Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Fight old pokemon characters

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How is it copying?  Wait...did Nintendo think of this with Gamefreak...or did someone else think of this?

Actually, it is more than just Nintendo, there is also the pokemon company, Gamefreak, Cartoon Network, and a whole bunch of others that will not take kindly to us using characters from there shows or games. Granted, we have team rocket, but we will not be using the characters from it, and it is subject to change. But bottom line, PU will not have any characters from the games or shows, or a likeness of them. As a writer for the game, I can assure you that our characters will be enjoyable.

Thanks, Cortex!

 He meant we cannot use characters from previous games. We are already using the idea of Pokémon which is not ours, but that's because we want to create a new Pokémon experience where interaction with other players is important. So the problem is, we are already using their ideas of Pokémon, let's not give them any more reason to tell us we take copies from the game.

 Ah, I see Cortex already answered.

Well from the game description says there programing every region into the game so maybe they will have the old gym leaders and everyone else.


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