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Author Topic: [RP] The Second World  (Read 57442 times)

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #75 on: February 11, 2015, 05:19:21 AM »

Zang rested his giant head on a meaty fist, apparently not amused that his "best" warriors were one by one falling to a meat-sack human. He waved his opposite hand lazily, signaling the next captain to join the carnage before them. Another giant orc stepped forward, this one heavily donned in the same bone armor, and equipped with two bone axes that were created from shoulder blades, similar to the Chieftain's own. He held them in a defensive stance, but drooped every few seconds and had to recollect himself. He seemed determined not to make the first move.


The Elven Lady scoffed at the elf before her. I can see that they're attempting to educate nearly every student they're tasked with over at that order of yours. Not a nick of wit in you before you joined them, I assume. She quickly grabbed the tome out of Jacobs bag before he could react, a smirk appearing on her face. I jest with you. Of course I know why you're here, I'm the one who summoned you from your magely quarters, on your safe little island. She flipped through the tome, but stopped suddenly, confused by the text before her. She began pacing as she explained, the book still in her grasp. There have been mages seen entering and exiting the forests, with no context as to why. We know not of why they are there, or what they may be doing. What we do know is that as soon as the new king was instated, any herbology projects the now past king, my father, had ongoing were cancelled. Mayla then faced Jacob. And we have reason to believe that your tome here has secrets that your Marethari order has kept from us on their involvement on these projects.


Fleetfoot perked his ears up. Huh. Well, where we're from, our people tend to stay separate. Those who wish to remain as we are, get one half of the village. Those that wish to return to their previous form live in the other side. Slackjaw and I prefer to stay as we are. The only time that we've been able to get along and collaborate is to try and discern what's been happening with our forest. Rockjaw seemed to fall out of the tree, but landed on his paws, and walked over to the other two. That's why we're here, and hopefully yourself too. He paused as he began collecting some breakfast materials, then decided against it. He began packing his things as though to continue their journey. Your forest wouldn't happen to have these plague-spots as well, does it? He paused again, his jaw actually slacking as he thought. Well, tell us on the way. We've gotta return with you so you might be able to help.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 06:04:09 PM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #76 on: February 13, 2015, 02:52:04 AM »
A look of curiosity overtook Duriel's face, one of his eyebrows arching as he took in the information the other dwarves had given him. Something seemed strange, why would they set off without a fourth representative? Who was this 'lost guard'? Was it him? If so, he was certainly unaware of it. "Ai'd be willin' ta' go in t ha' fourth man's place, sure, but ai've gotta' know... Who's this lost guard fella?"

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #77 on: February 13, 2015, 10:51:10 PM »

They suddenly take his book and now this explanation. ' Why must matters always complicate themselves?' Jacob moved to grab the book, forcibly keeping his thumb on the page she turned to. "I'd prefer you'd ask before taking someone else's belongings. And what's with this nonsense of betrayal in the order? You sought to uncover the secrets, why have you asked for one to be sent and what of the others before me?" He added after another moments thought, "I have wit in spades, thank you very much!"
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 07:29:07 AM by The-Blades-slave »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #78 on: February 14, 2015, 12:10:24 PM »
Daylin stared at his opponent, using his axe as a makeshift cane to lean on. Strands of wet hair clung to his broad forehead and his nose still gushed like a fountain, every shuddering breath bringing with it a mouthful of blood. He spat some into the sand and wiped at his mouth with the back of his free hand. "Ya know it'd be a hell of a lot easier to just talk with yer visitors."

The orc grinned lazily at his opponent. "It'd be simple if they announced themselves." He clanked his axes together, and gnashed his teeth as he grinned. "Though I suppose manners are you meat-sacks best quality, is it?"

"I 'spose so, but I ain't ever been the most mannered. I am nice enough to 'pologize for one thing, though." Daylin hoisted his axe with a grunt, and spit out one more mouthful of blood. "Sorry I gotta kill ya." He threw himself forward and brought the head of his axe down towards the orc's arm.

 The orc allowed the axe to get just close enough to bat it away using his own. "Seem's you're gonna have to apologize to yourself, once you end up in hell!" He swung his second axe towards Daylin's open chest.

The blow bounced off harmlessly off his breastplate, knocking him back a few steps. "I ain't gonna die, I made a promise." He brought his axe down from over his head, directly at the orc's neck.

The orc again attempted to deflect the blow using his axe, but only achieved in slowing it down. Still trying to move out of the way, the axe came down into his shoulder, causing the orc to shout in a mix of anger and pain, along with making him drop one of his axes.  One of his arms now limp, the orc let loose a fierce battle cry, and attempted to again swing his axe at Daylin, aiming for his thighs.

The blade slipped into a chink in his armor, digging deep into his thigh. Daylin squared his shoulders and grit his teeth, forcing himself to stay upright. He reared back his weapon and struck out with the heavy pommel.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #79 on: February 16, 2015, 10:16:18 AM »
'Well," she held out her hands to help Tyrren stand up. "you must act like them. Many knights are of noble blood and have proper mannerisms. Stand upright, with your back straight and chest out. Roll your shoulders back a bit, like this," which she demonstrated to him, "but not so much that you arch your back." On and on Floressa went with advise and instructions about how a knight should act - everything from greeting his fellow men and King to eating at a dinner table. She moved his body around like a toy doll when correcting his posture, pushing and pulling but softly. When asked how she knew any of this, she would simply shrug and say "I've read about it," or "I've seen it be done."

"The experience of acting as a proper noble is not something that any amount of learning can compare to. Knowing how to do something and actually doing it are two very different ideas," she added at the end of her lecturing. "For example, I did not acquire my lexicon from a book, or have someone tell me what words are appropriate and how to say them. I cannot emphasize how important it is to being a noble that you must experience their ornate environment for yourself and, for lack of a better term, learn the hard way." She looked into his eyes, hers pearly blue, wistful and hoping. "Can you do that?"

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #80 on: February 17, 2015, 09:47:36 AM »
After everything was packed up and ready to go they started traveling. Neicha was walking a lot better thanks to the training Rayleigh gave her, it improved her posture.
"Well, I ventured a lot in the woods of my home, but I've never seen any plague-spots. Neither did the hunters spot anything out of the ordinary, otherwise they would've warned me right away."
Neicha couldn't help but being curious about the phenomenon. The way they explained the plague it was more some curse than a disease, diseases were very specific in what species of plants and animals it could affect. But at least there was one herb with immunity, so she had some leads on how to stop this curse.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #81 on: February 17, 2015, 05:09:04 PM »

Colfer gave Duriel a funny look. Quit talkin' like we's got a tongue down are throats mate, ih's a little insultin'. He kept preparing the wagon for the next stretch of their journey. Torig waved a hand in his direction. Don' worry 'bout 'im. He's jus' a little touchy. Long line of dwarves and purse... parse... persec... parsectution. Whatever the word is. Herrish could be heard giggling on the other side of the wagon. Torig continued, See, there's no rightly "lost" guard, ih's jus' that when one of the old guard got too old an' retired, the king said that there was no need to replace 'im, that "he will appear when he is needed", or some stoneborn-crap like that. And suddenly you turn up, not knowing much 'bout the capitol, and you're wearin' the Holy Armor of the Guard. He chuckled to himself. I mean, who else could it be but you, mate?


The Lady crossed her arms, and squinted her eyes in scrutiny. I would prefer that your Order would ask before journeying into my woods without reason. I believe that under the circumstances, a wary disposition is to be expected, or am I incorrect? She began to circle Jacob, inspecting his robes. The ones who came before you left no information in our hands. Their minds were locked, and even when they had forfeited their consciousnesses and allowed us to take the information without using force, we found that we could not grasp the slightest trickle of what might be happening within the Order. Except for your name. She began to list Jacob's physical attributes: height, weight, full name, age, and rank in the Order. You're only second to the Archmage, are you not? And rumor tells that you're nearly if not stronger than him. He answers only to the High King, but you, rather... You run his errands, talk to whomever he cannot or shall not. She stopped pacing. Two armed guards appeared on either side of the encounter. And we require your full cooperation in this investigation. We want you to act as the "traitor", as you would call them. We need you to relinquish the chains on the others minds, and allow us to acquire the information we need. In doing so you would help both our cause and the fate of the land. Mayla raised her eyebrow. Not to mention that if it turns out that the Archmage is performing Dark Arts, he would be removed from his position, and you would stand to replace him.

Tyrren @Floressa

He allowed her to instruct him in proper mannerisms and the like, moving him like a ragdoll or a pet a child might adore. Whenever she paused or looked at him, he tried his best to flush his face of any color or emotion. He tried his best to immediately begin practice once she had finished her tutorial, and addressed her with the best manners he could muster. One arm at his side, and the other in a fist over his heart, he replied, I do believe I can, miss. With a small smile, he shouldered both their packs and held his remaining hand out to Floressa. I hope you would not mind if I escorted the missus into town?

They set off, and within the hour they had reached the gates of the town wall. It was immense; the wall towered over any building Tyrren could remember seeing in his lifetime. It seemed to stretch for miles, encompassing what could only be the huge town at the foot of the High Kings' castle. There were bends and corners in the wall, which suggested both expansion and the possibility for more. The gates themselves were sturdy, and looked strong enough to hold the biggest beast in the land, (so long as it could not fly). They were made of a dark iron, probably imbued with another metal to create the actual alloy. It would be presumably weaker, but there was not a single scratch in the metal no matter where Tyrren looked.

A guard approached them, his armor rattling, and his javelin shaking from the movement. Halt! State your business! What task do you have within the... He trailed off when he saw Tyrren, and corrected his posture and tone as well. I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to be rude sir. I didn't know it was you sir. Though, if I may inquire, what have you been doing away from the castle sir? Your fellow knights have been worried. Tyrren was taken back for a moment before he realized that the Goddess had set up the circumstances very precisely. I expected the situation to be explained by your officers. I had left to escort this lady back home, and as you can see, I have succeeded. He turned towards Floressa, Miss, would it be possible for you to explain the circumstances?


The orc was knocked unconscious, and the Chieftain stood before Daylin could strike again. Halt your assault. Harm my kin of blood again and I will ensure your death. A messenger orc walked into view, with a bound woman dragging behind him: Star. Not only that, but it seems you have some amount of care for this human woman. I highly doubt you would wish her blood upon your soul. Two more orcs entered the arena and collected the unconscious brother. I know of the poisoned grog. You are lucky I have not slain your... Friend, already. In a few hours the poison will have worn off. You will have your battle then. An orc in heavy armor began to turn Daylin away, just as the giant noticed both fear and tears in Stars' eyes. Bring him human food and drink. I want a fair fight!

@Neicha sorry Yuki

While they walked, the village approached in no time. All eyes fell upon them as they passed through, heading towards what seemed to be the Alpha's house. By the time they reached it, most of the beast-likes in the village had conglomerated behind them, but none of them followed them into the thatch hut. What they found inside was a slightly startled deer-like man, who was focused on Neicha.

He was big for a deer, almost as tall as Rockjaw. His antlers were big as well, and only seemed to contribute to his power rather than weigh him down or set him off balance. He had dark brown fur, like the bark on a spruce tree, and had a white tuft on his chest that stuck out from underneath his tree bark tunic. He sported similarly crafted shin guards and bracers, and had a wooden staff strapped to his back. He had many pouches strung to his belt, each filled with something different. His face was very clean, as though he hadn't seen much hardship, though the scars and pads on his hands told otherwise. He seemed to be very sturdy on his hooves, as he walked quite gracefully. When he realized that he was the center of attention, he made an attempt to seem more leader-like.

He took a step closer to the three. My apologies. I don't tend to see many other deer-like, so this encounter is... Extraordinary, in more than one way. He turned and nodded to both Rockjaw and Fleetfoot. Thank you, comrades. The fact that you were able to return with someone who may shed some light on the situation so quickly is very pleasing. He turned back to Neicha. I trust that they have filled you in on the situation, and that you know what we are asking of you, so allow me to fill you in on the information that you lack. I am Taurus, chosen Alpha of these beast-likes. My parents decided to make a change in their lives when I was young, so I have been this way for quite some time. I do not mind it, but I do not wish to relinquish it to this taint on our land either. We shall venture further into the woods, and have you assess the situation. We only ask that you do what you can, not what you believe you should. We will give you any resources you require. He walked through the three and motioned for them to follow.

Outside, the entire village had gathered outside the hut. Taurus raised his hands, despite the quite that was already spread among the crowd. With Rockjaw, Fleetfoot, and Neicha spread out behind him, he began to speak to his people. This woman has decided to help us. She will do what she can, if she decides that she does wish to help us. If she does not, then we will continue to search for one who does wish to aid our plight. This group of four standing before you will venture to assess the situation, and will return sometime within the next light cycle. In the meantime, continue your daily lives. The crowd all bowed to Taurus, then turned and began to mesh back into normal duties. Taurus again motioned for them to follow.

After another hour of trekking through the woods, this time very silently, they arrived upon their destination. The taint was a literal plague upon the wood; plants were tinted a dark purple, and the ground was various shades of blue and black. Normal water seemed to be a green ooze that seeped out of everything, trying to escape, but was caught before it could make it out. No animals besides birds could be seen, and even those were only perched in the highest reaches of the trees, where the plague had not yet stretched to. The only sign of normal life could be seen in tiny bulbed plants, which seemed to radiate a certain light. Looking out upon the diseased land, Taurus spoke to Neicha. One of our scouts tells of a spot in the middle of this carnage that looks as if the entire land was scorched by magic fires, but the scout himself was tainted by this infection. The only reason he is alive, which is the same reason why we discovered the plant's effects, is that he realized it was not harmed by this and tucked a piece in his tunic. He paused, the asked Neicha, What do you think?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 02:32:37 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #82 on: February 19, 2015, 07:11:16 AM »
Although her expression remained calm, a wave of anxiety rushed over her. She fought to keep her eyes from turning bright yellow. At least she didn't have to worry about her blushing, the warm sun made her cheeks rosy red, and she knew how to keep her voice from wavering. "Ah, my cousin invited me to a small dinner party at his estate a few miles to the south-east, only a day's journey, when his mother-in-law fell ill and I was forced to make leave early." She gestured to her travelling companion and continued. "Thankfully, Sir Tyrren was also returning to the castle and honourably offered to escort me home." She turned and lightly curtseyed to him with a gracious smile. "Thank you kindly, Sir Tyrren."

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #83 on: February 25, 2015, 08:09:19 PM »
As the others spoke, several thoughts began to run through Duriel's mind, flowing through and leading him to begin collecting his thoughts. 'It seems I need to cut back on the forced accent, seems he didn't appreciate that. Though, I am tryin' my best.' As the second dwarf spoke however, his thoughts were... Different. The thoughts were somewhat happy, at least knowing he wouldn't have to think too hard as the lost guard. 'So that's what 'The Lost Guard' title meant, that's... A good thing, I think. I don't know much about this world anyways, so a title that means I shouldn't know much is a good one, eh?'

When he had finally collected his thoughts, he turned to the first dwarf, the one he had offended earlier, and began to speak, with a bit of an apologetic tone to his voice. "Aye, I'm sorry if I've come and offended ya'." Then, he rather quickly turned to the other, where he continued speaking. "And aye... I see yer' point, and I honestly agree with it. I guess I might be the lost guard after all."


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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #84 on: February 26, 2015, 12:33:12 PM »
Feelings of sorrow filled Neicha's mind when she looked at the taint. It was horrifying to see how much it affected life.
"Hm... It definitely does seem like something that shouldn't naturally occur. But I'd doubt most of this is done on purpose, nobody has use for land that kills you off the instant you touch it. At least, when I have to take it, humans don't just destroy things without a purpose. They mostly want to claim more land for their greed."
She took the tome from her satchel and looked through the index for the designated properties the plants had.
"Did you know some plants have the ability to communicate? I know it sounds kind of odd. But I noticed some plants started generating poison substances in their leaves the moment I harvest too much of a certain plant. It's like they can warn one another whenever one gets completely destroyed. But of course this kind of thing is quite exaggerated for a plant to try and destroy an entire ecosystem..."
She studied one of the bulbed plants comparing the plant with the drawn images in the tome.
"I will do what I can. First of all we need to find some way to stop this plague from spreading to keep the risks as low as possible. Then I try figure a way to bring this plague down, if possible..."

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #85 on: February 27, 2015, 01:38:04 AM »
Daylin froze, his axe-blade grounding to a halt inches from the fallen orc's throat. His gaze flickered between the Chieftain and the orc who held the woman had helped him, Star. His hands trembled on the grip of his weapon, unsure of what to do. Every bone in his body screamed to finish the fallen opponent, but looking at Star, bruised and terrified, he couldn't bring himself to do it."I give, jus' don't hurt her."

A big, heavily armored orc stepped forward and shuffled him away from the clearing and back to the tent he had stayed in, shoving him in roughly. Daylin stumbled, falling to his knees. The handle of the axe, still embedded in his leg, bumped against the ground and dug deeper into his skin.  "Argh!" The sudden burst of pain caused him to cry out in pain, and he grit his teeth and forced himself over to his cot. He had to get ready for the fight with the Chief.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #86 on: March 05, 2015, 03:46:28 PM »
Tyrren @Floressa

As Floressa finished her on-the-spot explanation of the situation, Tyrren made sure to stand up straight again, just in case he had begun to slack. The guard seemed to think for a moment before he realized it appeared on his face. Ah, is that so? I had not realized that Sir Tyrren had any outside relations besides the Guard. He so suddenly appeared within the force, with no record of before. Tyrren raised his eyebrow and inclined his head in order to ask a question of the man. When the guard realized he was under a certain amount of pressure, he too straightened his back. But enough of that. I'm sorry to question you, sir, and to have stopped you for as long as I have, sir. I'll go inside and tell the gatesman to let you in.

As the guard jogged off, Tyrren turned to Floressa. Quite the story you've got there. Who's your cousin? He smirked, then continued before she could reply with a flabbergasted remark. I jest. Just be sure not to state any names, not that you have any to give. These are the kinds of things that can get us caught.

Inside the gate tower, the guard approached the man responsible for keeping the gate closed or for opening it, if needed. At the same time, a young boy seemed to be leaving. Apt, hold it there lad. I need you to bring a message for me, just wait there a moment. He turned back to the gatesman. Let these two through. But have someone watch them. The man there's wearing a tunic for the Elite Guard, and the rest of the uniform to match. The gatesman didn't look up from his scroll he was reading. What's your point? Just a Guard. The Guard half threw his hands in the air and almost shouted, but looked at the doorway before continuing in a slightly more hushed voice. The King doesn't let any of his Elite's leave the castle, especially not the Captain, which is what this guy appears to be if his patches are correct. This time the gatesman looked up, with an are-you-stupid look on his face. Maybe he's just that good? I'm letting him through. The Guard sighed in response. Alright, well, you boy. You heard me, right? You follow him. Just don't get hurt. The kid scampered off out the other side of the wall.

The gate began to raise with magnificent glory, no screeching or groaning, until only the bottom that would set into the ground upon closing could be seen. The Guard re-emerged and waved his hand for the two to go through. As they began to walk through the outskirts of the city, Tyrren turned to Floressa. So, any idea what you have to do next? I assume that I just have to head to the castle.


Colfer nodded in respect. S'okay. I get cranky sometimes. Once Duriel finished, Torig smiled. So you'll come with us then? He began to rush about, loading the remaining things into the wagon, which wasn't much. Soon everything was ready, and the four dwarves loaded up and set off. The Stoneborn weren't naturally fast, but the ones that pulled the wagon seemed to be used to it and set off at a brisk pace. Within the hour, the capital began to appear. It was a place of bland colors, grays and whites and reds mainly, but the way that everything was build made it so beautiful that it could only be the dwarves handiwork. The wagon began to tour through the city on the main road only another half hour later, and soon the King's residence could be seen. Herrish spoke up this time, for once not giggling. We'll be 'eading there firs'. Once you're all settled in and dealt with, we can 'ead to the tavern and you can help however you can, righ'?


Taurus nodded his head, careful to keep his antlers from hitting Neicha. Of course. Whatever materials you may need are at your disposal, so long as we can get it to you in time. Rockjaw, Fleetfoot and myself will be your assistants at all times, and if it is alright with you, I wish to be at your side while your work. He began to blush, (as much as a deer can), then quickly continued, So that I may observe your work, of course. I wish to know what plagues my land and my people.


An orc with a staff covered in what could only be assumed as tribal markings and bones walked into the tent. He tossed a large and heavy sack into Daylin's lap. Medicine. I watch. Don't use too much. He walked over quickly, shoved the thinner end of his staff in Daylin's mouth, and yanked the axe from his thigh. The staff barely stifled the roar that followed. The orc reached into the medicine and quickly slathered a yellow paste on the wound. Luckily, it kept Daylin from passing out. The orc stepped back, apparently pleased with the new set of bite marks in his staff.


His shoulders slacked. Alright, look. I'm not with the Order. I'm not even... Mayla looked stunned, her jaw slightly open. He looked around, and realized that he wasn't sure the two guards should hear what he had to say. Ah, may I have a private word with you? One of the guards stepped forward, but Jacob immediately dropped his weapons. Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt anyone. Mayla nodded, then turned and motioned for him to follow. Once they were in a seperate room of the library, Mayla nodded again for Jacob to continue. I'm not from this world. I'm from a world where magic doesn't exist, and in my first minutes here I saw a boy that could run like a lady Hauss. But I am here to help. Apparently I was brought by a goddess in order to stop events that are set in place but shouldn't happen. She sent me here, but this certainly wasn't the reception I was expecting. Mayla thought for a moment, looking around the room at the books around her. Once she spoke, she did so carefully and calculated. I have met this goddess you speak of. When my father had died, before I had even learned of it even, she appeared to me. I knew not what she meant, but she said, "I will right the wrong that has been forced upon you." Now I know how she intends to do it. She looked directly at Jacob. You're going to help take down the new king, aren't you? I realize that was not your intentions for being here, at my palace, but that is the grand scheme of your reason for being here, is it not?

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #87 on: March 05, 2015, 05:23:39 PM »
Neicha hadn't noticed the blush as she wasn't taking her eyes off the book. She thought about the offer for a while. She almost instantly said 'no' as she preferred not to be bothered while working. However, this place was not like her own homeland. She knew the risks at home weren't that high. And mostly she would bore her escorts anyway and they would just wander off to hunt for some meat. She wasn't familiar with this forest yet so she could use an extra pair of eyes to watch for any threats.
"Very well."
She stopped skimming through the book. Carefully examining the image that was drawn on the page. She read through the text that was written along with it. The description definitely fit the plant. She bookmarked the page.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #88 on: March 08, 2015, 09:58:11 AM »
Daylin balled his hands into fists, panting, attempting to recollect his jumbled thoughts. The witch doctor was still standing in front of him, an orange tint cast upon his tattoos by the dying embers from the fire, a satisfied smile plastered on his face. He motioned toward the sack of medicine in the giant's lap. "Use."

"Y-yeah," Daylin nodded and pressed opened it nervously. Inside was more of the yellow paste and a roll of cloth. He crudely wrapped up the rest of his wounds, smearing the paste onto them and then wrapping them up. "Thank you." His voice was earnest; the Doctor had done nothing but help him. The medicine had taken away the the worst of the pain, leaving him sore, yet standing.

The orc grunted in assent, took the medicine, and hunkered out of the tent. Daylin stared at his retreating form for a moment, thinking of how he had sustained the injuries; that just brought Star, beaten and crying, to the forefront of his mind. His blood felt like fire boiling in his veins, boiling and crackling as it raged through him, fueling his rage. 'Don't worry, I'll make the bastard pay and get you out of there.'

With a new determination, Daylin prepared for battle. He adjusted his crooked pauldrons and smoothed out the mail beneath his breastplate, shouldered his axe, and put his dark-red hair back up. Finally, he cinched his royal blue cloak back up around his neck and pulled his helm down over his head. 'I'm coming for you, Zang.'

He stepped out of his tent, head held high, storming directly toward the chieftain's abode.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #89 on: March 08, 2015, 11:07:15 AM »
Jacob face look dumbfounded, to think she actually believe a story like that, he'd probably call her a gullible and naive if it weren’t for the fact it was true, but then again she did assume he was a herbalist. He was taken aback by her sudden proposal to take done the king that was his queue to walk away, or at least he would have if not for the guards.

"Ok, listen." He gave a gesture with his hands for her to slow down as he caught his train of thought. "Now the only reason I'm here is because I’m supposed to investigate who killed the old king. If you've already confirmed it was the new one then by all means capture and imprison or hell execute him. But my job's done so if you’ll be so kind as to inform your guards so that i may be merrily on my way."
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.