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Messages - Redthebeast

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10
After Luke caught his Nidoran, he was determined to get it just as strong as his other pokemon. He faught an innumerable amount of wild pokemon in just hours. Nidoran had gotten much stronger than when Luke first found him.

Luke: Alright Nidoran, use Horn attack and finish this!

*wild rattata faints*

Good job Nidoran, lets find another one!

Wild Weedle appears

Luke: * throws out Nidoran* Alright, last one for tonight Nidoran! Lets start this with Horn attack!

*Weedle is hit then uses string shot on Nidoran, who is now stuck in the string*

Luke: Noo, Nidoran, C'mon you can get out of that!

*Weedle uses poison sting, Nidoran is poisoned*

Luke: C'mon Nidoran, you can do it!

*Weedle uses poison sting again, but Nidoran all of a sudden bursts out of the string with two swift kicks to weedles face. Weedle faints.*

Luke: Great, you learned Double Kick! Now lets get you to the Pokemon Center.

*rushes to pokemon center*

General Chat / Re: which pokemon would you want to be your starter
« on: June 26, 2012, 06:17:24 AM »
In pokemon universe: Charmander; Out of EVERY pokemon: Eevee of course.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: June 26, 2012, 06:13:17 AM »
Okay, thanks for the advice, lol. And alright i'll battle you, I just got back online, so yeah.

Luke: Argh, almost had it!

*throws another pokeball, Nidoran is caught*

Luke: *Grins* Welcome to the family, Nidoran.

Having finally arrived at Pewter city, Luke is determined to get his first gym badge, but knows he doesn't really have an advantage when it comes to types. So he sets out to find another pokemon.

Wild Nidoran(male) appears!

*Eevee steps up*

Eevee use Tackle!

*Nidoran is hit, then uses poison sting*

Eevee use Quick Attack and finish him off!

*Nidoran Faints*

Luke: *throws pokeball*

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: June 26, 2012, 03:29:16 AM »
Especially when her opponent is missing a pokemon, lol. ;)

As Luke ran through the forest towards the exit, he couldn't help but wonder why it was that he got so mad when the bug catcher tried to help. Then he stopped and thought about it and realized that it was because he didn't want eevee to think that Luke couldn't take care of Eevee himself. He turned to Eevee and asked: " Eevee, you know im capable of taking care of you myself, don't you?"

"Eevee..ee" *nudges Luke's leg*

Luke: That's a relief, hey I think I see the exit. Let's go Eevee.

*sprints toward the large building between Pewter City and Viridian forest*

As Luke arrived in Viridian Forest, he was dazzled by its dark yet shimmering beauty. He continued through the forest taking in the scenery, then a bug catcher appeared.

Bug Catcher: Wanna battle?

Luke:*Smirks* *throws out pidgey*

Bug Catcher: I take that as a yes? Come on out, caterpie! *throws out caterpie*


Bug catcher: Caterpie, use String shot!

Luke: Pidgey, blow it away with gust then counter with quick attack!

Bug catcher: Caterpie, watch out!!
*Caterpie is hit and very weak*

 Are you alright Caterpie?

 *Caterpie gets up*

Great, then use Tackle!

*Pidgey gets hit*

Luke: Quick, Pidgey, while hes in close, use Gust!

*Pidgey uses gust and caterpie faints*

Bug Catcher: You did great, Caterpie. Return.

Now for my Second and last pokemon.

Lets go, Beedrill!

*sends out beedrill*

Luke: Alright, then lets get this started. Pidgey use sand-attack, then use gust to scatter it around!

Bug Catcher: Hurry, before he gets the chance, use horn attack!

*pidgey is hit and takes considerable damage*

Luke: Damn, that Beedrills fast. Pidgey use Quick attack to get close, then use Gust!

*uses quick attack to get in close*

Bug catcher: Now, use Poison sting while you can!

*poison sting hits and pidgey faints*

Luke: Pidgey, return. You did good.

Alright, Eevee, its your turn.

*eevee steps up*

Luke: Eevee, use Quick attack!

Bug catcher: Ok, Beedrill just like last time, use Poison sting!

Luke: Now Eevee, stop and dodge his move by jumping then use Quick attack straight down on him!

Bug catcher: Nooo, Beedrill!

*Beedrill is hit, but only takes half hp damage*

Bug catcher: Beedrill, use Pin missile!

Luke: Dodge it with Quick attack!


Luke: Now, finish it with tackle!

Bug catcher: Use poison sting, Beedrill!

*both use attacks, Beedrill faints, but Eevee is poisoned*

Bug catcher: Good job Beedrill. Return.

Hey you, thanks for the battle it was fun.

*notices eevee is poisoned*

Bug catcher: Here this should help, take it as a token of my appreciation and reward for winning.

*uses antidote on Eevee*

*Luke runs away into the forest*

Bug catcher: Where ya goin?!

Games / Re: How Nintendo could make the Wii U amazing.
« on: June 25, 2012, 09:45:36 PM »
Yeah I agree with Ponge, I'm not sure if Gamefreak even takes game suggestions from fans, but it would be a great game.

As Luke headed down route 2 on his way to Viridian forest, he encounters a wild Rattata.

Luke: Eevee,(which by the way is usually out of its pokeball)quick, use Tackle.

Rattata takes normal damage... Rattata uses Tackle.

Luke: Eevee, Tackle again!

Rattata takes same amount of damage as before... and then uses tackle again.

Alright Eevee, one last time!

Rattata faints.

Luke: Great job Eevee, now on to Viridian Forest.

Luke: *quietly sneaking out of the window in his room* C'mon Eevee

Orphanage Owner: "Where do you think you're going, Luke?"

Luke: "I think you already know that."

Orphanage Owner: "Indeed, I do, and since I do, I want you to have this."

Luke grinned at the Orphanage Owner indicating his gratefulness. He grabbed the Backpack full of pokemon trainer equipment and darted out of the window to begin his journey.


Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [Profiles] Old School Pokemon RP
« on: June 25, 2012, 07:28:09 AM »
Username: Redthebeast
Character name: Luke
Personality: Quiet, rarely speaks (except to his pokemon, of course), intelligent.
Pokemon: Jolteon, Pidgeot, Nidoking, Poliwhirl, Growlithe,

Bio: Was raised in an orphanage in Viridian city since he was 2, after his family was killed in a house fire, at least that's what he was told happened. Ever since then he only spoke when need be and only had his dream of becoming a great pokemon trainer to hold on to. When he met Eevee at 11, his dream became possible.
Age: Is currently 14 years of age.

Appearance: Below

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: June 25, 2012, 06:22:10 AM »
Sorry :(, didn't mean to insult your water types.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: June 25, 2012, 04:09:13 AM »
Okay, I will as soon as I can.
But my internet is kinda slow right now because we've got like three other people on it, so it might take a while.

RolocEdit: Please don't double post.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: New trainer hangout
« on: June 25, 2012, 03:23:36 AM »
Hi I'm Red and i'm completely new to this MMORPG, although I have played others this one looks to be much better than any of those. Soooo... yeah, thanks for making the game, can't wait to play it! :)

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