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Balance of Dimensions [Profiles]

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Human -
Name: Stella Harrison
Age: 19
Personality: Stella obsesses over her performance; focusing solely on battling, and how she can improve. Due to this, she’s rarely coaxed out of her room to anywhere but one of the sparring rooms, and even then when she does… She’s basically a fish out of water.
Sponsorship: Facilitation Inc.
A rival company to “Galactic Industries”, trying to pioneer the Astral Equipment scene, after a few failed business models.
Biography: Stella was daughter to a previous contestant, and battler. She grew up on stories of battlers, and the great fights that partook, even watching some replays for herself, always enthralled by the action. Naturally, she was excited when both her father and mother told her that it was in her blood, that she would become a battler herself. She was not, however, excited when the dreams set in.

They started out like nightmares; trapped within a completely walled off section of humanity, in the body of a girl who was sought to be killed by every inhabitant. In the body of a girl, who’s only goal was to keep disaster from breaking loose; and to keep those in the prison-like war there too, if she had to.

Luckily for her… One day, the dreams stopped. The day they stopped, she woke up with a ‘symbol’, in the form of a serial number printed below her neck: “F-003, IO”, the words read. She dove headfirst into astral battling from that moment on, if not to compete, then to learn more about who she was during those dreams. One thing led to another, and she was hired as the representative of ‘Facilitation Inc.’ at the upcoming tournament.
Appearance: Standing a bit shorter than others at 5’4”, Stella has an almost unnaturally pale complexion, with a frail frame. Atop her head she has short black hair, with bright green eyes that seem to focus on one thing, never leaving a target once it’s seen. When it comes to her outfit, she normally wears what appears to me a jersey with the company’s logo on it, along with a pair of comfortable jeans and sneakers. A little bit below her neck, lies her astral mark, the serial number of her Astral being planted on it.

Astral -
Name: Alice  Iota.
World or Region: Facility-003
• A.I.:  Alice Iota, as the control A.I. of the facility, she has learned to manipulate the world around her to a varying degree, allowing her to perform some… Interesting feats, depending on the selected map.
Strength and Weaknesses -
( + ) Manipulation: Alice Iota manipulates the world around her slightly, giving her the appearance of levitation. Footprints are not left behind.
( + ) Conspiring Against You: Alice Iota channels her attacks through the terrain, attacking through the landscape itself.
( + ) Raw Power: Alice Iota seems to hold a lot of raw power, causing her attacks to hit rather hard, and possibly fast.
( - ) Conflicting Ideals: Alice Iota and Stella are near constantly shifting control to each other depending on the situation, as Stella enjoys combat more than talking. They have equal ‘strength’ when it comes to their personalities, and shift continually.
( - ) Raw Power: But no control. Alice Iota has power, but her control is limited; meaning that she often expends much more energy than intended in an attack, or the attack will even be misjudged in range or power.
( - ) Limitations: Alice Iota is only able to attack through the terrain, and is unable to ‘directly’ attack her opponent. As such, she’s dependant on the world to be shaped in her favor.
Super Move: “Oh dear, again? Please, be more careful next time.”
Passive: Alice Iota leaves spare ‘code’, or ‘matter’ at the source of her attacks. This does give her away, but can be controlled independently to shape terrain, at the cost of energy.
Active: Alice Iota corrupts the world around her slightly, granting her temporary increased control in an oval area, and draining that section of the world of it’s color. After a set amount of time, the area begins moving independently of her, and will even begin aiming strikes at her. She is then unable to control any terrain in that area. This ability costs a large amount of power, and should be used strategically early on, if she wishes to reach it’s max potential.
Appearance: Iota ‘stands’ at a short 5’2”, however, due to her cheating hovering, she appears to be roughly 5’6”. She seems to hide her small size and stature under a large, oversized labcoat, almost completely obscuring her lower half save for a pair of sneakers. Going a bit past her neck, flows her curly, pink dyed hair; often slightly obscuring her soft blue eyes.
Theme Song:

Username: Humen
Name: Tyler "Mac" MacEntire
Age: 23
Personality: Tyler MacEntire, usually just called Mac, is cheery and hopeful. He strives to bring the best out in others and will do what he can to support them. He's a bit of a health nut and can almost always be found outside running around to stay active.
Sponsorship: American Cancer Society
• An organisation whose goal is to raise awareness of the cause of cancer, and fund those who have it.
Biography: Mac was like any other child; healthy and active, and generally carefree. But that changed not soon after his 12th birthday, when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He was given a two years to live with extensive treatment, but his family didn't have the money to pay for his medical bills, and his health continued to deteriorate rapidly.

It looked fairly grim for the young boy, and everyone had given up on him and the inevitably of his death, but in his heart Mac knew that was not where his story was going to end. When the point came that it seemed like things could get no more dire for the adolescent, he had a dream of a phantom-like creature; he was in a strange forest of some kind, and a dozen other people that looked just like him filled the clearing. They said only one thing before he woke up: "your time has not come."

When Mac woke up, whether through inhuman determination or some otherworldly miracle, his cancer had begun to recede rapidly. Within a month it could not be found, and within the year was pronounced completely free from the curse that had haunted him. With a few months of physical therapy, Mac made a full recovery, with a new will to live.

After overcoming what had been seen as certain death, he was able to return to school, and eventually to college, where his dreams would continue and an astral mark would finally appear on him. It turned out he was a natural at the sport, and competed for his school in local competitions. When it came time for him to graduate, he was given an unbelievable opportunity: inspired by his story of recovery, the ACS asked him to compete professionally with their sponsorship, to promote that people like him could recover, and to never give up hope and bring more attention to their cause.
Astral Mark:"Lower Back"
Theme Song: "Happy Little Clouds"

Name: Azwraith, the Phantom Lancer
World, or Region: Village of Pole
• Juxtapose: With each attack that Phantom Lancer lands, his amounts of his illusions multiply (3 illusions + landed blow = 6 illusions).

• Spirit Lance: Taking a moment to gather energy, Phantom Lancer and each of his illusions materialize ethereal lances to throw at their foe. It is medium-range in damage, but it adds up when six of them are thrown at once.

• Phantom Rush: Phantom Lancer himself rushes toward his foe at great speed, as if he was one of his illusions. He can phase through anything in his path, and though this is a risky move, it is strong enough to completely take his foe off of their feet.

• Triple Gang: By dispelling all of his illusions at once, Phantom Lancer can summon 2 illusions that are more durable and hit harder than any normal illusion to fight alongside him for a set amount of time.
Strengths and Weaknesses:
(+) Ur 2 Slow: Phantom Lancer is extremely fast and agile, letting him zero in and close the distance between himself and his foes with ease.

(+) Identical Thousandth: Every single illusion that is created is identical to Phantom Lancer, and connected to the same conscious as him. It is extremely easy for him to hide among their rank and avoid detection.

(+) As Real As They Feel: The illusions that Phantom Lancer creates are corporeal and heavy-handed, and hit nearly as hard as he does. They also make excellent walls of meat to defend him.

(-) No Stamina These Days: The illusions he summons are frail, and easily taken out by hitting them, or just stalling a few minutes. On top of that, each illusion he summons is weaker than the last, until it gets to the point they are disappearing as soon as they form.

(-) Ain't No Glass Jaw: But Phantom Lancer is no tank either. He is not taken by a single blow, but he can't go pound-for-pound with the best of them without the use of his clones, so if he can be found and pinpointed, a battle could be ended simply by taking him out.
Super Move: "I'm going ghost!"
Phantom Lancer releases his physical body, and exists solely on the ethereal plane, lessening the damage he takes from those on the physical plane and striking through them, to deal damage to their very spirit, ignoring armor. As time goes on, he becomes harder to hit and his blows deal more damage, but after only a moment or two longer he fades completely into the ethereal plane and loses the match.
Theme Song: "Attack"


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