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Messages - Lunartic

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Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: March 02, 2015, 10:38:10 AM »
He tossed her. He fucking tossed her aside like a used rag, washed up and old and beyond its life.

"Jessica!!" Alex ran over to her sister, lying limp on the ground. ”Oh my god Jessica are you alright?” She turned her sister over so she was turned upright. ”Oh my fucking god please alright.”

Jessie moaned.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief. ”Oh thank god you’re alive.”

She coughed, then said, barely audible, ”H-how bad is it.”

”You’re not bleeding. How do you feel?”

Jessie swallowed and closed her eyes. ”Like fucking shit. I feel like every part of me was . . . was . . ." She broke out into tears.

Alex wrapped her arms around Jessie, comforting her, whispering soft, kind words into her ear, promising her that everything will be alright.

Alex hoped she sounded convincing, because she wasn’t proving that to herself.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:51:17 AM »
Alex was shocked. Stunned. Her normally floating gaze was cold and unwavering. Jessie could see the words forming on her unmoving lips: human born into a demon weapon family. It wasn’t possible, surely . . . but nobody knows who her real parents are. Does he know? Would he ever tell them?

Jessie was ready to blare out question after question when she was flying, falling, faster and faster down and down. She landed flat on her back, winded but not dead, and gratefully took Alex’s outstretched hand as she came back to her feet.

”Are you okay?” she asked, brushing dirt off her sister.

”Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” She looked up and down Alex while straightening out her shirt. ”You seem to have fared better.”

Alex smiled and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. She opened her mouth to say something but all that came out was a scream mirrored by her sister as she was pulled back by the hooded figure.

His touch was a strange sensation, a burning cold that made Jessie want to curl up in a ball and pray she didn’t exist but all she could do was stand there and watch him examine her, grope her like a precious little doll, a new plaything for him to do as he pleased. She wanted to do something, anything, but all she could do was scream. And his face, she knew his face wasn’t there, only darkness, but she could see the face of a man she swore on her life she would never come close to again. Yet here he was.

Alex saw him too. He saw the man who she would have killed to protect her sister, and here he was thinking he could touch her let alone be near her. ”Leave her alone!” cried the normally quiet Alexandra. ”You get the fuck away from her you backstabbing piece of shit!” She charged forward at them, but the others held her back. ”I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking kill you! Get your god damn hands off of my sister! Her throat was hoarse and tears were streaming down her cheeks but there was nothing she could do but stand by and watch.

And she watched her beloved sister Jessica perform the most painful transformation she’s ever done.

It was impossible for her to move. Jessie’s scream was nothing Alex had ever heard. It lingered in her mind, blocked out all senses, brought her world to a standstill. There was nothing left for her but pain.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:31:46 AM »
Jessie stood at the back of the small, chatty crowd, her arms crossed and foot tapping, looking back over her shoulder every few seconds and checking her phone even more frequently. It felt like hours when her sister finally arrived. ”It’s about time you showed up. Didn’t you get my text? . . . You were sleeping, weren’t you?”

”How can you tell? Aside from me almost being late.”

”Your hair is kinda puffed up, especially on this side,” she said, running a hand over the left side of her head. Alex mirrored the action on her right side. ”You don’t normally sleep on that side. Are you alright?”

”Mostly. Better, but my shoulder hurts.” Instinctively, she put a hand on her left shoulder and rolled it back a bit. ”It wasn’t until after that class earlier when it started hurting. I don’t know why, I’ve done crazier stunts than that.”

Jessie shrugged.

”You don’t look so good yourself.” She tugged on Jessie’s sleeve. ”You don’t normally wear your sweatshirt like this.”

Sigh “I know. I just . . . I have a bad feeling about this. Like, I really, really don’t want to go in there.”

Alex put an arm around her. ”Look, we’ll be fine. I promise.”

It was as she said that when the door opened and a voice invited - no, more like summoned them inside. And the two sisters, side by shivering side, followed the nervous group of students into the chamber before them.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:17:11 AM »
Jessie giggled and popped a piece in her mouth, smacking it with a smile. "Aah, minty. Anyway, I'm Jessie," she tilted to the shorter girl beside her, "and this is my meister, and sister, Alex."

Alex smiled and gave the others a little wave. "Hi. Oh, um, no thank you," she said when offered the gum, involuntarily wrinkling her nose as well.

Jessie gave her sister a curious look, chewing her gum loudly as she did. Then she stopped. "Oh yeah. " She looked back at the other two. " Alex doesn't chew gum."

Alex gave Warren a sympathetic look. "Sorry, I just . . . don't like it."

"She doesn't like mint either.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:01:59 PM »
Jessie transformed back to her human form and stood beside her sister in the crater. ”Are you okay Sis?”

Alex nodded.

”You don’t look okay. How do you feel?” she asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Alex instinctively pulled away, but then fell into her sister’s embrace. ”I don’t like our teacher,” she whispered into her ear.

”I can tell,” she replied softly. ”We’ll get through this, I promise.” She pulled back and smiled at Alex. ”Together.”

There was a moment’s pause. ”. . . together.” She motioned to the glowing, red orb in the middle of the crater. ”You should, y’know, do something with that.”

”. . . oh yeah.” Jessie walked over to the egg and crouched down to inspect it. ”So this is what they look like.” She picked it up. ”Not very heavy.” She smelled it.

Alex raised an eyebrow.

”It smells like the shittiest pasta ever made.”

Alex cracked a smile. ”Worse than Dad’s?”

”Oooohh yeah.” She stood straight tossed it between her hands. ”So, what am I supposed to do with it?”

”I dunno . . . absorb it some how?”

Jessie looked at it bewildered. ”Absorb it . . . how the hell am I supposed to do that?”

Alex crossed her arms and twirled some hair around her fingers. ”Well, Mortecai eats it . . .”

Jessie did not look amused. ”I’m not eating this stupid thing.” She rattled her fingertips against the orb - it sounded hollow. ”Hmm . . .” She held the kishin egg in front of her with her right hand and crushed it in her fist. It disintegrated into a fine red dust that absorbed into her. ”Woah! Did you see that?”

Alex looked up. ”What?”

”The egg! I crushed it and it was like, woosh, it turned into dust and then I had this . . . this feeling in my arm that just surged across my body. It was so cool!”

Alex giggled at her ecstatic sister. ”Alright, c’mon Jessie, let’s get going.” The two of them climbed out of the crater, Jessie still going on about the kishin egg, and when they reached the top Mortecai yelled at them some more. Neither of them paid him much attention.

A tall boy greeted them afterwards. Alex shrugged in reply to his question.

”Mortecai must like giving it,” said Jessie. ”The same boy who told us he was an ‘awesome teacher’.” she said with air quotes for emphasis, ”said maintenance wasn’t all that bad.”

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:57:49 AM »
Alex ran toward the kishin egg, leaping before the ground fell beneath her and landing on his shoulders. She aimed the bow between her eggs, the arrow poised to fire into the man’s skull. ”I see a dead Blackshirt.” Her fingers were about to release when a loud smack resonated across the field. On one side was a rather limp meister, on the other a rather proud Mortecai. Between them was utter stillness. And something about maintenance. Using the distraction to her advantage, Alex cut the silence like a knife as her bow let out a satisfying thwump. She leaped forward, behind Mussolini, and spun around to face her opponent once more, readying another arrow as she did.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:26:16 AM »
". . . yes?"

Wrong answer.

"Ow ow ow OW OW OW! Jesus CHRIST that hurt!" She rubbed her head and tenderly pulled loose hairs away when she turned around. "Was that really necessary?" Apparently it wasn't enough either, because the next thing Jessie knew she was on her back and five feet behind her.

Alex didn't fare much better. Her feral scream sent chills down Jessie's spine. It reminded her of the day they . . . did something she would rather not reminisce over. It coincidentally stopped when he kicked her in the face.

"Alex . . . Alex, are you alright? Oh my fucking nose..."

She grunted.

"Yeah . . . maintenance, what the fuck is maintenance?

Alex stood up - eventually - and helped up her sister. "Doesn't matter, let's just get this over with. Go get the key."

The tone in her sister's voice made Jessie shudder. She never spoke like that, not to her, not to their parents, only once when . . .

"Key Jessica."

"Yeah, I-I'm going." She fought to keep her hand from shaking. Alex looked no worse than her - hair misplaced, bloody nose, lowered eyes - but Jessie knew how well her sister could hide her emotions. Most people would think she simply shrugged it off as best as she could. Jessie was scared.

Alex crossed her arms. "Everyone else is getting some crazy person from their box. You go open ours then come to me and transform."

"Why do I have to do it?" she asked.

Alex her sister in the eyes.

"I'll open the box," she said quickly. "Okay, just put in the key, open the box, turn around and run," she whispered under her breath. "Oh god I don't want to die oh god oh god oh god..." The key slipped into the box and turned easily, with Jessie standing as far as humanly possible from the box. The lock clicked and an angry, Italian, iron-clad man leaped out. Without second thought, Jessie turned and flew across the field, leaping at Alex and transforming mid-air.

Alex caught the slender bow and drew an arrow, lining up a perfect shot. If the great general of war hadn't screamed at her, she would have fired at the other maniac without a second thought.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:59:23 AM »
"ShIt ShIt  ShIt ShIt ShIt..."

"We're going to be fine Jessie-"

"We're going to be late!"

Alex grabbed her sister by the wrist and brought the two to a stop in the middle of the empty hallway. "Look at me. We're going to be fine, trust me. Remember what the guy said?"

Jessie was bent over trying to catch her breath. She may be a demon weapon, but even she needs to stop running once in a while. "N-no."

"Of course not. He told us that there's always someone who shows up late to class - just like school at home - but Mortecai is one of the best teachers here." She gave Jessie a comforting smile. "We'll just explain to him that we got lost, we're really sorry and stuff, and we'll never do it again and he'll let us off the hook!"

Jessie smiled back. "Yeah. Yeah, we will be fine. But it doesn't mean I like being late."

"Same. Now let's get going."

And the two resumed their jog - which was faster than the average human's sprint.


"Why is this school so fucking huge?!?" Jessie asked the air like it actually cared.

"Look, there's the class!"

The two came to a stop beside an empty doorway.

"Where's the door?"

Alex shrugged. "Hmm, Mortecai's Class Of-"

Jessie grabbed Alex by the wrist and pulled her through the doorway. "Doesn't matter, this is his class. Hi Mister Mortecai! Sorry we're late!" she yelled as they entered the classroom.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:32:16 AM »
It seemed Jessie dozed off on Alex's shoulder, who wasn't paying much attention herself. She elbowed her sister in the ribs when the crowd began to rustle. "Looks like we're moving."

"What? Did I miss something?" She scanned the people around her.

"Yeah, there was a big speech or something I think."

"What did he say?"

"I dunno."

"Uhh . . . crap. What do we do?" She tapped a black-haired boy on the shoulder, who barely stopped to look up at her. "What did the guy giving the speech say? I wasn't paying attention."

"Get to class," he said and hurried off with the crowd.

"He sounded pleasant," Alex said sarcastically.

"Hmmph. I hope everyone else isn't like that." Jessie shrugged. "I guess we should get going."

Alex nodded and let Jessie lead, shoving her way through the crowd in their effort to get to class.

"Hey Alex," she hollered over her shoulder.


"Where's our class?"

"I thought you knew."

"Have I ever been good with directions?"

"Have I ever been much better?"

Jessie let out a heavy sigh. "We're going to be in so much trouble . . ."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:41:00 AM »
"How long are they going to keep us waiting?"

Alex was toying with the end of her long, braided hair when Jessie spoke. "Hmm?" she asked and looked up at her sister.

Jessie rolled her eyes and sighed briefly. "When are they going to do something? We've been standing here for ages."

"I don't like it any more than you Jessie," she replied and leaned in a bit closer to her, speaking a bit softer now. "You know I don't like crowds."

She smiled and wrapped her arm around Alex. "I know Sis. Tell you what, when we get to our dorm room I'll let you just chill for a bit while I see what's here."

Alex smiled. "Thanks Jessie."


Other Roleplay / Re: [OOC] Soul Eater: New Earth
« on: February 20, 2015, 12:00:54 AM »
This sounds like fun, but I'll be afk for all of next week starting tomorrow and I won't have internet, so I'll join when I get back. I'll make a profile while I'm gone and submit it when I get a chance.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Second World
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:11:16 AM »
Although her expression remained calm, a wave of anxiety rushed over her. She fought to keep her eyes from turning bright yellow. At least she didn't have to worry about her blushing, the warm sun made her cheeks rosy red, and she knew how to keep her voice from wavering. "Ah, my cousin invited me to a small dinner party at his estate a few miles to the south-east, only a day's journey, when his mother-in-law fell ill and I was forced to make leave early." She gestured to her travelling companion and continued. "Thankfully, Sir Tyrren was also returning to the castle and honourably offered to escort me home." She turned and lightly curtseyed to him with a gracious smile. "Thank you kindly, Sir Tyrren."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Second World
« on: February 16, 2015, 10:16:18 AM »
'Well," she held out her hands to help Tyrren stand up. "you must act like them. Many knights are of noble blood and have proper mannerisms. Stand upright, with your back straight and chest out. Roll your shoulders back a bit, like this," which she demonstrated to him, "but not so much that you arch your back." On and on Floressa went with advise and instructions about how a knight should act - everything from greeting his fellow men and King to eating at a dinner table. She moved his body around like a toy doll when correcting his posture, pushing and pulling but softly. When asked how she knew any of this, she would simply shrug and say "I've read about it," or "I've seen it be done."

"The experience of acting as a proper noble is not something that any amount of learning can compare to. Knowing how to do something and actually doing it are two very different ideas," she added at the end of her lecturing. "For example, I did not acquire my lexicon from a book, or have someone tell me what words are appropriate and how to say them. I cannot emphasize how important it is to being a noble that you must experience their ornate environment for yourself and, for lack of a better term, learn the hard way." She looked into his eyes, hers pearly blue, wistful and hoping. "Can you do that?"

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Second World
« on: February 06, 2015, 11:15:20 PM »
She giggled at the remark, but said nothing.

The lake Floressa mentioned was more like a pond, but that didn't matter. The water was clear and tranquil and the grass was nice and soft under her bare soles. She dipped a toe into the water. It wasn't as warm as she would like, but it was bearable.

Less than an hour later, she returned to the campsite looking as stunning as ever. Noting the lumpy bedroll, she nudged it with her foot. "Rise and shine Tyrren, you've had enough sleep for today."

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Second World
« on: February 05, 2015, 06:12:05 AM »
She hardly remembered falling asleep. What she does remember is waking up in her bed at home in her cosy cottage at the farm, not a tent by a castle. It was a surprise, but comforting. The rest of her day was a blur. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. Morning chores. Lunch. Archery. Supper. Evening chores. Bed. She didn't speak to Daylin. She hardly saw her parents. She didn't even go out to town. Her only thought was the . . . dream? No, it had to be real. There was no way it wasn't.

Falling asleep was like falling. You stand on the edge of a cliff, peering over the edge into nothing. It doesn't feel like you stepped off, until your breath is taken away. And when you breath again, you're lying in your bed staring at the ceiling of your bedroom.

Not this time.

Floressa woke up to the gray-brown roof of a tent, feeling a bit groggy, like she woke up in the middle of a deep sleep. Wearing green and brown clothing. There was no way this was a dream. She crawled out of her tent. Her hair was tangled and she had a rather large cow-lick over her left ear. She waved at her travelling partner and grabbed her bag. "I think I saw a lake a few metres back, I'm going to have a bath," she said and trudged, barefoot, through the forest. "If I catch you lookin' at me," she hollered, "I'll cut off your penis while you sleep."

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