrew: Remember, when you wish to use it, hold the z button, otherwise it will remain in your inventory
Link: (sarcastically) Z button, right! Of Course! (tries to use it but fails miserably)Seriously???
(Just rerun scene, don't film again)
Andrew: Remember, when you wish to use it, hold the z button, otherwise it will remain in your inventory
(Link annoyed, and dumbfounded look presses Z and the shield quickly swings into action)
Link: Ahhh!!!
Andrew: Good! Now you're ready. Good luck!
Link: (as he walks off) Uh huh?
Andrew: [*Good-bye!*]
(Link stops for a second, and then heads off again)

Scene 2
Link is walking by the soccer field, and see's Michael practicing his sword fighting, and then Link tries to hurry off in the opposite direction)
Mike: Link wait!
(Mike starts running off towards Link)
Link: Ah, crap! (Turns around pleasantly) yeah?
Mike: I just got a new sword, I stole it from... oh never mind! Anyway, I hear you’re on a quest!
Link: (Link mutters under his breath) how does everybody know that?
Mike: It's on your nametag.
(Camera cuts to a name tag on Link's chest that reads: "Hello my name is: Link (on a quest)". Link angrily rips the tag of his chest, crumbles it up, and throws it on the ground)
Mike: Come here, you’re in no shape to fight like that let me teach you. You ready? Good! Now do a shoulder role! (Link obediently does one) Excellent, now, by pressing and holding Z lock onto that tree. (Again, link obeys)
Mike: Perfect, now you can walk around, jump and strike while always staying focused on your target. Try it. (Once again, Link does so) Good! I think you’re ready to try your sword. Here! (Mike hands Link the sword.)
Link: How did you get this? I thought Andrew had it!
Mike: Hey, who do you think you are? Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney? Lay off eh! I have a sword, and Andrew doesn't, end of story!
(Mike stares blankly)
Link: Umm... aren't you going to tell me how to use it?
Mike: But you haven't obtained it yet!
Link: Huh? What? Sure, I have, it's right... oh... (Sarcastically excited) You obtained the Hero's sword, swing the wiimote to equip and use it.
Link: [*You obtained the Hero's sword, swing the wiimote to equip and use it.*]
Mike: Lock on with Z and then swing the sword to do a normal slash
(Sarcastically excited, Link does so)
Mike: And finally, wave your nunchuck shield to perform a spin slash.
(As Link does so, he goes from sarcastically excited to shocked at the pull of the sword)
Mike: Great! Now you’re ready to practice fighting.
(Link becomes scared as the screen fades to black. As the screen fades, back in we see Link and Mike equipped with shinai's and Link looking around confused)
(Pokemon Elite Four music plays. Improv fight scene, Link finally wins, and jumps at Mike who is on the ground {finishing strike} screen fades out and back to the way it was before the match, with link finishing his strike with his sword, and Mike standing by watching confused. Link looks up at Mike)
Mike: Great, your finally ready to go on your quest, you can find me at my home if you ever need me. (Mike leaves.)
(Watches as Mike walks off and then walks in the other direction.)
(Film continues till Link is out of sight, but is fast foreworded till then.)
(Speed resumes with Link looking down at the ravine. Animation for "skip to next chapter")
Link: Finally I've reached that things brother.
(It doesn't matter when, but at somepoint while in the ravine, Link will suddenly stop, and turn into the bushes, where he will find a briefcase. as Link opens the briefcase the music for opening a chest plays. Link pulls out a little folded piece of paper in the shape of a 3dimensional rectangle)
Link: [*Congradulations you found geocache*]
(The Wavebird receiver is seen lying on the ground and boss fight music is initiated as the camera zooms in on a dandelion. Link pulls out his sword and shield and ready's himself. The camera goes between the dandilion and Link a few times untill Link relax's and puts down his sword, pulls out a pocket knife, walks away and cuts the dandilion. The music ends)
Link: Why are the first bosses always so easy? It actually makes me wanna cry that whole civilizations are threatened by them!
(Link picks up the wavebird receiver and holds it above his head as the screen fades to black)

Scene 3
(As the screen is still black, words appear)
[*Have you ever noticed how inhumanly fast Link can drink?*]
(Screen fades in with Link on the internet reading the "42" group on Facebook)
Alysha: Link, there's a blinking light telling me to return its brother, climb a haunted lighthouse, fight ghosts "with a sword", risk my life, and find another blinking light to bring back here
(Link looks at Alysha as if she is crazy)
(Alysha looks at Link as if he is crazy)
Alysha: Are you on crack?!!
(Link looks at Alysha astonished and insulted)
Alysha: Really! Something about all that doesn't sound right!... (Then very matter-of-factly)...I think we should have you tested!!
Link: (Angrily) Get out of here!!
(Link closes the internet so the desktop can be shown. Link then gets up, walks toward his bedroom to lie down on his bed, and looks at the blinking light. Alysha stands in the doorway waiting)
Link: Go away!
(Link gets up to walk to the door, opens it and Alysha can be seen leaving, Link then closes the door and returns to his bed)
Link: (angrily) what?!!
CH2: My brother!
Link: What about him? I have him right here!
CH2: Place him beside me.
Link: Huh? Fine!
(Link places CH4 into the second slot of the wii)
CH2: Thank you
(Link grunts)
CH4: (enthusiastic if possible) Hello, and welcome!
Link: This is my room!
CH4: Not anymore! Now that I'm here, it's my bachelor pad!
Link: I'm unplugging him!
CH2: No, he's the only one that knows where CH7 is
Link: Then he can tell me, and then I'll yank him
CH4: But I already took the blue pill!
Link: yeah? Well this is as far down the rabbit hole as you go
CH4: ah! No! We need to be together for our power to work properly
Link: what power?
CH2: the one that lets us know where Gannon is
Link: I'm sure I can find a way that we won’t need him yet
CH4: yes, but why?
Link: (annoyed) where's your brother
Ch4: so I can stay?
Link: for now
CH4: All right! Commencing virus download!
Link: Oh, that’s it!
(Link jumps up and as he rushes towards CH4, he pushes anything in front of him out of the way)
(Screen cuts to black (not fads))
[*this scene was deleted due to: violent nature, graphical violence, crude language, mature content, and its complex conclusion that would be far too difficult for the average person to understand, and definitely has nothing to do with the scriptwriter being too lazy to come up with anything*]
(screen fades back in on a bloody and beat up Link breathing heavily with the Master Sword either in hand, or at his side. the Master Sword should be bloody too(CH4 should look bloody and beat up as well if possible, but we don’t see this until the screen cuts to him talking)
Link: well now that we've finished that amazing fight scene with explosions, CG monsters, castle sieges, and Death Stars, I will ask you again: where is your brother? The one who is going to be less annoying than you are if he doesn’t want to be written out of the script?
CH2: Actually, you'll find him much more annoying! You’ll see! And to find him you must climb a haunted lighthouse, fight ghosts, with a sword, risk your life, and find another one of us.
Link: yes, I've already heard all that. But WHERE? Wait! I thought you said you didn't know where it was
CH2: where HE is, and I don't! I just know it's he's in a haunted lighthouse where you must fight gh---
Link: Stop! Please, for the love of god stop! Where is it?
CH4: The Mars Lighthouse in Prox
Link: I see. Huh, I wonder if anyone will get that reference?
CH4: probably only a few people. But now that everyone knows it's a reference, there's probably going to be a lot of annoying people asking in the comments: what were they referencing at such and such a time?
Link: you know we could probably solve that problem by just telling them, or putting it in the video description.
CH4: Nah, let’s let them figure it out. I hope that they'll realise if they type in 'Prox' and 'lighthouse' into Google, something will come up
Link: I hope so, people can get annoying when they ask what song or anime was playing at whatever time.
CH4: I agree, and you know what? Let’s make everyone’s lives a little easier. for all you people who do that while watching AMV Hell, if you go to the AMV Hell website, it lists ALL of them, in order!
Link: I hope that works
CH2: ok guys settle down, let’s get back to rescuing our brother
Link: rather than referencing the world wide-video streaming-web? Ok! Huh?... I wonder!... uh... can you guys be destroyed?
CH4: yes, but only by a powerful magic, the one Gannon is after, the one we must stop him from getting
Link: hmm?... so I can't hurt you by any physical means?
CH4: no
Link: what about your brother? The one in the tower?
CH2: he's protected too. You couldn't hurt any of us if you tried. Unless you possessed the 'golden power
Link: so desu ne?
(Camera must be sure not to show Link at this point)
CH4: why do you ask?
(As the camera goes back to Link, Link is shown talking on his cell phone. also, Link is no longer bloody and beat up, the master sword is back where it should be, and when we go back to CH4, he too is back to normal)
Link: yeah, thanks, that’s a big help. So, how's the wife? Yeah? Well that’s nice. Oh, I hope you guys have fun! Oh sorry, I got to go, but give me a call when you get back and we'll hang out, and really, thanks for doing that favour for me!
(Link hangs up the phone and returns to talking to CH4)
Link: I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
CH4: I was asking you why you wanted to know if we could be injured
Link: oh right, that. No reason!
(The screen cuts to the scene of a nuclear explosion)
CH2: You know your predecessors had more respect!
Link: You know my predecessors didn't have nukes!
CH4: well are you going to go get him?
Link: are you crazy?! I'll get radiation poisoning! I'll send Andrew
(Link walks over and opens the door, Andrew cannot be seen)
Link: Hey Andrew
(From somewhere unseen)
Andrew: yeah?
Link: Could you come here for a minute
(the camera should stop recording at this part, giving Andrew a chance to come into view, once Andrew is in position the camera should start recording again, and the song that is played in Zelda games whenever a secret is found should be played, thus giving the feeling that Andrew just magically appeared. also, Andrew should be holding a mysterious bag in front of him)
Andrew: yeah?
Link: I have a really fun, big-boy job for you. You see those two blinking lights? They lost their brother and cannot get him back themselves. Do you wanna be a BIG hero?
Andrew: yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Link: okay! go to our city's tower, there you will find a smoking crater, in that crater should be another one of these guys, find him, and bring him back okay?
Andrew: okay!
(As Andrew says his next line, he opens the bag releasing a bunch of red balloons)
Andrew: Tingle Tingle Kooloo Limpa!
(Just like before, the camera should stop recording and only start again once Andrew's gone, so that it looks like he magically disappeared)
Link:...well he should be back soon, where to next?
CH2: Your generation is the laziest I have ever seen!
CH4: But they do seem to get the most done!
(Link looks thoroughly pleased with himself)
Link: so where to next?
CH4: we are unsure; we will need to wait for our brother
Link: I see, in that case I think I deserve a break!
(Link opens a Kit Kat)
CH2: You have been working very hard!
CH4: hasn't he?
CH2: …
(Andrew runs in and pushes Link out of the way to get to the Wii and plug in the receiver, after doing so, he jumps on the bed and stairs at the receivers like a cat or a dog, eyes wide, just watching and smiling expectantly)
Link: Can I help you?
(Andrew looks at Link still pleased, shakes his head violently, and then returns to staring at the Wii)
Link: Then get out!
(Andrew looks at him still pleased, shakes his head violently and then returns to staring at the Wii)
Link: Ugh!!!
(Alysha walks into the room)
Alysha: Link! Look at you, you’re so skinny! Here, drink your milk!
(Alysha hands Link a glass of milk, preferably in a glass jar, and Link downs it)

Quests & Plots / [quest] Restaurant Recovery
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:31:32 PM »
Ok, so I've been feeling like I have been cheating everyone by not giving you any hints at what I'm doing with the team.

For those who don't know, I am the Story Writer for PU, I write stories/quests, and NPC dialog and such. Now, just because I'm posting this here doesn't mean that this quest is guaranteed to be in the game exactly as it is written here, or even at all (but there is probably a better chance).

So anyway, here is a quest I just cooked up, unfortunately for you guys, parts of this will have [...] to indicate I cut something out. ...you know, for spoilers, I can't give everything away. Also, a note to team members, please feel free, to cut things and put that in its place if you see something you don't think should be revealed.

Also, I recognize, that I like to write (what do you expect from a story writer), and so this quest is a little long, over 3 pages (in its entirety) in Microsoft Word to be exact, so for your benefit, there will be a tl;dr (too long; didn't read) version, for those of you that just what a simplified summary. However, it is currently 4:00 in the morning, and my vision is starting to go, so I will write that later. You will be able to find the summarized version in the post after this one.

This quest starts out in a restaurant similar to the ones that have appeared in recent games. Inside are patrons sitting at tables eating; some of the customers will battle you, either solo, or duel. Some of the customers will just speak with you; one of the things some of the customers would say is that they wish they could get some of the chef’s special, but he doesn’t seem to be making any, and that even if he was, they wouldn’t be able to afford it. At the back of the restaurant you can approach a counter (where other NPC trainers could be sitting at bar stools), and speak with an employee.

The employee would be able to sell you different foods, or drinks that boost a little bit of HP.

There would also be doors that lead to the kitchen, but would have a man standing beside them that would refuse you entry. After you purchase enough products from the restaurant, you would be allowed to pass into the kitchen in order to: “thank the chef”. Speaking with the chef he would mention that many of the required ingredients for his special keep getting stolen from him, and he requires a strong trainer to go locate his ingredients. In order to initiate the quest from this point, you must have also defeated all of the customers in the dining area.

Once you meet the requirements for the quest, the chef will speak of a gang of Meowths, and other felines that have been stealing his ingredients, and request that you locate their base and return what rightly belongs to him. He also promises to reward you, of course.

(oh, did I forget to mention that there are a bunch of Meowth’s and Skitty, and Glameow running around town?)
The next part of the quest is left primarily to exploration (although, I would expect people to help their friends get through it, or for players to go onto wiki walkthroughs, or for NPC’s to give you subtle hints). Outside of town, [...] you will find several pokemon, with an emphasis on Meowth, Skitty, and Glameow, and as you get closer to the end, their evolutions begin to appear in increasing numbers as well.

Finally you come upon a room filled with boxes, some of which are opened, but the majority are closed. In the center of the room, on a raised, stone platform, is a Persian, guarded by two Zangoose. Approach the stone platform, and climb the stairs, and you will initiate a fight with the two zangoose (who are of course high levelled). After defeating the two guards, you will be able to walk a little foreword and fight a very strong Persian. If the trainer is successful in defeating this Persian, [...] you also get a “restaurant package” in your loot.

Take the “restaurant package” back to the restaurant and return it to the chef. The chef will then proceed to reward you with a small bit of money, experience, and a free “chef special”, which is basically another heal item.

After you have completed the quest, you can always go back and talk to the chef again, who will still mention how he is missing a lot of his ingredients. You can of course, still go into the cat caves (heh heh, “cat cave”), and make your way down to the room with all the boxes,[...] but you can still receive a “restaurant package” upon victory. You can perform this process as many times as you see fit to earn a free “chef special”, but you will not receive the other rewards for repeating this quest.

Oh yeah, and in case you were wondering about those patrons who couldn’t afford the “chef special”, I haven’t forgotten about them. When you return to the restaurant you will have the option to speak with these patrons, and give them the “chef special” instead. If you choose to follow this path, the patrons will tell you that they don’t have any money to give you, but for your graciousness, they will give you a key card to their base.

Oh right, I should probably mention, this is a mutli-part quest

Great, now for part two of the quest. If you go to one of the towers in town, you will be able to use the key card you got from the restaurant to enter a room past the lobby and begin your ascent. Inside, you will find a [...]

You may now [...] as you climb the levels of the building you will find more and more NPC’s that will attack you. The majority of the pokemon in this building are: Growlith, Snubbull, Houndour, and Poochyena. Not all of the pokemon in this building have trainers, some of them are wild and roaming the building on their own (random battles). As you climb the building and get closer to the top, the ratio of dog type pokemon to other pokemon will become increasingly one sided (toward the canine), also, those pokemon’s evolutions will begin to appear.

When you finally reach the top level, which looks like a corporate boss’ office, you will see two Seviper, who upon approaching will initiate a battle with you. After successfully defeating the two Seviper, [...], and be able to freely walk into the office. Inside the office is a man standing beside a desk.

Speak with the man at the desk and he will tell you that some time ago, his corporation had managed to get their hands on[...] After the boss’ Granbull was attacked by a Persian in town,[...] but that he is not sure the boss’ decision was a good one, since [...] The man has no more information, but he can’t help but think that all that has happened is a good indication that they had done something wrong. He claims he tried to tell this to his boss, but his boss wouldn’t listen, but suspects that you must be here to try and stop him. Finally he states that he would like to help you battle the boss, but he has no pokemon so you will have to do it by yourself.

Fortunately, that is purely for back story, and to try to explain what is going on. It is not necessary for you to speak with this man, that way people can just go on to the final part, if they would rather skip all the dialog.

There is also another door in the room that opens with the use of [...] When you enter the last room (it looks like a [...] filled with balls of yarn, and other possessions from the cat cave), you will see a man standing at the back. This last man will fight you with his strong Grunbull, as he states that his other pokemon are unfortunately too weak from a previous fight to battle. Defeat his Grunbull, and he will state that had your break in been your only offense, he would give you a chance to leave, but since you also [...] he is going to have to teach you a lesson. He will then go on to state that he once had a [...]using [...] and instructions from a friend from a distant region, he [...]

Initiate your battle with [...] when the fight is over, instead of defeating it, it resorts to alternative measures. When you have brought [...] health down low enough, the man will suddenly figure out how you [...] finish the event off by teleporting you out of the building.

So, ...no reward for that one, ...well... other than the great experience you would get from going through all the levels, and maybe the occasional item you might find.

If you choose to re-enter the building, you may do so [...], but you will not be able to get back into the final room, as the door will be locked, and you will have[...]


The End
...Or is it?

Please comment, suggest, constructively criticize, etc. I would love (and kind of live on) your feedback.

General Chat / what is there left to go for?
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:01:32 PM »
as you may all be aware, generation 5 is coming in the near to not to distant future (i suspect seeing some info this year at E3), but the makers of pokemon have pretty much used everything in existence as a pokemon (they have a nose for christ sake).
so in the spirit of the wonder of what pokemon we will be faced with next

i thought i would extend a game to everyone that i play all the time (sometimes with other people), the idea is to think of something in the real world (preferably an animal, but not necessarily), that hasn't yet been turned into a pokemon.
i didn't put this in the games section, since its not really a forum game in my opinion, but if people think it should go there instead we can move it
here are just a few quick rules:
  • animals that are almost the same, count as the same (we have to remember this is a make believe universe for kids).
    *for example, if you say mouse, then that includes rats and gerbals as well (yes i know there are already mice and rats)
  • even though as i stated, they have made a nose pokemon, lets refrain from using anatomy in this game (you can guess why)
  • we should keep garbage out as well since we could just start throwing all forms of junk out there
  • basically just be sensible, it does not have to be an animal, but don't start listing stupid stuff off such as: paper, pop can, banana peel, door, dvd, etc....come on....really?

lastly before i start, please recognize that this isn't a place to invent new pokemon, so don't bother describing what it would look like, what its type would be or anything like that (there will be no made up pokemon in PU)

ok, here ill start now

they haven't made a swan pokemon

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