Entertainment > Japanese Entertainment

[Anime] Air Gear.

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Well, over 100 animes wasn't an exaggeration. I have a list, I keep track. Most anime watchers do. But you're in love with an incredibly average anime, theres a very large number of animes I've seen that are better than Soul Eater.

--- Quote ---You know what I don't get? How the hell are they in MIDDLE school, yet they're already weird, awkward, perverted teenagers? I mean, how are they THAT TALL?!
--- End quote ---

Ignore age most of the time in anime, alot of times, characters will be like "I'm 14!" and later on they're doing crap that no 14 year old would do. Just assume by default that they're like, 17-18 ish 90% of the time, then its less weird.

See this guy? He's apparently 14. He smokes, is 6 feet tall (about 2m), has like 5 piercings in each ear, and has a tattoo on his FACE, and is a master of fire magic.

Yep, 14 years old alright.

To be honest, alot of times they just throw an age in for characters so that younger audiences will have more interest in it (I remember being 12 and it made my chansey day when characterX was the same age as me).

There is no way that face is 14. I figured age was supposed to be a way to bring in younger ages more. And apparently, to advertise smoking to younger audiences.

"Mommy, this guy does it, so why can't I smoke?"


--- Quote from: Darkstar64 on December 07, 2011, 03:12:04 AM ---There is no way that face is 14. I figured age was supposed to be a way to bring in younger ages more. And apparently, to advertise smoking to younger audiences.

"Mommy, this guy does it, so why can't I smoke?"

--- End quote ---

Name: Stiyl Magnus
Sorcery Name:  Fortis931 - "I prove why my name is the strongest here" 
Age:  14
Gender:  Male 
Height:  200 cm (6.56 ft) 
Affiliation  Anglican Church (Necessarius)

I forgot that. He's also a certified priest.


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