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3DS Friend Codes / Pokemon X&Y / Super Smash Bros 3DS

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Here you can post your friend codes for the 3DS. I have a few already added for pokemon XandY. Will help a lot with trading and stuff. Even battles.

Roloc: 1547-5380-4673
Fenror: 3351-4506-8996
Miss Wednesday: 3093-7805-6564
Nightshade: 3239-2875-6434
Fox: 1392-5204-8698
Meowth: 2509-1512-7291
Jerry: 3781 0435 4592
Sazaraki: 2552-0546-8084
Yukimenoko: 0087 - 2299 - 5405
Cortex: 4484-7847-0966
Darkstar: 3995-6518-2784
Nexalas: 0791-1854-4168
Soul: 2079-6649-1314
Ice Warrior Astral: 0087-2428-8585
DontBlink: 2578 3118 4996
Arctus: 2895 7555 0455
catgirl_1990: 1693-0829-2321
TerryE: 1392-5596-1883

10/5/14 List now extends to Super Smash Bros

Yume Tsuki:
Yukimenoko: 0087 - 2299 - 5405

Though I  like the idea they had making this game entirely global and giving acess to trade with everyone. So if you don't have many friends you can just try propose a trade with anyone playing. ^^

Mr. Fox:
1392-5204-8698 that's me, feel free to add!

Cortex J. : 4484-7847-0966 Go ahead and add.

Miss Wednesday:
Mine is 3093-7805-6564 C:


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