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Off-Topic Discussions => Other Chat => Topic started by: Janus on February 09, 2010, 04:45:26 PM

Title: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Janus on February 09, 2010, 04:45:26 PM
After having a number of run-ins with the paranormal at various points in my life, I thought I should share them here and invite other members to talk of any experiences with unexplained creatures, ghosts or possibly a demon or two (like me), share them here for there are things that can't be explained and this is where we share those stories!

First off myself, I am n00b paranormal investigator trained by one of my College Teachers and have already either debunked a number of claims or found startling evidence for a world beyond the grave.

Let's start with my first experience... I was around 12, nine years ago, I was with my cousin and friends for Halloween and they pulled out the stupidest invention ever: the ouija board.  I had heard stories of really negative stuff from those things so I decided to sit out. a few seconds into its use, crazy stuff started happening, Lights burned out, cans of coke slid across tables, we heard a deep, growling laugh, but what I saw, topped all that out by a long shot:
a black mass floating at the end of the hall which formed into a black cloaked figure with no feet hovering in the hall looking directly at me! it started to drift foreword but one of my friends saw it and got in its way with a cross in hand and held it foreword and the entity backed down, to this day, I believe I saw a demon.

but my experiences didn't stop there, this is the one that brought me into doing this stuff, it was two or three years ago, at my local hangout a place that holds official pokemon tournaments, in this case it's a pre-release for DP3 (secret wonders) expansion set.  I had finished building my pre-release deck for that tournament and I had to go to the bathroom, I went down the hall and was about to turn on the light, that is until I saw a figure standing in the dark room, its back to me, it was a tall man wearing a gray wispy lab coat and was bald.  I was about to call out but it took a step further and walked right through the wall. I hurried upstairs to use the bathroom there, when I got home after that I started looking up the paranormal and I was into it ever since.

Feel free to share your run ins with the paranormal now!
Post by: shadowbattlex on February 11, 2010, 07:41:31 PM
wow. first of all let me say... that is creepy. especialy the first one. second, my experiences dont amount to much but seeing a shadowy figure walking in my house a few times. which could have been just my imagination. either way. you should be carefull. any thing dealing with demons is dangerous. btw, smart move sitting out with the ouija board. i hate those things. they scare me. if i were you i probably would not have even stayed.
Post by: Kuhns on February 11, 2010, 10:35:02 PM
Hm, I was about seven and was at home in my room. I was laying on my bed doing pretty much nothing with my light on. My room was pretty tiny, and the bed was to the left of a small entry way into my room--like right up against a wall, so if anyone came in they'd have to walk by the bed (and me) to get to the rest of the room. Anyways, I was staring up at the ceiling when a black--it looked like a head and shoulders(is what I could see)--something peeked out around the entryway wall and looked right down at me. I sat straight up and flew out of my bed. :P

And of course, my mother was in her room, and my brothers were playing video games in the living room. I also didn't here one sound from whatever it was.

I'm not saying it was a ghost, demon or whatever, I don't know what it was, but I do know that I saw it (and it looked like it saw me). It still creeps me out though. >.<
Post by: Janus on February 11, 2010, 10:50:58 PM
wow. first of all let me say... that is creepy. especialy the first one. second, my experiences dont amount to much but seeing a shadowy figure walking in my house a few times. which could have been just my imagination. either way. you should be carefull. any thing dealing with demons is dangerous. btw, smart move sitting out with the ouija board. i hate those things. they scare me. if i were you i probably would not have even stayed.

bout the shadow figure, did it seem flat against a wall? or did it seem to have mass to it? if it had mass to it, you saw what is known in paranormal investigation as a shadow person, commonly believed by me and my fellow investigators to be physical manifestations of the dead, I'd recommend first thinking of the time you saw the shadows, was it night or day? if night  go to the locations you saw the shadow at, are there any windows that face a light source outside? if so, have somebody you know go outside at this time and walk in front of the light source, if you see something that looks like what you saw, it means that it is probably somebody walking by your house late at night. however if it is NOT what you saw, then I'd recommend having an electrician coming in and checking for faulty wiring, or do it yourself by getting an EMF gauge and scan for Electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the area, seek out those that spike form high numbers to low numbers and back up, this shows that you have faulty wiring, we are all sensitive to EMFs in one way or another, long-term exposure to EMFs can cause feelings of paranoia, hallucinations, skin irritation which may be mistken for being touched by an unknown source, the list is pretty lengthy these are some of the methods that I use on investigations to try and disprove a haunting, that's the primary step of most investigations, if you go in trying to prove a haunting, anything can seem like evidence, but going in trying to disprove can root out the things that can be explained and you're left with what leaves you scratching your head.

after trying the above steps try doing research into the house, see if any of the previous owners died there, if none seek info on the land itself, see if it was the site of any battles, any native american sacred locations or burial grounds (If any, try calling in a local shaman to help, they're usually helpful when dealing with this sort of thing), if you find something that seems right, go to the location you saw the possible entity (NOTE: ONLY DO THIS IF YOU'VE DONE THE STUFF IN THE FIRST PART AND FOUND NOTHING, OTHERWISE THIS WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME), bring with you the following items: a video camera, place this in a place where you'll have a wide shot of the area you saw it in, so you'd get a shot of it if this shadow person comes through, A small Digital Voice Recorder for EVPs EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena, Ghost voices that are on a decibel that can't be heard with the human ear, however a simple Digital voice recorder that can be easily bought at radio shack that has no filters on the microphone to block out background noice can pick it up and make it able to hear, (I got mine for 15 bucks), then begin addressing whatever entities may be in the area, invite them to talk and ask questions to the possible spirit like What's your name? Why are you still here? or any others you can think of, I hope this has been a good way to come up with the truth to what you saw there. Happy ghost hunting!
Post by: Janus on February 11, 2010, 10:54:31 PM
Hm, I was about seven and was at home in my room. I was laying on my bed doing pretty much nothing with my light on. My room was pretty tiny, and the bed was to the left of a small entry way into my room--like right up against a wall, so if anyone came in they'd have to walk by the bed (and me) to get to the rest of the room. Anyways, I was staring up at the ceiling when a black--it looked like a head and shoulders(is what I could see)--something peeked out around the entryway wall and looked right down at me. I sat straight up and flew out of my bed. :P

And of course, my mother was in her room, and my brothers were playing video games in the living room. I also didn't here one sound from whatever it was.

I'm not saying it was a ghost, demon or whatever, I don't know what it was, but I do know that I saw it (and it looked like it saw me). It still creeps me out though. >.<

wow, the way you described it creeps me out too, I get a lot of stories like this in this field and they chill my spine every time, do you still live in that house, if so, was there anything else weird going on? if so tell me so I can figure out what you saw, check my previous quote for more details on basic investigation
Post by: Aristos on February 13, 2010, 03:23:05 AM
As I was sleeping right? I was sleeping, chilling in my room and dreaming about ice cream (lol). Until I heard someone called my name, it was faint, so I thought it was my mom in the kitchen. So, I got up, and went to the kitchen. My mom wasn't there and she was in bed, and I was like WAIT! If my mom is in the bed... Who turn the lights on? So I turned around right? And suddenly, this person in all black (idk but it just look all black to me) was behind me and his arms were open, looking like it was trying to grab me. So I got a knife, and threw the knife at it. But it went through him. So I started screaming, MOM! So she was awake and ran into a kitchen, but she saw the person too. She started to yell. As she yelled the person or entity... started fading away. It was probably cause of my mom's yell (she screeches like a freaking bat). So ever since, I keep hearing the person saying my name faintly.... It still creeps me out, but I seem to live with it.

One time I said, "Can't we be friends?" And it said nothing... Lol.
Post by: kammy2000 on February 13, 2010, 03:34:53 AM
Oh the good ol' days  ::)

 Anyways i'm (or we as a matter of fact) are making a new team for paronormal.


so i'll tell ya all about our adventures  ;)
Post by: Janus on February 13, 2010, 04:54:38 AM
As I was sleeping right? I was sleeping, chilling in my room and dreaming about ice cream (lol). Until I heard someone called my name, it was faint, so I thought it was my mom in the kitchen. So, I got up, and went to the kitchen. My mom wasn't there and she was in bed, and I was like WAIT! If my mom is in the bed... Who turn the lights on? So I turned around right? And suddenly, this person in all black (idk but it just look all black to me) was behind me and his arms were open, looking like it was trying to grab me. So I got a knife, and threw the knife at it. But it went through him. So I started screaming, MOM! So she was awake and ran into a kitchen, but she saw the person too. She started to yell. As she yelled the person or entity... started fading away. It was probably cause of my mom's yell (she screeches like a freaking bat). So ever since, I keep hearing the person saying my name faintly.... It still creeps me out, but I seem to live with it.

One time I said, "Can't we be friends?" And it said nothing... Lol.

OMFG, You've pretty much encountered the HOLY GRAIL of paranormal activity, I bet if you put the word out, Investigation teams would be scrambling for a chance to investigate this place, I wouldn't put this entity on the level of the demonic (even though it bears similarity to my experience with the Ouija board), for those cases are rare (unless there are cases of heavy objects moving on their own, bad smells of rotting flesh and the like), seems more to me like it is trying to make contact for one reason or another, maybe call in a psychic medium (I personally don't use them in investigations but I give clients the option to bring them in if they believe in that sort of stuff), DO NOT USE OUIJA BOARDS, I"VE TOLD YOU OF MY EXPERIENCE WITH THEM AND YOU HEARD THE RESULTS!
Post by: Aristos on February 13, 2010, 06:34:46 AM
Lol, I was AFK, I was at home eating, until I heard the voice again... It sounded like, "Heeelp......." I don't know it could sound like, "Kelp..." But I'm confused, so it's either a cry for help...
Post by: Janus on February 13, 2010, 02:48:50 PM
Lol, I was AFK, I was at home eating, until I heard the voice again... It sounded like, "Heeelp......." I don't know it could sound like, "Kelp..." But I'm confused, so it's either a cry for help...

Okay, slash out the possibility of the demonic, when it comes to entities calling for help this is what I recommend: first do some research on the property (both house AND land) find out who died on the property and based on research, find out who this entity is, what you heard is quite common in the paranormal, usually spirits remain on this end of existence due to a traumatic experience or something of that nature. try making contact with the spirit, ask it what it needs help with, for this I recommend contacting a local native Shaman, these people have training with spirits and are very helpful, they've helped me in a number of cases (there is a wabanaki shaman who is an honorary member of my team and is a good friend of mine).
Post by: Level5Pidgey on February 14, 2010, 12:32:43 AM
Okey. I have had two kinda strange things happen to me.

1. One time I totally opened the kitchen cupboard and it was like it was sucking me into it. I hit my head on the 2nd shelf, got a big cut, woke up a few minutes later and was like "Woah."
Logical Explanation: It was about 5am. I probably needed sleep (I had been gaming all night), fell asleep, and fell into the cupboard, cutting my head - but dreaming it was sucking me in. In the dream a lot of paper went into the cupboard, when I examined it there was none in there.

2. One time really recently, like, last year, I tried to go to the toilet, and the door wouldn't open. It was a slide door, so it wasn't like wind resistance or anything. Anyway, I went to open it, and it slammed shut. I called out sorry to whoever was in there, no response. It was just me and my little sis in the house, and she was watching TV. I opened it a touch and there was no-one in there, but the door would barely budge. At last the door opened - but as soon as I put my hand in there, it slammed shut on my fingers. Then it finally opened properly, and I went to the toilet after freaking out for about 10 minutes.
Logical Explanation: The door was jammed and I was pushing against resistance, such as a spring mechanism that could fling the door back to slam it on my fingers. I know for a fact that there are no springs in those doors, but track and slide mechanisms. I'm not sure if these could slam the door, but I'd assume they could.
Post by: Tymid on February 14, 2010, 05:02:37 AM
This isn't really a scary paranormal experience, but more of one where I have interacted with the spirit of someone I was close to in real life. This person I'm speaking of is my Grandmother, who passed away two years ago.

1st experience: My Grandmother and I planted a rosebush together, and it never bloomed. One day after she died, in the middle of winter, the rosebush put out one, full, pink blossom. Not really an experience with me, just more of a connection.

2nd experience: I was really unnerved about going to college, and felt really upset when I moved into my dorm. As I was sitting in my dorm room, alone, I caught a whiff of my Grandmother's perfume. Like, a strong one, from a fresh blast of spray. It immediately calmed me, and I searched through my boxes and bags to see if anything could have caused it. I found nothing.

3rd experience(s): My dreams, and semi-conciousness. The first time it happened, I was having a completely random, and troubling nightmare. All of a sudden, the randomness ended, and I was sitting in my Grandmother's room, with her in her chair. She smiled at me, and we started having a conversation about school, about how everything would be alright, and how I needed to watch my mother, because she was having some troubles with alcoholism. This surprised me, and I told her that my mother wouldn't do that. She told me to go check the spare room, under a pile of clothes, if I needed proof. Next time I went home, I did so, and I found stacks of empty wine bottles. I had no prior knowledge of this, and I'm sure that the only reason my mother didn't end up getting worse was because I found it, and I intervened enough for her to stop drinking.

Next dream, I was having a nightmare, and the same thing happened. She just randomly appeared, clear as day, and told me she was sorry that I was having nightmares, and she wished she could help. It went back to the dreamlike state after she left, not the lucid and almost touchable realness that it had been.

The last experience I had was actually not too long ago. I had been up late, studying for a final, and I was having a dream about Skittles. Totally random, totally weird. I heard my Grandmother's voice very clearly say: "Wake up. Wake up, honey." I rose with a start, and I reached for the clock. It was 8:40. My final was at 9:00, and I had forgotten to set my alarm.

These could all just be coincidence, but my Grandmother watched over me while she was alive. I don't see why she wouldn't do it now. :)
Post by: Janus on February 14, 2010, 05:27:57 AM
This isn't really a scary paranormal experience, but more of one where I have interacted with the spirit of someone I was close to in real life. This person I'm speaking of is my Grandmother, who passed away two years ago.

1st experience: My Grandmother and I planted a rosebush together, and it never bloomed. One day after she died, in the middle of winter, the rosebush put out one, full, pink blossom. Not really an experience with me, just more of a connection.

2nd experience: I was really unnerved about going to college, and felt really upset when I moved into my dorm. As I was sitting in my dorm room, alone, I caught a whiff of my Grandmother's perfume. Like, a strong one, from a fresh blast of spray. It immediately calmed me, and I searched through my boxes and bags to see if anything could have caused it. I found nothing.

3rd experience(s): My dreams, and semi-conciousness. The first time it happened, I was having a completely random, and troubling nightmare. All of a sudden, the randomness ended, and I was sitting in my Grandmother's room, with her in her chair. She smiled at me, and we started having a conversation about school, about how everything would be alright, and how I needed to watch my mother, because she was having some troubles with alcoholism. This surprised me, and I told her that my mother wouldn't do that. She told me to go check the spare room, under a pile of clothes, if I needed proof. Next time I went home, I did so, and I found stacks of empty wine bottles. I had no prior knowledge of this, and I'm sure that the only reason my mother didn't end up getting worse was because I found it, and I intervened enough for her to stop drinking.

Next dream, I was having a nightmare, and the same thing happened. She just randomly appeared, clear as day, and told me she was sorry that I was having nightmares, and she wished she could help. It went back to the dreamlike state after she left, not the lucid and almost touchable realness that it had been.

The last experience I had was actually not too long ago. I had been up late, studying for a final, and I was having a dream about Skittles. Totally random, totally weird. I heard my Grandmother's voice very clearly say: "Wake up. Wake up, honey." I rose with a start, and I reached for the clock. It was 8:40. My final was at 9:00, and I had forgotten to set my alarm.

These could all just be coincidence, but my Grandmother watched over me while she was alive. I don't see why she wouldn't do it now. :)

I hear a lot of these cases as well, and it is usually from people who are sensitive to spirits or if you want me to voice my spiritual opinion (I'm wiccan) you're grandmother has become your spirit guardian, everyone has one even if they're not wiccan, spirit guardians go by many names throughout history and faiths, in greece they were referred to as Daemons (the word that demon comes from) which literally translated from greek means Guardian spirit, in the christian and catholic faith they are known as guardian angels, a spirit guardian comes and gives you comfort in a time of need or guides you when you're lost some people know how to call on their guardians but it takes a lot of training and meditation
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 23, 2010, 02:15:58 AM
This something weird that happened to me a while ago. About 4 years ago, before I had switched schools, I had a weird dream. I had dreamt about these three boys (my age [12]) and we were walking around at a school and talking about stuff. Two years later, after being in the school for a while, I met those SAME boys from the dream, and we actually became friends. So HOW did I dream of becoming friends with people I had never SEEN before, then actually become friends?! The odd part is the dream even got their VOICES right!

The freaky dreams don't end there. About three years ago, I had dreams of conversations with some of my old friends. I knew them back then. Almost 2 years later, I found myself having those same conversations!
I would say, "Hey, haven't we talked about this before?"
And my friend would say, "No, we've never talked about this before."

I've never told ANYONE about my future-predicting dreams. I don't get them anymore, thanks to school and all that stress.


One other thing that doesn't have to do with school. Sometimes, when I'm typing something on the computer, I type random words on accident. Most of the time, it's things like 'mu'. But some times I get things like:

The most common of these words is dark or darkness, which creeps me out A LOT and I just think, "What the heck? Why did I do that?" And I don't think it's me reminding myself what my favorite pokemon type is.

Think you can help me before I start thinking the darkness is eating me alive?
Post by: Gammal on February 23, 2010, 03:12:03 AM
I was on vacation with my family in Thailand, it had been a fun day, we had been on the beach all day just enjoying our selves.
So night finally arrived and we decided to stay in and play some games me and my brothers, after that we went to bed.
We only had 3rooms but we where 5 on that trip, so my mom and dad had one room, my brother the other, and me and my younger brother shared.

I woke from my deep slumber, I was facing the window, my brother was right beside me, and I could see the electric clock past his shoulder (it was a double bed and I was facing "inwards" towards my brother", it was about 3am.
Suddenly I felt a chill, not like any I have ever felt before.
The chill moved slowly from my feet, up my leg, up my back  and to the back of my head where it stopped.
I felt as if someone was standing behind me, so I tried to turn around, but I was not able to, in fact I could not move at all.
Then it felt like someone was leaning slowly over me, the chill growing on the left side of my face, I stared at my brother trying to speak to wake him up, but I just couldnt make a sound.
Suddenly I heard someone whispering to me.
The voice was cold and scary, it was a girl or a woman.
She said something strange to me in  a language I didnt understand, it sounded thai-ish to me.
As she spoke to me I started sweating and my heart was beating faster and faster, then I heard a faint noise, and the feeling was gone.
I turned around as fast as I could but nothing was there. I woke my brother and told him what I had experienced.
He had felt it to, but not as strong as me, and he was really freaked out
I didnt sleep any more that night...
Post by: Janus on February 23, 2010, 05:10:46 AM
This something weird that happened to me a while ago. About 4 years ago, before I had switched schools, I had a weird dream. I had dreamt about these three boys (my age [12]) and we were walking around at a school and talking about stuff. Two years later, after being in the school for a while, I met those SAME boys from the dream, and we actually became friends. So HOW did I dream of becoming friends with people I had never SEEN before, then actually become friends?! The odd part is the dream even got their VOICES right!

The freaky dreams don't end there. About three years ago, I had dreams of conversations with some of my old friends. I knew them back then. Almost 2 years later, I found myself having those same conversations!
I would say, "Hey, haven't we talked about this before?"
And my friend would say, "No, we've never talked about this before."

I've never told ANYONE about my future-predicting dreams. I don't get them anymore, thanks to school and all that stress.


One other thing that doesn't have to do with school. Sometimes, when I'm typing something on the computer, I type random words on accident. Most of the time, it's things like 'mu'. But some times I get things like:

The most common of these words is dark or darkness, which creeps me out A LOT and I just think, "What the heck? Why did I do that?" And I don't think it's me reminding myself what my favorite pokemon type is.

Think you can help me before I start thinking the darkness is eating me alive?

Prediction dreams are not unheard of, I've had one myself where I won gold at Skills USA State championships, let's see what I can find on them...

well, nothing in my grimoire but I've encountered children having dreams of their parents getting hurt, like for example a little girl having a dream that her dad got his leg sliced open with a chain saw, and then the very next day it happened!  these dreams are not bad, but they can be restored, I recommend seeking out a local sensetive and seek guidence, it takes mental discapline and a reduced amount of stress but it is possible.
Post by: Janus on February 23, 2010, 05:14:29 AM
I was on vacation with my family in Thailand, it had been a fun day, we had been on the beach all day just enjoying our selves.
So night finally arrived and we decided to stay in and play some games me and my brothers, after that we went to bed.
We only had 3rooms but we where 5 on that trip, so my mom and dad had one room, my brother the other, and me and my younger brother shared.

I woke from my deep slumber, I was facing the window, my brother was right beside me, and I could see the electric clock past his shoulder (it was a double bed and I was facing "inwards" towards my brother", it was about 3am.
Suddenly I felt a chill, not like any I have ever felt before.
The chill moved slowly from my feet, up my leg, up my back  and to the back of my head where it stopped.
I felt as if someone was standing behind me, so I tried to turn around, but I was not able to, in fact I could not move at all.
Then it felt like someone was leaning slowly over me, the chill growing on the left side of my face, I stared at my brother trying to speak to wake him up, but I just couldnt make a sound.
Suddenly I heard someone whispering to me.
The voice was cold and scary, it was a girl or a woman.
She said something strange to me in  a language I didnt understand, it sounded thai-ish to me.
As she spoke to me I started sweating and my heart was beating faster and faster, then I heard a faint noise, and the feeling was gone.
I turned around as fast as I could but nothing was there. I woke my brother and told him what I had experienced.
He had felt it to, but not as strong as me, and he was really freaked out
I didnt sleep any more that night...

Wow, moving cold spot and disembodied voices, interesting,
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 25, 2010, 05:35:30 AM
I forgot about one more story. One night, when I was 8, I was sleeping in my parents room. I woke up to something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I looked over at their closet, and I saw something scary(scary at the time). I thought I saw a Vampyre with it's cloak pulled up, as if it were going to attack. It did nothing for a while, so I threw a dart at it. It went right through the 'vampyre' and the monster just faded away. So, what was that I saw? The whole thing looked like a big shadow shaped like a vampyre. If it helps, this happened after we added an extra bedroom and an new 2nd floor to the house.
Post by: Eslin on February 25, 2010, 05:55:25 AM
I forgot about one more story. One night, when I was 8, I was sleeping in my parents room. I woke up to something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I looked over at their closet, and I saw something scary(scary at the time). I thought I saw a Vampyre with it's cloak pulled up, as if it were going to attack. It did nothing for a while, so I threw a dart at it. It went right through the 'vampyre' and the monster just faded away. So, what was that I saw? The whole thing looked like a big shadow shaped like a vampyre. If it helps, this happened after we added an extra bedroom and an new 2nd floor to the house.
That sounds like a trick of lights. Inspect the closet and search for any objects which could pose such figures. The fading could have been you imagination.
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 25, 2010, 02:45:17 PM
Yes, except I did that and came up with nothing. Plus the lights were off.
Post by: Janus on February 25, 2010, 06:21:12 PM
Okay, It does help in saying that you did do some renovations to the location because I've had cases (in fact one down the street from the building my apartment is in) I've investigated where there are houses that have energy sealed within places and when those places are changed it can stir up sleeping manifestations and they may not like what you're doing to the place and may be trying to make its point clear but unintentionally scaring you in the process, that's possibly why it backed off when you threw the dart at it.  If I was doing this kind of case I would check out the history of the place, interview former owners, see if there was any dabbling in black magick, etc. try to find out what this is, most likely It didn't like what you did to the house but fails to realize the place was yours and your family's now, that is pretty common in haunted houses, they fail to realize they're dead and can't cope with that, and it is a part of some investigator's jobs to help the spirit accept it and move on.
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 26, 2010, 03:18:53 AM
Do they ever come out if they do like the new environment? It is possible that since it just stood (floated) there, it was admiring the new house. When I threw the dart at it, it was surprised and fled. After that, it didn't show up anymore. Have you ever heard of something like that? Or does that just not happen?
Post by: Janus on February 26, 2010, 10:22:31 AM
It's rare, but a team I've worked with in an investigation in the lower end of my home state where the clients had finished turning a spot of the house into a spa bathroom, the team did catch an EVP which we took to one of our contacts to have a look at and what we heard sounded like this "... I like the marble..." it was rather distorted due to background noise of the team photographer setting up a full spectrum camera (into on tech: a full spectrum camera is a camera that can take pictures in different light waves, such as infared and others.) while another member was doing an EVP session and caught that one, we did a little digging into local history and talked to people who knew the older owners of the place, and one of them confirmed the voice as Betty Drieves wife of the one who built the house, she was from a wealthy family in boston and always loved marble countertops and vanities in bathrooms, reminded her a bit of home, she always wanted at least one marble top in the house, but at the time and the location of where they lived it was expensive so they stuck with something simple and when the new family moved in and put a marble vanity in their remodeled bathroom the spirit of Betty was excited, when we showed our findings to the family they were surprised and decided for the memory of her they placed marble countertops in their other bathroom and in their kitchen.  I should have you and everyone who posts here know that I discuss all of these experiences with my team to come up with a way to help you understand what you saw, my psychic medium on the team (she's optional if the client wants one to come in) suggested the possibility that when you threw the dart at it that it understood that it was making you feel uncomfortable and backed off, so to answer your question, yes It's possible
Post by: obi on March 13, 2010, 06:03:43 PM
When I was a kid I was running down our hallway, and I heard someone else's footsteps, so I stopped, and this shadow on the wall kept running and turned the corner to my parents room and I heard the door slam.

Then my brother told me of a time when he got up one night to go to the bathroom & all the lights were off, and he saw these figures in the shadows. He said they were shadows as well, but they were darker than the regular shadows. He said they were really skinny, and that the heads looked sort of like cow skulls. He said there were about 3 or 4 of them, and he could hear them making a low mumbling sound, then laughing, like they were talking to each other.

Freakiest thing though, happened to my great grandmother, way back in the day. She was on a train, and there was this guy on the train, with these little silver balls. She said he rolled them down the aisle, and as they rolled, they transformed into these demon/gremlin type things, and ran around terrorizing the other passengers. Then they ran back up the aisle, and turned back into the balls, and the guy picked them up and put them back in his pocket.

True story.

So, yeah, supernatural/paranormal stuff is pretty common in my family.
Post by: Janus on March 13, 2010, 09:54:23 PM
When I was a kid I was running down our hallway, and I heard someone else's footsteps, so I stopped, and this shadow on the wall kept running and turned the corner to my parents room and I heard the door slam.

Then my brother told me of a time when he got up one night to go to the bathroom & all the lights were off, and he saw these figures in the shadows. He said they were shadows as well, but they were darker than the regular shadows. He said they were really skinny, and that the heads looked sort of like cow skulls. He said there were about 3 or 4 of them, and he could hear them making a low mumbling sound, then laughing, like they were talking to each other.

Freakiest thing though, happened to my great grandmother, way back in the day. She was on a train, and there was this guy on the train, with these little silver balls. She said he rolled them down the aisle, and as they rolled, they transformed into these demon/gremlin type things, and ran around terrorizing the other passengers. Then they ran back up the aisle, and turned back into the balls, and the guy picked them up and put them back in his pocket.

True story.

So, yeah, supernatural/paranormal stuff is pretty common in my family.

is it possible to do research into the properties history to see if there has been any dabbling in black magick or satanism, because what your brother saw there resembles what is known in demonology as shadow demons, whatever was seen there isn't human.

the story of your great grandmother's experience is very interesting, is it possible that you could find any reference to that incident in other accounts, such as the railway's history because that sounds like the sort of thing that would get public attention, and it is real strange.
Post by: obi on March 13, 2010, 10:56:07 PM
I forgot to mention that the house we were living in at the time was a duplex, and that our neighbor dabbled in the occult, so demonic activity would come over from her place to ours all the time.

As far as what happened to my great grandma, I've been looking for facts on that for decades. All I have to go on is what my grandma told me, which is what her mom told her. I tend to believe her though, because my grandma's one of those no-nonsense devout Christians, and for her to make something up like that wouldn't make any sense.

I did google demonic activity though, and found this site.


Don't know if all the accounts on there are true or not, but at least it makes for some interesting reading.
Post by: Janus on March 14, 2010, 04:16:21 PM
well, that explains the entities you and your brother saw, you were lucky you weren't attacked by them, because most of the demonic cases I've dealt with (apart from my own) I've usually seen people attacked, but what you encountered was a bit unique, you haven't described any of the usual signs of the demonic, most of the activity I've encountered, I've only investigated 3 demonic cases and was present at two exorcisms, what I've seen was heavy furniture moving across the room, I've had a kitchen table thrown at me, had to go to the hospital for a couple cracked ribs, they must've been biding their time possibly waiting for the one who summoned them to tell them when to strike.

as far as research into the incident on the train, I'm sure your grandma wasn't lying, but in your research, did you try to find out which railway she was on? and try to see if the local area's historical society has anything? maybe a local historian? My mom is a librarian and the honorary historical researcher to my team and she has pulled up some interesting stuff in a number of cases
Post by: obi on March 14, 2010, 06:06:09 PM
I forgot about one more story. One night, when I was 8, I was sleeping in my parents room. I woke up to something, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, I looked over at their closet, and I saw something scary(scary at the time). I thought I saw a Vampyre with it's cloak pulled up, as if it were going to attack. It did nothing for a while, so I threw a dart at it. It went right through the 'vampyre' and the monster just faded away. So, what was that I saw? The whole thing looked like a big shadow shaped like a vampyre. If it helps, this happened after we added an extra bedroom and an new 2nd floor to the house.

Just read this one. I'm pretty sure you saw a demon. In my belief/experience, demons can take many forms, and will usually take the form of what will cause you the most fear. They don't always need to physically attack to get their point across (whatever it may be). My very first demonic encounter was when I was around 6 years old and it took the form of a dinosaur, and it terrified me. So a demon assuming the form of a vampire around an 8 year old makes sense, cause what 8 year old wouldn't be frightened to see, in their mind, a vampire in their house?

@Janus: I'd have to ask my grandma if she remembers what railway it was, or if she even knows. Her mind's not what it used to be though, so I'm not entirely sure how fruitful that endeavor would even be though.  :-\

The thing with my demonic/supernatural encounters though, is that they all happened in the duplex in CA. After we moved I haven't seen anything since. Even in my old apt in AZ when my ex-wife (who had experiences of her own that I'll get into in a second) woke me up in the middle of the night claiming that the figure from her childhood was back, I didn't see/feel anything. My mom always said that the reason there was so much demonic activity in our place was a combination of our neighbor, and Satan attacking us (we were born-again Christians). She said that he (Satan) was upset that we belonged to the Lord and not him, and that's why he was making our lives a living hell (pun not intended). There was one instance where a demon actually tried to kill my father. I didn't witness it personally, but my mom told me about it the next morning. She said she woke up in the middle of the night because she felt this evil presence. She looked next to her and saw my father trying to breathe, and this dark figure on top of him, pressing on his chest. She said she called to Jesus and the figure disappeared. Anyways, all of it stopped once we moved. Was it because we left our neighbor behind? Or was it because we all faded away from being devout Christians? I don't know and, to be honest, I don't care. I'm just glad it doesn't happen anymore.

As far as my ex goes, she's had her share of experiences as well. She had a lot of factors in her life that explain why though (Extended family members who didn't like her immediate family that practiced Santeria, negativity/sexual abuse running rampant in her house growing up, herself being a practicing witch, and messing around with Ouija boards whenever her and her friends would get bored). She told me that growing up, she'd always see a dark figure with red eyes standing over her bed (the same figure that I didn't see or feel years later). She said that one time she saw a little boy standing in front of her closet, and that when she called to him he disappeared. She also said that, one time, she was looking into a mirror and she saw herself from the back, as though she was standing behind herself. She said she reached her hand out to touch the glass, but right before she did she felt a hand grab her shoulder and yank her back, causing her to fall to the floor. She was also home alone at the time this happened.
Post by: Coltrane on March 21, 2010, 07:58:27 AM
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities
Post by: Hiyaku on March 21, 2010, 01:11:17 PM
(I had the scariest night of my life! I saw this on my way to the art section, and decided to post it.)

Right, so I guess it really started about a year ago. It was the day after Easter, and one of my relatives had sent us some gifts. Well, this time she sent me a mini Monopoly game on a key chain. But my sister got something far worse. A mini Ouija board. My sister wasn't really into that stuff, so she asked me to trade. I happily agreed. That was the first mistake.

The second mistake, you've probably already guessed. I used it. I started out with "Are there any ghosts present?" Slowly, but surely, I felt my hand being pulled. I let go, calmed down, and asked again. It moved again, and stopped over Yes.

By now you must be thinking "So you stopped using it right?" Wrong. My third mistake, I kept using it. I asked it to spell it's name, no reply. I asked if he were a relative of mine. It moved to Yes. I asked if it was my grandfather, whom had died only a few months prior. No. Was it my great Uncle Jim, whom had died almost a year prior? Yes. Having deduced his identity, I put the board away. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The next incident was far worse. It was around September, at about midnight. Unable to sleep, I thought of my Ouija board. I decided to do some call and response. I asked if anyone was there. No reply. I asked again. no reply. but I felt a sudden cold on my check. I felt it. It was wet, and cold only in one spot. As if I had been kissed. I wiped it off, making sure it was warm again. I asked again, a little more shakily. Again I was kissed. I asked if I could have a hug. Immediately, I felt a chill around my upper torso. i had been given what I had asked for. I finally fell asleep.

After that I had many other smaller incidents, flashes of lights, shadows, people running in front of a mirror, and of course the feeling of being watched. But last night I had another major experience. I have this stuffed rabbit, which I've had ever since I was born. I sleep with it every night(yeah, I sleep with a rabbit! So what? that doesn't mean I a wuss or anything!). Last night I woke up feeling something moving in my hand. As usual, the rabbit was in my hand. But there was something strange. I felt it moving in steady, up and down motion, and could actually see the chest rising and falling. My rabbit was breathing! Thoroughly frightened, I tightened my grip, and the breathing stopped. A minute later, my pillow did the same thing. I released my grip on the rabbit, and another minute later, it started breathing again. I grabbed the rabbit and turned the other way. Again, it started breathing, but this time I let it. I had closed my eyes, but I knew it was lying flat. then something strange happened. The rabbit stopped breathing, and I felt something with a spherical shape go around in circles a few centimeters above my hand. I opened my eyes, the it stopped, and I saw the rabbit's legs had been moved so that they curled on it's stomach. I realized that it wasn't the rabbit itself that was moving, rather, something else was moving it! I turned again, and throughout the night, I felt a sharp prick at the back of my neck.

Obviously I have an intelligent haunting. But I can't help wonder why it's happening. Is really my great uncle Jim? Could it be someone else?
Post by: Janus on March 21, 2010, 02:42:13 PM
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

the thing with the street lights i've found pretty common in a number of cases I've done, hold on and I'll call up the case files to see what I can find... the first logical explanation I can find is that there is faulty wiring in the street lamps, that can make the lights go on and off, but the fact that each lamp went off as you approached it and turned back on as you left throws this possibility out the window, I've had a number of cases where lights turn on and off in houses or buildings I've investigated over the four years my team and I have done this.  but I've never encountered this in a street lamp, you said that your family has a history of psychic? ever consider one of those people coming to take a psychic walkthrough of the area? maybe the entities in the graveyard are trying to make contact with you for help, a medium is what could be of use in a case like this even though I rarely use them.
Post by: Janus on March 21, 2010, 02:53:15 PM
(I had the scariest night of my life! I saw this on my way to the art section, and decided to post it.)

Right, so I guess it really started about a year ago. It was the day after Easter, and one of my relatives had sent us some gifts. Well, this time she sent me a mini Monopoly game on a key chain. But my sister got something far worse. A mini Ouija board. My sister wasn't really into that stuff, so she asked me to trade. I happily agreed. That was the first mistake.

The second mistake, you've probably already guessed. I used it. I started out with "Are there any ghosts present?" Slowly, but surely, I felt my hand being pulled. I let go, calmed down, and asked again. It moved again, and stopped over Yes.

By now you must be thinking "So you stopped using it right?" Wrong. My third mistake, I kept using it. I asked it to spell it's name, no reply. I asked if he were a relative of mine. It moved to Yes. I asked if it was my grandfather, whom had died only a few months prior. No. Was it my great Uncle Jim, whom had died almost a year prior? Yes. Having deduced his identity, I put the board away. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The next incident was far worse. It was around September, at about midnight. Unable to sleep, I thought of my Ouija board. I decided to do some call and response. I asked if anyone was there. No reply. I asked again. no reply. but I felt a sudden cold on my check. I felt it. It was wet, and cold only in one spot. As if I had been kissed. I wiped it off, making sure it was warm again. I asked again, a little more shakily. Again I was kissed. I asked if I could have a hug. Immediately, I felt a chill around my upper torso. i had been given what I had asked for. I finally fell asleep.

After that I had many other smaller incidents, flashes of lights, shadows, people running in front of a mirror, and of course the feeling of being watched. But last night I had another major experience. I have this stuffed rabbit, which I've had ever since I was born. I sleep with it every night(yeah, I sleep with a rabbit! So what? that doesn't mean I a wuss or anything!). Last night I woke up feeling something moving in my hand. As usual, the rabbit was in my hand. But there was something strange. I felt it moving in steady, up and down motion, and could actually see the chest rising and falling. My rabbit was breathing! Thoroughly frightened, I tightened my grip, and the breathing stopped. A minute later, my pillow did the same thing. I released my grip on the rabbit, and another minute later, it started breathing again. I grabbed the rabbit and turned the other way. Again, it started breathing, but this time I let it. I had closed my eyes, but I knew it was lying flat. then something strange happened. The rabbit stopped breathing, and I felt something with a spherical shape go around in circles a few centimeters above my hand. I opened my eyes, the it stopped, and I saw the rabbit's legs had been moved so that they curled on it's stomach. I realized that it wasn't the rabbit itself that was moving, rather, something else was moving it! I turned again, and throughout the night, I felt a sharp prick at the back of my neck.

Obviously I have an intelligent haunting. But I can't help wonder why it's happening. Is really my great uncle Jim? Could it be someone else?

*FACEPALM* oh gawd, i really dislike the cases where somebody uses the ouija board, usualy it opens up "Old wounds" essentially to this day I am seriously scarred for life by the incident I described in the first posting, based on what you posted here it doesn't sound like there is anything to fear, you see, ghosts are essentially people without bodies, it doesn't seem to want any harm, just to be part of the family again, so I don't think you have anything to fear. if you want, get a non-filtered digital voice recorder and try some EVP sessions, just hit record and just talk like you were talking to him, you might get some responses,
Post by: stephenkill2 on March 21, 2010, 05:13:32 PM
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

the thing with the street lights i've found pretty common in a number of cases I've done, hold on and I'll call up the case files to see what I can find... the first logical explanation I can find is that there is faulty wiring in the street lamps, that can make the lights go on and off, but the fact that each lamp went off as you approached it and turned back on as you left throws this possibility out the window, I've had a number of cases where lights turn on and off in houses or buildings I've investigated over the four years my team and I have done this.  but I've never encountered this in a street lamp, you said that your family has a history of psychic? ever consider one of those people coming to take a psychic walkthrough of the area? maybe the entities in the graveyard are trying to make contact with you for help, a medium is what could be of use in a case like this even though I rarely use them.

This also happens to me, usually when I walk close to cemetarys or by a tree where someone used to be hanged in my town. Lights will go off as I walk by though.
Post by: obi on March 21, 2010, 09:01:32 PM
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.
Post by: Janus on March 21, 2010, 11:19:46 PM
My family has some weird experiences with spirits.

My niece's 5th birthday had just passed and she had gotten a helium balloon. She lived at my parents house with her mother, my older sister Meghan. One night, Meghan and I were in the living room watching tv, when this helium balloon started to float around the entire house, as if it was being pulled by it's ribbon. It even went up to the third floor and down to the first floor, as well as into a dead end kitchen and back out.

A week or two later, my niece was getting ready for bed when she said that the girl on Melina's (my other sister) lap didn't want her to go to bed, that she still wanted to play. Without prior knowledge of the balloon incident. We were a little freaked, but we figured a little girl wouldn't bother us much.

As far as I know, she didn't do anything major. She'd make things fall and rattle around the house, especially when you'd go to investigate (she played games), but she didn't give my niece any problems.

Another weird occurrence happened to me at this cemetery in Kitchener, Ontario. I used to have to walk through it at night around 1-2 in the morning to get home from work, and it had this short little street that connected it to neighbouring streets. I was never too worried because it was lit up by street lights and the other option was a 20 minute detour around the park.

The first night I got the creeps I was walking up to the cemetery as usual, but when I got close, the street lights shut off. I thought "whatever, I'm not walking the long way" and keep at it. The moment I step through the gate, the first street light turns on. I keep walking, getting to the edge of it's light, and the next one turns on. The moment I'm fully in it's light, the one behind me shuts off. This sequence happened through all six lights as I walked past the darkened gravestones. As I step through the far gate, the light behind me shuts off and I walk away with that eerie feeling. I keep glance back, and as I cross the street, the street lights in the cemetery turn back on.

The didn't just flash this at me either. It's done the reverse. It's had them all flicker as I walk through, but be fine before and after. I've even taken my sisters and friends there on multiple occasions to show them.

The one time, my friends and I drove up to the gate and parked. I was telling them the previous story and my other experiences, and they were getting creeped out. I hopped out of the SUV and walked up to the gate. As I did, they turned on as I walked through, but shut off when I stopped to look back. I kept walking and they flashed a few times, and then went out. Right then there was a flash of lightning and my friend Hilary freaked hardcore and cried for me to get back into the car.

The sad thing is, this cemetery is located between some older houses and a grocery store...

I dunno if I qualify as a sensitive, but my family has shown some psychic abilities

the thing with the street lights i've found pretty common in a number of cases I've done, hold on and I'll call up the case files to see what I can find... the first logical explanation I can find is that there is faulty wiring in the street lamps, that can make the lights go on and off, but the fact that each lamp went off as you approached it and turned back on as you left throws this possibility out the window, I've had a number of cases where lights turn on and off in houses or buildings I've investigated over the four years my team and I have done this.  but I've never encountered this in a street lamp, you said that your family has a history of psychic? ever consider one of those people coming to take a psychic walkthrough of the area? maybe the entities in the graveyard are trying to make contact with you for help, a medium is what could be of use in a case like this even though I rarely use them.

This also happens to me, usually when I walk close to cemetarys or by a tree where someone used to be hanged in my town. Lights will go off as I walk by though.

Personally My team and I don't like to investigate cemeteries because those places are for people to be laid to rest and I don't like stirring up the dead. one theory I can come up with is that there is an entity in the area drawing energy from the street lamp using that energy to manifest itself.
Post by: Janus on March 21, 2010, 11:20:42 PM
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.

haven't heard of anything like that, but it does sound possible
Post by: Coltrane on March 21, 2010, 11:31:24 PM
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.

haven't heard of anything like that, but it does sound possible

Not plausible. I checked with the city about the lights. No cemetery uses motion sensors on their lights unless attached to a building. ^_^ sorry to burst that theory.

Plus if they were motion-sensored lights, then what would explain the changes in the patterns? They didn't always follow the same sequence, or any sequence for that matter.
Post by: stephenkill2 on March 22, 2010, 02:14:05 AM
I'm pretty sure the lights were motion sensored.

no, they're not.
Post by: Hiyaku on March 22, 2010, 01:13:31 PM
(I had the scariest night of my life! I saw this on my way to the art section, and decided to post it.)

Right, so I guess it really started about a year ago. It was the day after Easter, and one of my relatives had sent us some gifts. Well, this time she sent me a mini Monopoly game on a key chain. But my sister got something far worse. A mini Ouija board. My sister wasn't really into that stuff, so she asked me to trade. I happily agreed. That was the first mistake.

The second mistake, you've probably already guessed. I used it. I started out with "Are there any ghosts present?" Slowly, but surely, I felt my hand being pulled. I let go, calmed down, and asked again. It moved again, and stopped over Yes.

By now you must be thinking "So you stopped using it right?" Wrong. My third mistake, I kept using it. I asked it to spell it's name, no reply. I asked if he were a relative of mine. It moved to Yes. I asked if it was my grandfather, whom had died only a few months prior. No. Was it my great Uncle Jim, whom had died almost a year prior? Yes. Having deduced his identity, I put the board away. That night, I couldn't sleep.

The next incident was far worse. It was around September, at about midnight. Unable to sleep, I thought of my Ouija board. I decided to do some call and response. I asked if anyone was there. No reply. I asked again. no reply. but I felt a sudden cold on my check. I felt it. It was wet, and cold only in one spot. As if I had been kissed. I wiped it off, making sure it was warm again. I asked again, a little more shakily. Again I was kissed. I asked if I could have a hug. Immediately, I felt a chill around my upper torso. i had been given what I had asked for. I finally fell asleep.

After that I had many other smaller incidents, flashes of lights, shadows, people running in front of a mirror, and of course the feeling of being watched. But last night I had another major experience. I have this stuffed rabbit, which I've had ever since I was born. I sleep with it every night(yeah, I sleep with a rabbit! So what? that doesn't mean I a wuss or anything!). Last night I woke up feeling something moving in my hand. As usual, the rabbit was in my hand. But there was something strange. I felt it moving in steady, up and down motion, and could actually see the chest rising and falling. My rabbit was breathing! Thoroughly frightened, I tightened my grip, and the breathing stopped. A minute later, my pillow did the same thing. I released my grip on the rabbit, and another minute later, it started breathing again. I grabbed the rabbit and turned the other way. Again, it started breathing, but this time I let it. I had closed my eyes, but I knew it was lying flat. then something strange happened. The rabbit stopped breathing, and I felt something with a spherical shape go around in circles a few centimeters above my hand. I opened my eyes, the it stopped, and I saw the rabbit's legs had been moved so that they curled on it's stomach. I realized that it wasn't the rabbit itself that was moving, rather, something else was moving it! I turned again, and throughout the night, I felt a sharp prick at the back of my neck.

Obviously I have an intelligent haunting. But I can't help wonder why it's happening. Is really my great uncle Jim? Could it be someone else?

*FACEPALM* oh gawd, i really dislike the cases where somebody uses the ouija board, usualy it opens up "Old wounds" essentially to this day I am seriously scarred for life by the incident I described in the first posting, based on what you posted here it doesn't sound like there is anything to fear, you see, ghosts are essentially people without bodies, it doesn't seem to want any harm, just to be part of the family again, so I don't think you have anything to fear. if you want, get a non-filtered digital voice recorder and try some EVP sessions, just hit record and just talk like you were talking to him, you might get some responses,

Alright, I'll try it.
Post by: Janus on March 22, 2010, 02:42:21 PM
Post by: Hiyaku on March 22, 2010, 08:34:19 PM
(Gawd I hate school! :P)

I think it might be a little girl, because the night it started, I heard a girl's voice say "Play with us! Play with us!" And it said my name a couple times. I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared! I haven't had a good haunt in about a year! XD
Post by: stephenkill2 on March 22, 2010, 09:22:49 PM
(Gawd I hate school! :P)

I think it might be a little girl, because the night it started, I heard a girl's voice say "Play with us! Play with us!" And it said my name a couple times. I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared! I haven't had a good haunt in about a year! XD

dude. play with them. lolicon ftw.
Post by: Gman on March 22, 2010, 11:38:47 PM
Alright, I have a couple of'em.

This first one takes place at a friend's party. They were into the occult, and they wanted to try and disprove of a local ghost by attempting to summon it. It required a mirror, and a pitch-black room, and they sat me in a chair in the middle of the room(didn't know any better at the time, and I can't remember if a Ouija Board was used or not). Well, after some creepy chanting, they get a result.

Orbs of light start going up around the room, and people start freaking out. They run out the door, and held the exit's door shut, purposely keeping me in, and in a lame attempt to keep the ghost from coming out. I hyperventilated when I saw a figure in the room with me, and lost consciousness. It wasn't long until they opened the door up, and woke me back up by traditionally pouring water on my head.
This next story is more of a short event. What happened was I woke up, around one or two in the morning, and I couldn't fall asleep. I looked out my bedroom window, and I saw multiple figures in black cloaks outside. That freaked me out a lot. One of my cats was in the room with me, and just stared at me. It left me paranoid for a while, until I forced myself to go to sleep, and ignore all of it.
I suppose it's worth mentioning that friends and family say that I do things that I have no recollection of, sometimes it's kind of mean, but it's usual just me insulting them, or being arrogant. But I would rather say it is coming from a personality disorder, or just the fact that I have bad memory(despite the fact I'm not really old enough to have bad memory yet).
Post by: Janus on March 23, 2010, 12:22:13 AM
(Gawd I hate school! :P)

I think it might be a little girl, because the night it started, I heard a girl's voice say "Play with us! Play with us!" And it said my name a couple times. I'm not sure if I'm excited or scared! I haven't had a good haunt in about a year! XD

THis is pretty common, disembodied voice of a child asking to play, in cases like this, we have a small box of toys, a teddy bear, a ball, a toy car, simple stuff and set them out for the alleged spirit to try and get him or her to appear, a good tip when dealing with child spirits is to sit on the floor, doing this puts you at child height so it'll make it more comfortable to come out.
Post by: Janus on March 23, 2010, 12:29:14 AM
Alright, I have a couple of'em.

This first one takes place at a friend's party. They were into the occult, and they wanted to try and disprove of a local ghost by attempting to summon it. It required a mirror, and a pitch-black room, and they sat me in a chair in the middle of the room(didn't know any better at the time, and I can't remember if a Ouija Board was used or not). Well, after some creepy chanting, they get a result.

Orbs of light start going up around the room, and people start freaking out. They run out the door, and held the exit's door shut, purposely keeping me in, and in a lame attempt to keep the ghost from coming out. I hyperventilated when I saw a figure in the room with me, and lost consciousness. It wasn't long until they opened the door up, and woke me back up by traditionally pouring water on my head.
This next story is more of a short event. What happened was I woke up, around one or two in the morning, and I couldn't fall asleep. I looked out my bedroom window, and I saw multiple figures in black cloaks outside. That freaked me out a lot. One of my cats was in the room with me, and just stared at me. It left me paranoid for a while, until I forced myself to go to sleep, and ignore all of it.
I suppose it's worth mentioning that friends and family say that I do things that I have no recollection of, sometimes it's kind of mean, but it's usual just me insulting them, or being arrogant. But I would rather say it is coming from a personality disorder, or just the fact that I have bad memory(despite the fact I'm not really old enough to have bad memory yet).

Real Orbs are pretty darn rare, orbs in pictures or on video don't impress me because they are usually dust or bugs close up to the camera lens, but you saw these orbs and that is impressive! Summoning the dead is never a good idea, for there is no safe way to send them back, and you could have things follow you home that can cause trouble for your family or friends

on the subject of the black cloaks? what time of night was it? or what time of year was it? because it might have been some local pagans or in my case wiccans gathering for a ritual, we wear black cloaks because it is an energy gathiering color and we use that energy gathering to raise the power of our spells
Post by: Gman on March 23, 2010, 12:47:06 AM
Well, I'm sure it was sometime in winter. Yeah, I remember there being snow. It was probably in December, too. Maybe January, and I can't believe I left out the time.

Oh well, the time was between 1 and 2 in the morning.
Post by: Janus on March 23, 2010, 01:48:06 AM
Well, I'm sure it was sometime in winter. Yeah, I remember there being snow. It was probably in December, too. Maybe January, and I can't believe I left out the time.

Oh well, the time was between 1 and 2 in the morning.

then I dunno what it is!
Post by: Gman on March 23, 2010, 02:06:51 AM
Well, that kinda sucks. I rather dislike paranormal stuff...but have an interest in it because it's enigmatic. Is there any conventional, cheap way to test for spirits in your home? I suffer from paranoia only at home...and I dunno if cold temps rushes are signs of activity or not, since that may or may not be popular myth.
Post by: Janus on March 23, 2010, 02:42:04 AM
Well, that kinda sucks. I rather dislike paranormal stuff...but have an interest in it because it's enigmatic. Is there any conventional, cheap way to test for spirits in your home? I suffer from paranoia only at home...and I dunno if cold temps rushes are signs of activity or not, since that may or may not be popular myth.

well, there is handheld thermometers can detect differences in air temperature, one theory is that spirits suck heat energy out of the air in order to manifest, a possible solution to your paranoia at your house may be that you have a lot of EMFs in the surrounding area, an easy way to test this is with an EMF detector, they're used by electricians to find faulty wiring, but long-term exposure to EMFs can cause symptoms like creepy feelings, paranoia, skin irritation which can be mistaken for being touched, and on the highest scale: hallucinations, these EMFs are caused by faulty or very old wiring which can give off EMFs the older it is. I hope this has been enlightening
Post by: Gman on March 23, 2010, 03:57:31 AM
Thanks, I'll look into that. And it'd have to either be EMFs or a ghost, since me and my parents seem to lose items on a regular basis. It's not unusual for something we knew for certain was somewhere to have disappeared the next day, and have it show up somewhere else months later.

But our house is quite old, and people have died on the property, but the wiring is old as well.
Post by: Janus on March 23, 2010, 01:54:34 PM
a few other tips, if you can't find an actual source for the EMFs then I'd consider calling in TAPS, I've consulted with them on a number of cases and they've either sent one of the members of their extended family to give us a hand OR gave us advice over speaker phone. OR call in a psychic medium if you believe in that sort of stuff (I normally Don't but I use them if the clients request it) it is also a good idea to get a digital voice recorder (one of the cheap ones that don't have filters) and use that to try and make contact through EVPs
Post by: Gman on March 24, 2010, 01:19:18 AM
Hm, I'm beginning to wonder, was it safe to be in the room with all the orb and stuff? Because I don't truly think it was...I mean, spirits can possess people and stuff, cause bodily harm, etc...
Post by: Janus on March 24, 2010, 12:40:45 PM
the only way spirit entities can possess a human is only if they are an accomplished medium, which I doubt you are.  it wasn't a good idea to summon the dead in the beginning, spirits have been known to cause bodily harm, but look on the bright side, at least it wasn't a demon! I've dealt with at least 3 demonic cases apart from my own experience, and was present at 2 exorcisms, each one terrified me, so as long as I had my protection wards in place I hoped the entity wouldn't go after me, demons are the ones best known for possession so you won't have to worry about that entity coming after you!
Post by: Hiyaku on March 24, 2010, 01:46:57 PM
You can actually use a hiking compass as an EMF Detector. Without the holder moving, the compass needle will spin wildly or stay in one place.

Another haunting last night, the worst so far. Someone or something was sleeping with me in my bed! I could hear breathing behind me, and I could feel it breathing too! And at one point, I actually felt pressure on my back, as if someone was sleeping right next to me.  :(
Post by: Janus on March 24, 2010, 02:16:15 PM
You can actually use a hiking compass as an EMF Detector. Without the holder moving, the compass needle will spin wildly or stay in one place.

Another haunting last night, the worst so far. Someone or something was sleeping with me in my bed! I could hear breathing behind me, and I could feel it breathing too! And at one point, I actually felt pressure on my back, as if someone was sleeping right next to me.  :(

thanks for the tip with the compass, but EMF gauges i find are more precise, I'm not saying that it won't work, it may be a good method for starting investigators but I've been investigating for 4 years now and the funding from a good friend of mine to buy equipment has been phenomenal (I have a friend who's family is well off even in financial times like these and his family has been very helpful in funding for my team's equipment) thanks to their funding, we've been able to get ahold of gear that we normally wouldn't have been able to!
On the subject of your experience, I have heard of stuff like this, based on how it felt do you think it was an adult or child?
Post by: Gman on March 24, 2010, 11:01:29 PM
Ah, I noticed something today. I only feel extremely paranoid while at home. At school, I have no paranoia. EMFsusually have listing effects, right? So it doesn't sound like the source is an EMF.
Post by: Janus on March 25, 2010, 01:36:54 AM
Ah, I noticed something today. I only feel extremely paranoid while at home. At school, I have no paranoia. EMFsusually have listing effects, right? So it doesn't sound like the source is an EMF.

on the contrary, once you're out of an area that has high EMFs it takes a few seconds but you'll feel better, are you feeling these feelings all over the house?
Post by: Gman on March 25, 2010, 03:12:03 AM
The closer I am to my room, the more paranoia I feel, unless something is distracting me, but even then I glance around.
Post by: Janus on March 25, 2010, 03:58:37 AM
okay, unless you can find an explanation by means of EMFs I'd recommend trying an EVP session to see if you can make contact with the entity or entities

Post by: Hiyaku on March 25, 2010, 12:32:08 PM
You can actually use a hiking compass as an EMF Detector. Without the holder moving, the compass needle will spin wildly or stay in one place.

Another haunting last night, the worst so far. Someone or something was sleeping with me in my bed! I could hear breathing behind me, and I could feel it breathing too! And at one point, I actually felt pressure on my back, as if someone was sleeping right next to me.  :(

thanks for the tip with the compass, but EMF gauges i find are more precise, I'm not saying that it won't work, it may be a good method for starting investigators but I've been investigating for 4 years now and the funding from a good friend of mine to buy equipment has been phenomenal (I have a friend who's family is well off even in financial times like these and his family has been very helpful in funding for my team's equipment) thanks to their funding, we've been able to get ahold of gear that we normally wouldn't have been able to!
On the subject of your experience, I have heard of stuff like this, based on how it felt do you think it was an adult or child?

Well, the breathing was irregular, but steady, and the pressure was only on my back, so I would assume a child, maybe six to ten years old. Finally got a good night's rest btw! So that means it's just my dad's house that's haunted.
Post by: Janus on March 25, 2010, 01:22:53 PM
You can actually use a hiking compass as an EMF Detector. Without the holder moving, the compass needle will spin wildly or stay in one place.

Another haunting last night, the worst so far. Someone or something was sleeping with me in my bed! I could hear breathing behind me, and I could feel it breathing too! And at one point, I actually felt pressure on my back, as if someone was sleeping right next to me.  :(

thanks for the tip with the compass, but EMF gauges i find are more precise, I'm not saying that it won't work, it may be a good method for starting investigators but I've been investigating for 4 years now and the funding from a good friend of mine to buy equipment has been phenomenal (I have a friend who's family is well off even in financial times like these and his family has been very helpful in funding for my team's equipment) thanks to their funding, we've been able to get ahold of gear that we normally wouldn't have been able to!
On the subject of your experience, I have heard of stuff like this, based on how it felt do you think it was an adult or child?

Well, the breathing was irregular, but steady, and the pressure was only on my back, so I would assume a child, maybe six to ten years old. Finally got a good night's rest btw! So that means it's just my dad's house that's haunted.

maybe some residual energy is tied to the bed and the entity is sleeping in that bed
Post by: PokeRoach on March 29, 2010, 04:46:00 AM
this may sound weird, but i have been plagued by the paranormal all my life.
ever since i was 5, i've been terrified of being alone ANYTIME. even in brightly lit rooms.
when i was 5 years old, i remember my bedroom door would open and close while i was in bed. and when i would try to get out of my room. the door would slam shut and the knob refuses to turn. that happened about 3 times before things escalated. i would be fast asleep and i'd wake up to an extreme cold that feels like it comes out of a freezer, and i'd hear heavy footsteps approaching my bedroom door, then the cold would vanish and i would hear a loud moaning come from the guest bedroom.
when i was 7 things got bad. i vividly remember one time, i was up at around 9 at night playing the legend of zelda on NES, and i heard a loud bang come from my room. i didn't go investigate because i thought it was just my dad at the back door. but a couple minutes later, the room i was playing video games in got cold, probably colder than those nights i'd wake up. next thing i knew, i was on the ground with a huge gash on my shoulder and a few other cuts. wait until you know what happens almost every day now. things even happen when i'm in a public place, i was at school in math class and the bathroom door made a loud click and the door swung open. and another example is when i was on the school bus, i was sitting across from my friend and all of a sudden, i couldnt breathe, it was like somebody had put a belt around my neck and pulled it tight.
right before it happened, my friend said he saw a white mist form in the seat behind me and he literally freaked out while it was happening.

worst experience i've had is most likely when i first moved to florida.
i was unpacking some of my clothes from my boxes and i swear i could smell a strong sulphuric smell right before i got hit with this heavy force that pinned me to a wall and actually left a huge crack.

i'm not the only one experiencing this thing, anyone anywhere near me is subject to this harassment. and no, i'm not joking.

also, about a month ago, i actually tried to set up a video camera to tape me while i sleep, i woke up and half the camera had been melted
reviewing the video showed that the battery level dropped to the flashing low bar 2 minutes after i got in bed. and after i was fast asleep, the camera started shaking and it caught a shadow moving around the room. the lens cracked and liquid plastic leaked over the lens, then the camera caught the words "Sie alle sterben" (you're all going to die)
after that i've been having my girlfriend and her sisters sleep over alot.
it hasnt bothered me much after that, but as i'm writing this, i can hear weird noises coming from the kitchen.

it only physically hurt me a couple times, but i'm still living in fear of what i cannot see.
and as was stated in the first post, we did a quija board session after the camera incident and we asked the name of the entity and it passed over the letters "A-M-S-E-L" which so happens to be my family's last name.
Post by: Janus on March 29, 2010, 03:16:26 PM
this may sound weird, but i have been plagued by the paranormal all my life.
ever since i was 5, i've been terrified of being alone ANYTIME. even in brightly lit rooms.
when i was 5 years old, i remember my bedroom door would open and close while i was in bed. and when i would try to get out of my room. the door would slam shut and the knob refuses to turn. that happened about 3 times before things escalated. i would be fast asleep and i'd wake up to an extreme cold that feels like it comes out of a freezer, and i'd hear heavy footsteps approaching my bedroom door, then the cold would vanish and i would hear a loud moaning come from the guest bedroom.
when i was 7 things got bad. i vividly remember one time, i was up at around 9 at night playing the legend of zelda on NES, and i heard a loud bang come from my room. i didn't go investigate because i thought it was just my dad at the back door. but a couple minutes later, the room i was playing video games in got cold, probably colder than those nights i'd wake up. next thing i knew, i was on the ground with a huge gash on my shoulder and a few other cuts. wait until you know what happens almost every day now. things even happen when i'm in a public place, i was at school in math class and the bathroom door made a loud click and the door swung open. and another example is when i was on the school bus, i was sitting across from my friend and all of a sudden, i couldnt breathe, it was like somebody had put a belt around my neck and pulled it tight.
right before it happened, my friend said he saw a white mist form in the seat behind me and he literally freaked out while it was happening.

worst experience i've had is most likely when i first moved to florida.
i was unpacking some of my clothes from my boxes and i swear i could smell a strong sulphuric smell right before i got hit with this heavy force that pinned me to a wall and actually left a huge crack.

i'm not the only one experiencing this thing, anyone anywhere near me is subject to this harassment. and no, i'm not joking.

also, about a month ago, i actually tried to set up a video camera to tape me while i sleep, i woke up and half the camera had been melted
reviewing the video showed that the battery level dropped to the flashing low bar 2 minutes after i got in bed. and after i was fast asleep, the camera started shaking and it caught a shadow moving around the room. the lens cracked and liquid plastic leaked over the lens, then the camera caught the words "Sie alle sterben" (you're all going to die)
after that i've been having my girlfriend and her sisters sleep over alot.
it hasnt bothered me much after that, but as i'm writing this, i can hear weird noises coming from the kitchen.

it only physically hurt me a couple times, but i'm still living in fear of what i cannot see.
and as was stated in the first post, we did a quija board session after the camera incident and we asked the name of the entity and it passed over the letters "A-M-S-E-L" which so happens to be my family's last name.

I may be wiccan, but there is no doubt about it, You've got a demon on your hands, you've got textbook demonic activity, I tried googling Amsel and looking it up to see if it is also a demon name, didn't find it on the list of known demons, has any of your family ever dabbled in the occult? or anyone who lived in your place of residence done so? it seems to be attatched to you for some reason, you need help, if you attend church or anything of that nature contact your religious leader, it is part of what they do to help and if you ignore this entities presence any longer it might not be long before you wound up possessed or something of that nature, get spiritual help! take it from someone who is a practicing wiccan and has a few experiences with the demonic!
I'll talk with a close friend of mine who has had more experience with demons then me and once I seek his advise I'll Private message you
Post by: PokeRoach on March 29, 2010, 04:56:15 PM
haven't looked into family history much yet, but what everyone's been talking about every time i ask my relatives is some "Albrecht". apparently what everyone has been telling me is  that Albrecht Amsel was a complete lunatic who thought everyone was trying to kill him so he killed a few people before he had a heart attack and died right next to his last victim.
that is what my grandparents told me.
Post by: Janus on March 29, 2010, 06:57:41 PM
personally based on that new info you provided, I have to say this:
demons are creatures of deception, from what you described of this Albrecht person, I'd like to know more about what you can find on him, because most people suffering from demonic possession are normally classified as lunatics, what kind of behavior did he exibit, I wouldn't rule out the entity feeding him deception that everyone was out to kill him, and mostly when a demon has no need of the person it makes the victim die of of natural causes like a heart attack OR forces them to commit suicide, I am astounded that you've lasted this long and haven't been possessed yet, is your family christian or anything? because that may be why you haven't been possessed yet because you have family and/or friends praying for you so the entity can only intimidate you, this is part from experience as an investigator and just consulting one who has cast out demons for his advice, he advised the same thing I did, get spiritual help, and if you can pull it off, I'd recommend calling in investigator and demonologists Ed and Lorraine warren, they are my Idols in the paranormal community and THE top demonologists in the world working on cases such as the infamous amnityville horror case in which Lorraine took on step into the house and said instantly: I hope this is the closest to hell I ever come! they would be the best people to consult coming from an investigator's point of view
Post by: PokeRoach on March 30, 2010, 01:41:48 AM
well i was doing a bit more digging with other people in my family and i did get some new information, he was a normal everyday person one day, and the next, according to what i heard from a few family members, he was in a total state of insanity. not to scare anyone. but he literally gouged out the eyes of each of his victims and ate them. one link between the victims is a quite obvious one, they were all close to dying of some form of illness.
Post by: Janus on March 30, 2010, 03:23:50 AM
yep, that sounds demonic to me, most likely the entity is using your ancestor as a mask of it's true nature
Post by: Neona on April 05, 2010, 04:58:12 AM
VERY RARE OCCASSIONS...(it's only happened twice)
when i'm in bed,this weird fuzz..thing appears(its always at night)

the first time...i turned my head a little to the right(there's no door so it's not coming from a different room)i saw it...i flinched and jumped backwards it jumped across the room and materialized when it hit the floor

the second somebody was in my room, right when they left, i dropped something when i went to get it(i leaned over in bed) and it was there,it jumped and hit the ceiling and dissapeared in my covers...i had to sleep on the couch all night...

another occassions :

i see a faintly colored silhouette of something floating smiling creepily appears...whats wired is that its not thrown over the wall..its strange...i only see it for a split second (only in the bathroom) the first yome,you know when you take a hot shower that the mirror is foggy exept for the edges? i saw it and i was frozen solid with fear,another time is when i saw it infront of me TWICE when i turn around mostly when i stare at the floor for about 20 seconds,im afraid to take showers now  :-[

i haven't seen it..but i know it's there,there's a hallway between my computer and my room, i feel the presence of something chasing me,i saw it once but it evaporated when light hit it

Post by: Darkstar64 on April 05, 2010, 06:54:30 AM
It seems you have some weird monsters in your house.
Post by: sym on April 05, 2010, 07:37:24 AM
i have a pentagram on my hand. my right hand.
Post by: Mr Pokemon on April 05, 2010, 12:41:39 PM
This is something that didn't happen to me, but someone that I know. He was jet-skiing around some island (not sure where) when he suddenly hit a rock and gouged his leg open. He managed to swim to sure and a helicopter took him to a hospital. Later in the news he read about a young kid who had been jet-skiing at the same place, and hit the same rock, drowned and died. It said that the kid had resurfaced earlier in the same day that he was jet-skiing there. The kid resurfaced a year and a day after he died (the same time it is believed the soul leaves the body) I just wanted to know if this is true or just a strange coincidence.

As for me, I'll only have occasional De Ja Vu. For those of you who don't know what that is- De ja vu is when you experience something that has never happened before, and you know it, but it feels like you've done the same exact thing the same exact way before. You know it's happened but you still can't predict what will happen next.
Also, sometimes a will not hear footsteps, but feel them. It is kind of weird, I think it might be due to me waking up super early every morning and hearing my dad's light footsteps downstairs, but that is just a thought.
Post by: Janus on April 07, 2010, 01:24:35 AM
VERY RARE OCCASSIONS...(it's only happened twice)
when i'm in bed,this weird fuzz..thing appears(its always at night)

the first time...i turned my head a little to the right(there's no door so it's not coming from a different room)i saw it...i flinched and jumped backwards it jumped across the room and materialized when it hit the floor

the second somebody was in my room, right when they left, i dropped something when i went to get it(i leaned over in bed) and it was there,it jumped and hit the ceiling and dissapeared in my covers...i had to sleep on the couch all night...

another occassions :

i see a faintly colored silhouette of something floating smiling creepily appears...whats wired is that its not thrown over the wall..its strange...i only see it for a split second (only in the bathroom) the first yome,you know when you take a hot shower that the mirror is foggy exept for the edges? i saw it and i was frozen solid with fear,another time is when i saw it infront of me TWICE when i turn around mostly when i stare at the floor for about 20 seconds,im afraid to take showers now  :-[

i haven't seen it..but i know it's there,there's a hallway between my computer and my room, i feel the presence of something chasing me,i saw it once but it evaporated when light hit it

Okay, I Don't really know what to say to your cases apart from they sound like something out of the exorcist, though it doesn't sound demonic, I'd recommend checking out the history of the property, more specifically the land, because what you describe to me sounds like it could be related to native americans to be honest
Post by: Janus on April 07, 2010, 01:30:05 AM
i have a pentagram on my hand. my right hand.

Is it a tattoo of some kind? or something that resembles a pentagram? which direction is the fifth point facing, up or down? does it have a goat among the star? can you be a bit specific?
Post by: Janus on April 07, 2010, 01:36:30 AM
This is something that didn't happen to me, but someone that I know. He was jet-skiing around some island (not sure where) when he suddenly hit a rock and gouged his leg open. He managed to swim to sure and a helicopter took him to a hospital. Later in the news he read about a young kid who had been jet-skiing at the same place, and hit the same rock, drowned and died. It said that the kid had resurfaced earlier in the same day that he was jet-skiing there. The kid resurfaced a year and a day after he died (the same time it is believed the soul leaves the body) I just wanted to know if this is true or just a strange coincidence.

As for me, I'll only have occasional De Ja Vu. For those of you who don't know what that is- De ja vu is when you experience something that has never happened before, and you know it, but it feels like you've done the same exact thing the same exact way before. You know it's happened but you still can't predict what will happen next.
Also, sometimes a will not hear footsteps, but feel them. It is kind of weird, I think it might be due to me waking up super early every morning and hearing my dad's light footsteps downstairs, but that is just a thought.

It's not uncommon for living people to face traumatic events that killed others, or animals in that manner, I remember one case another team did where there is a house where a dog died violently and each time a person who had a dog lived in there the dog would usually die pretty violently. most likely there must be some kind of residual energy on that rock that becomes active on the day the person died (the most common time residual energy awakens) and it acted like a magnet to your friend
Post by: sym on April 07, 2010, 02:53:39 AM
i have a pentagram on my hand. my right hand.

Is it a tattoo of some kind? or something that resembles a pentagram? which direction is the fifth point facing, up or down? does it have a goat among the star? can you be a bit specific?

it faces down.
Post by: Janus on April 08, 2010, 12:23:24 AM
is it a tattoo or is it an actual mark on the skin?
Post by: Amphi on April 09, 2010, 03:22:16 AM
most major experiences I've had

1st one at my friends home in a small town called Revillo, SD.  I was staying at his house and with out my prior knowledge their house is haunted, by two spirits, one of them good one bad,  the bad one decided to have a fit that night and it threw a few dishes and a lamp but it stayed out of this room where the good spirit was usually seen sitting in my friends grandmother's rocking chair.  we all decided to sleep there that night as my friends parents weren't home, the bad spirit we think is a either some sort of demon or the person who killed the lady who lived there before my friends grandmother, who also killed himself

the 2nd experience is just a spirit walking up and down the stairs at another friends house, when they moved in they also found a doll head in the attic with human blood on it
Post by: duotent on April 09, 2010, 11:59:28 AM
ive had a few minor(at least in my mind) stuff that might be nothing everytime i go into a new room or i go outside or if im thinking i dont feel anything  but everyone who watches see's me shaking as if hit by a cold blast and i also feel at random moments i feel stabing pain as if a knife is just pricking my temple or i feel it on the back of my neck.
Post by: Janus on April 09, 2010, 01:14:56 PM
most major experiences I've had

1st one at my friends home in a small town called Revillo, SD.  I was staying at his house and with out my prior knowledge their house is haunted, by two spirits, one of them good one bad,  the bad one decided to have a fit that night and it threw a few dishes and a lamp but it stayed out of this room where the good spirit was usually seen sitting in my friends grandmother's rocking chair.  we all decided to sleep there that night as my friends parents weren't home, the bad spirit we think is a either some sort of demon or the person who killed the lady who lived there before my friends grandmother, who also killed himself

the 2nd experience is just a spirit walking up and down the stairs at another friends house, when they moved in they also found a doll head in the attic with human blood on it

okay, on the subject of your friends two spirits: the one you claim is a bad spirit sounds more like a poltergeist, the name is german for "noisy spirit" these I refer to as spirit vandals the other spirit you provided very little info on but most likely it was the spirit of your friend's grandma, and her presence is keeping the poltergeist at bay.
Post by: Janus on April 09, 2010, 01:17:14 PM
ive had a few minor(at least in my mind) stuff that might be nothing everytime i go into a new room or i go outside or if im thinking i dont feel anything  but everyone who watches see's me shaking as if hit by a cold blast and i also feel at random moments i feel stabing pain as if a knife is just pricking my temple or i feel it on the back of my neck.

first of all, how old is the wiring in the location these things occur in?
Post by: duotent on April 09, 2010, 03:04:30 PM
at least 2 yrs or so
Post by: Amphi on April 09, 2010, 05:52:05 PM
most major experiences I've had

1st one at my friends home in a small town called Revillo, SD.  I was staying at his house and with out my prior knowledge their house is haunted, by two spirits, one of them good one bad,  the bad one decided to have a fit that night and it threw a few dishes and a lamp but it stayed out of this room where the good spirit was usually seen sitting in my friends grandmother's rocking chair.  we all decided to sleep there that night as my friends parents weren't home, the bad spirit we think is a either some sort of demon or the person who killed the lady who lived there before my friends grandmother, who also killed himself

the 2nd experience is just a spirit walking up and down the stairs at another friends house, when they moved in they also found a doll head in the attic with human blood on it

okay, on the subject of your friends two spirits: the one you claim is a bad spirit sounds more like a poltergeist, the name is german for "noisy spirit" these I refer to as spirit vandals the other spirit you provided very little info on but most likely it was the spirit of your friend's grandma, and her presence is keeping the poltergeist at bay.

thank you for your insight ^ ^ and i wish i could provide more information, but as such im no longer in contact with my friend, not really sure what went wrong but his personality changed for the worse when his little brother died, some how there garage door fell on the poor kid, but yeah my friend is a really bad person now, has satanic tattoos all over his body the one i felt was most prominent is an upside down pentagram in his right hand palm, i remember him waking up with that one around the same time his little brother died either a few days before or a few days after, not exactly sure
Post by: Janus on April 09, 2010, 06:50:54 PM
I feel sorry for your friend, man, it's good that you're avoiding him, satanists and their followers cannot be trusted, I got on the wrong end of one and that caused me to break up with my last girlfriend.  it was a hard decision for the two of us to make, but I did lay protection spells on her and provided her a talisman for protection against negative spirits.  I keep in touch with her in the event she is in trouble again.
Post by: Janus on April 24, 2010, 03:34:02 PM
Hello everybody, just thought I'd post this here, as You might have heard, I am a Paranormal investigator myself, the reason I started this thread was to help people on this website who have or have had run ins with the paranormal understand or debunk their experiences.  and I just got back from an investigation down state where there were some very interesting claims, in this case, it was an old camping location close to a lake, and it is said by many native american tribes that water is said to fuel spirit activity.  some of the claims were centered around when there was a campfire going and people were making merry and drinking, Now I am 21 just like the people on my team, so we thought we dropped by a grocery store on the way there, bought some drinks and headed to the camp, built a campfire, and I brought my acoustic guitar and played some jolly tunes to make it sound like a camp party hoping to draw out activity.  we took it in turns to monitor the equipment and sit on the edge of the campsite trying to make contact with the entities.  once the sun rose up a couple of us (me not included) managed to somehow recover quickly from hangovers then went to see if we gathered any evidence, apparently we caught quite a lot; a number of EVPS of drunken laughter that seemed to be coming from the area where the partying was going on, we caught some interesting hits on our thermal cam, and with our motion activated cameras we caught some shadow figures, it was a boatload of evidence that made us safe to say that the camp was haunted!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on May 03, 2010, 03:13:23 PM
Hello everyone, I was once known as Janus but due to some complicated reasons I had to make a new account luckily my Pre-beta tester status was transferred over, and if Mr. Dark is reading this, I thank him, but on to business, after my uncle and his family allegedly photographed the jersey devil, a dragon-like creature with a horse's head, bat-like wings and what looks like goat hooves, and after my uncle gave me the original picture I was traveling up and down all of new england talking with various photo experts to see if the photo was indeed fake, my uncle is a pro photographer so he would know how to fake something like this and so I took the pic around to photo specialists to take a look at. and after the photo was deemed credible by three different experts, I decided to open a NEW topic where ALL stories not just about ghosts but other strange activity such as Bigfoot, Nessie, and other strange creatures sid to be roaming this large world of ours

I will now share a story from my latest paranormal investigation into an asylum in the osuthern end of my home state where it is said that former patients still reside there.  the moment the investigation began we were experiencing stuff from cold spots to footsteps, more than once my partner that I worked with on the team got slapped in the rear end by an unseen hand, the first time I thought it was my partner fooling around with me but he was on the other side of the room, no way he could have reached that far, I tried reaching out to the possible entity by trying to be sympathetic if it was a patient, try to talk to them as if I was a patient too. being one who spent a couple months in a facility but a lot better than this one, we later found an EVP from that talk when I asked "What's keeping you here?" and I heard a voice say "THe pain.." we caught some other pieces of audio from that investigation, one of a exhaled breath into the microphone, many screams but what was really intriguing was two pieces of video footage, one of this translucent apparition walkint out into a hall paused to take  look at the camera then darted down the hall, and another where one of our IR cameras turned a full 360 degrees and then pointed back to where it was originally pointing! VERDICT: Haunted!

now I hereby open my new extended topic to include not only experiences with ghosts, but also with strange creatures that science hasn't explained yet
Post by: pokeman99 on June 12, 2010, 03:42:39 PM
I'm not totally sure if this is paranormal or not but one time I was in my bed in a small dark room and i had to use the restroom so i went out in the hallway and i saw this creepy yellow glowing ball that kinda looked liked the sun except when you swiped at it your hand went through it.
Every night since then ive seen that big glowing ball.
Post by: Mr Pokemon on June 12, 2010, 05:22:07 PM
Had you just turned on a light in your room and then walked out? Because if you did, the glowing yellow light would be the result of looking into a light directly. I get that a lot after I look into a light. You will see a colored light even when you close your eyes and it appears to change form and shape.
Post by: Tetsuo on June 12, 2010, 08:32:43 PM
Well, I've had a few experiences but the most scary one was about 8 years ago.
I went to my friends house for a sleepover and for what I knew, their whole family was into the spiritual aspects of life, at that time I thought it was plain bull****...
Now, his sister and a friend of her's went to the caravan outside to sleep there, taken a ouija board there. Again, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever invented (and not for the paranormal, lol). So, we went playing on our N64 till some hours passed and we heard screams from outside. Not just normal screames, but real screams in fear, it was freightening! We went outside (together with his parents) and kept on hearing the screams of those 2 girls, alongside with glass breaking and objects bumping to the wall... His father tried to get in but the door was locked... The caravan caught fire... It was just a small fire but rising rapidly. At this point the father smashed the door and the girls could get out.
The next day they told us what happened, they were just playing with the ouija board when everything started to be smached and thrown over. When they tried to get out the door was locked and the gas started to siss, and after a few seconds it caught fire. They never mentionned an entity they saw or something.
So, after hearing the story we went out to see what was left of the caravan (we put out the fire but most of the damage was already done) and to our surprise, the door was unlocked..
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on June 12, 2010, 09:43:25 PM
I'm not totally sure if this is paranormal or not but one time I was in my bed in a small dark room and i had to use the restroom so i went out in the hallway and i saw this creepy yellow glowing ball that kinda looked liked the sun except when you swiped at it your hand went through it.
Every night since then ive seen that big glowing ball.

Did it seem to have mass to it or was it just a light on a wall or something?
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on June 12, 2010, 09:49:32 PM
Well, I've had a few experiences but the most scary one was about 8 years ago.
I went to my friends house for a sleepover and for what I knew, their whole family was into the spiritual aspects of life, at that time I thought it was plain bull****...
Now, his sister and a friend of her's went to the caravan outside to sleep there, taken a ouija board there. Again, I thought it was the stupidest thing ever invented (and not for the paranormal, lol). So, we went playing on our N64 till some hours passed and we heard screams from outside. Not just normal screames, but real screams in fear, it was freightening! We went outside (together with his parents) and kept on hearing the screams of those 2 girls, alongside with glass breaking and objects bumping to the wall... His father tried to get in but the door was locked... The caravan caught fire... It was just a small fire but rising rapidly. At this point the father smashed the door and the girls could get out.
The next day they told us what happened, they were just playing with the ouija board when everything started to be smached and thrown over. When they tried to get out the door was locked and the gas started to siss, and after a few seconds it caught fire. They never mentionned an entity they saw or something.
So, after hearing the story we went out to see what was left of the caravan (we put out the fire but most of the damage was already done) and to our surprise, the door was unlocked..

*Facepalm* WHAT IN THE NAME OF ISIS WERE THOSE GIRLS THINKING?! those things are very dangerous, inhuman entities will think nothing of harming people like that, usually to death, I mean you might have read about my incident (I was originally Janus)
Post by: pokeman99 on June 12, 2010, 10:45:15 PM
It looked like it had mass and it came up from the floor in the dark hallway.
Post by: Tetsuo on June 12, 2010, 10:46:42 PM
*Facepalm* WHAT IN THE NAME OF ISIS WERE THOSE GIRLS THINKING?! those things are very dangerous, inhuman entities will think nothing of harming people like that, usually to death, I mean you might have read about my incident (I was originally Janus)
Yes I have read some of your incidents, I'm stunned that you had so many actually.
But anyway, those girls were unknowing, so was I. They will never do it again I suppose, just as I will stay away from those bords!!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on June 13, 2010, 06:19:45 PM
It looked like it had mass and it came up from the floor in the dark hallway.
wow, that is a genuine orb, had it been on a photo or video I would've been skeptic
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on June 13, 2010, 06:22:06 PM
*Facepalm* WHAT IN THE NAME OF ISIS WERE THOSE GIRLS THINKING?! those things are very dangerous, inhuman entities will think nothing of harming people like that, usually to death, I mean you might have read about my incident (I was originally Janus)
Yes I have read some of your incidents, I'm stunned that you had so many actually.
But anyway, those girls were unknowing, so was I. They will never do it again I suppose, just as I will stay away from those bords!!
I've had many more with my team such as having a metal bowl drop on my head, we caught it on camera too!
Post by: Tetsuo on June 13, 2010, 06:35:56 PM
caught it on camera too!
Is there a way you could show me your video footages? I would realy love to :O
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on June 13, 2010, 07:38:27 PM
caught it on camera too!
Is there a way you could show me your video footages? I would realy love to :O

sorry, that video footage is considered part of client confidentiality as it mentions the clients names and such
Post by: Tetsuo on June 13, 2010, 07:45:00 PM
caught it on camera too!
Is there a way you could show me your video footages? I would realy love to :O

sorry, that video footage is considered part of client confidentiality as it mentions the clients names and such

Oké, I understand that :) it's a pity tho :P
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 11, 2010, 03:15:43 PM
to be honest we don't let the public see our evidence because it usually is a client confidentiality issue, the only way people can see our footage is if my team and I wind up in a case we find we cannot handle (such as my first demonic investigation, I was new to this sort of stuff and in this case m team and I were in WAY over our heads) so we usually send what evidence we found to a team we've worked with in upstate NY that have more experience than we did at the time, we still keep in touch when it comes to this sort of thing, that is the only time we show what we catch to other people
Post by: Marie on July 26, 2010, 05:14:31 PM
I just had mine last night. I kept seeing these weird orbs of light like a cm big orb of light moving fast adn it kept disappearing. I thought it was because I was looking at the bright light from my laptop but it was so strange. I have watched tv shows like Ghost Hunters and such and heard bout what I have experienced and it just felt like someone was watching me last night and I truly know in my gut when someone it watching me...>_>
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 06, 2010, 04:23:38 PM
Orbs that are not on camera are pretty damn rare from what I've experienced, try looking into the location history see who died there, and ask former owners if they've experienced some stuff like that and in the meantime try an EVP session
Post by: Darkstar64 on August 07, 2010, 05:29:21 AM
I've had another experience where I had a future-predictiong dream. This one was rather low-key, but it did predict something that happened the next day.
Post by: Monzta on August 07, 2010, 06:12:27 AM
Is it true that if you go to the bathroom at 10:00 at midnight you get an apple and stab a knife in it and put candles around it and you say I killed your son or something a spirit will kill you... I heardd
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 08, 2010, 04:45:16 AM
I've had another experience where I had a future-predictiong dream. This one was rather low-key, but it did predict something that happened the next day.

to be honest I don't know that much about prophetic dreams but I'll talk to a few people I know and PM you about this, I'll see what I can find
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 08, 2010, 04:55:51 AM
Is it true that if you go to the bathroom at 10:00 at midnight you get an apple and stab a knife in it and put candles around it and you say I killed your son or something a spirit will kill you... I heardd

O_O... Who... the... F***... told you that?!?! now I have heard some crazy claims in my work as an investigator but that is really off the wall! stabbing the apple sounds a bit random to me, but what you said about what to say, sounds like a method called provocation, that is a method my team don't really use that often, but when we do it, we pull out all stops profanity and all, one case we did where these wine glasses would fly off the rack by themselves at these little girls, and I started saying some smack talk calling the alleged entity a f***ing bully, i shook my butt at the glass rack telling him to bring it on.  during that, my partner was saying "Now you just look silly" and we caught an EVP of another voice saying "Yes I agree" but what you described sounds totally off the wall, it sounds silly to me and nobody who has not had training in this sort of work should try provocation, you never know what entity it may be, could be human spirit, could be an inhuman entity (aka demonic), just don't try it, it looks silly and if you are not careful you could end up hanging by your neck from a rope on a single nail, like my mentor did
Post by: Monzta on August 08, 2010, 05:13:12 AM
Lance, the person who told me it the spirit that kills you is bloodymary
Post by: LeoReborn on August 08, 2010, 03:18:40 PM
If Bloody Mary is an entity, its most likely demonic, Ive heard many variations of it, too. Im guessing a few ppl try it at 10, 11, 12 pm. every night. What are the chances That one entity, Bloody Mary, responds to mulitple Summonings.

Lance, Im just Theorizing from what I know, Confirm or Disprove this.

Note: Im not an expert, Lance is, any Questions on Paranormalities? ask Lance.

Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 08, 2010, 07:11:27 PM
If Bloody Mary is an entity, its most likely demonic, Ive heard many variations of it, too. Im guessing a few ppl try it at 10, 11, 12 pm. every night. What are the chances That one entity, Bloody Mary, responds to mulitple Summonings.

Lance, Im just Theorizing from what I know, Confirm or Disprove this.

Note: Im not an expert, Lance is, any Questions on Paranormalities? ask Lance.

Demonic entities are INHUMAN spirits, they have NEVER existed on this earth in human form so that part is debunked, if this method of summoning spirits does work (which I severely have my doubts about) I discourage it flat out, I've said once before and I'll say again Summoning the dead is NEVER a good Idea for one: there is no way to send them back to their point of origin (at least none that I know of), you do not know if the entity has malicious intent that could harm somebody, an entity could fallow you home and reek havoc where you live causing problems for not only you but your family, so either way, wether it works or not, DON'T DO IT I HAVE SEEN NASTY RESULTS MY MENTOR WAS NEARLY KILLED BY AN ENTITY ALMOST SCARING ME OUT OF THIS WORK JUST DON"T DO IT THAT GOES FOR ANYONE ELSE WHO READS THIS!!!!
Post by: LeoReborn on August 08, 2010, 08:30:53 PM
Short Answer: If you value your: Life, Well-being or Sanity.... Actually just dont, under any  circumstances, dont do it.

Lance, Im sure there are some entities even you never want to have contact with, right?

Also, thanks for correcting me, I know some stuff, but your the expert, not I.

Weve Had problems with investigations at our old church. It isnt haunted, but since it was built in 1822, and a cemetary is near it, Paranormal Investigators have flocked to it, and without our Parish's Consent. They went in after Dark, and left several incidents of vandalism. We wanted to leave it open to the Public, but we Put up a 'No Trespassing After Dark' sign, As to prevent more vandalism. It is available for investigation, but you have to contact us ahead of time.

Other Wise, we can Arrest you. =3

If spirits dwell there, They are kind and Gentle.
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 08, 2010, 11:26:11 PM
You pretty much got it right on why not to do it, I have seen some messed up stuff as a result of summoning the dead one of which I believe had the potential to KILL, I nearly lost my girlfriend (who is now my fiance) in one of themwhere she was dragged across the room and thrown down a flight of stairs!

Yes there are entities I never want to face again, one being the one I faced that night with the Ouija board I spoke of in the first posting of this thread (I used to Be known as Janus here) another one I never wish to encounter again is any satanic rooted cases I had to do a LOT of prepping going into those such as blessing myself with the traditions of my kind, it doesn't completely protect me but it provides some protection and I am still in one piece, one case of that sort had one weird man come up to me and tell me he knows of that night I encountered a demon for the first time, he says if I delve anymore into that case I might attract what I saw that night.  that was a year ago and so far no entity has revealed itself to me praise to Isis!

to let you know I am ultimately no expert on the paranormal, I do know a good deal in my 4 years as an investigator but I am NOT on the Level of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society), I am in contact with a large number of other investigators and groups around my home state and I talk with them about EVERY claim that is brought onto this thread so I can get other opinions of your problems in other words I have a LOT of help on this thread so it isn't just me

My team and I  don't investigate cemeteries (Unless the client requests it) because they are supposed to be places of rest and we wish to respect that.  it is your choice wether you want investigators checking out your church or not, I have never investigated a church, usually because I already get nailed A LOT from the church-going community because I am wiccan.  you are fully within your right to arrest trespassers, I actually had to call the police on a few 9-year-olds after I caught them on a security camera vandalizing my herb garden, I have a negative history wit the said kids so it was... satisfying XD
Post by: LeoReborn on August 08, 2010, 11:48:04 PM
See, you understand, We prefer That Their rest not be disturbed, so no.

Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 09, 2010, 01:11:27 AM
yeah, Lance's Ghost hunting pointer #1: do not investigate graveyards unless requested to!  they are place where people should rest and they deserve that rest, death is like going to sleep after a long day, and we all deserve that rest. 
Post by: poptarts on September 18, 2010, 12:26:58 PM
I have had several run ins with paranormal activity. One thing in particular is a shadow, or ghost, cat that has been following me for years. But the thing that startles me the most, is with the religion I am (I wont go into details here), we are taught that there is no afterlife, nor is there a heaven or hell that you go to when you die. ghost are actually demons. This is jsut what we are taught, no worries. However, they still make themselves knows.

One story in specific still freaks my stuff out. I did not see this, but it was in a very haunted house that we lived in some eleven years ago. Coming home from work one night, my sister had gotten a ride from my brother and his life long friend. I need to explain the set up of this very large living room. the house in general was very old, and very large. It was 4 bedrooms and two bath, having to fit 6 children and two adults. The living room was actually a living room and dinning room put together with no seperation at all. It was a huge, open space that we used as a living room and entry way. To the left of the door was the den, as we called it. Connected to this area was a hall where the downstairs bathroom was, a closet under the stairs, my mom and dad's room, and then the kitchen. Attatched to the kitchen was a utility room and a back door. now, going back to the living room. To the right we had the stairs. These things were dangerous to begin with. There had been carpet on them, and had been torn up so staples hung out from the stairs creating a very painful torn foot if you weren't careful. At the bottom of the stair my mom had a sewing table (yes this information is needed), the sewing machine was attached to the bottom of it, underneath, and you simply pulled it out and sat it on top for use.

As they came in and were about to head upstairs, something came outfrom under this table. I say something, because we still have no freakin clue what the heck this thing was. It was like a person, but it's limbs were lopsided and it walked on it's fours, like a crab. One of it's legs were too short, and sort of crooked. It skittered off, limping and wiggling and just being all sorts of freakishness as it did so.

Later, in the same house. My brother was coming down the stairs one day and was shoved. He cut his foot open on the dangerous stairs.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on September 20, 2010, 02:40:34 AM
hmm... that is pretty darn interesting, however it doesn't sound like it was anything to fear, apart from the part where your bro got shoved down the stairs, possibly your bro did something to offend the entity, I respect your family's belief that the thing was a demonic entity, however the way you described the activity doesn't add up, were there any bad smells around the place? smells resembling rotting flesh or sulphiric acid? heavy objects moving (like over 25 lbs?) if so Plz tell me, I am interested in what U has to say about this
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on September 26, 2010, 01:05:09 PM
I am an equal listener to all cases of the paranormal, I set aside my spiritual beliefs when someone needs help in this field, as the Navajo shamans say there is more than one way to the great spirit, it doesn't matter how it is prayed to as long as it is known to exist as long as nobody is harmed in the process.  I am impressed with the priest she spoke to, he does seem to know the signs of a demonic infestation, that is pretty darn rare among priests these days, prayer on any form as long as it is not to the source of the problem has been known to make these entities leave, though it takes a strong will of faith, I've been known to assemble my coven to aid people in this sort of thing. 

your second claim doesn't sound like paranormal to me, Anxiety attacks are not really malicious work, just concentration and atempting to calm the mind can work wonders!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on September 28, 2010, 01:28:17 PM
what exactly was going on in the second one? I'll need all the details before my team and I can make a conclusion, it would also be a good Idea to have her talk to a therapist, when I was in High School I would have anxiety attacks a LOT when big projects were being announced OR tests were coming up, more specifically in MATH, I have hardly understood math back then and I usually do to this day (except with money), I am no psychologist but I do believe these kinds of attacks can happen under serious stress, one thing that I recommend if this is the case is meditation, it was something that usually helped and still does when I have problems
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on October 03, 2010, 04:57:33 AM
Okay, when it comes to the claim of the ordeal your mom went through, I don't know what to say to be honest, the only thing I can think of is a spirit trying to communicate with your mother through emotions, this has been known to happen, though I only know of it happening to those who are mediums, now personally I have reservations on using Mediums in paranormal investigations, but like I have said before the option is open to the client, has ANYONE in your family ever shown potential signs of psychic capabilities? it has been known to skip a few generations but this is speculation at the moment.

Okay, I googled the story about the bizarre Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask cartridge, and allow me to relate to you a story about this,  about a year ago now, my Girlfriend came back from our apartment building's mailbox with this package with an enclosed letter, the letter said that this parcel included an allegedly demonically possessed copy Banjo Kazooie for the N64, and if we wanted further details about the case contact info was enclosed as well, Now I've never owned an N64 in my life and the only game I actually know how to play on the system is the pokemon stadium games.  but I had a contact that could help me, so my girlfriend and I headed down to the local game shop that also sells used video games and systems, the owner is a friend of mine so he set up an N64 and we popped the game in and played around with it for a bit and sort, and sort of the same thing happened as with the Zelda game,  Being someone who has been present at 2 excorcisms and has actually seen a demon, I had know idea why the f*** a demon, a creature that roams this earth seeking the destruction and ruin of human souls would want to possess a game cartridge.  my first thought was that it was hacked, so I brought it to an expert on this sort of thing, who has hacked games for various older consoles the N64 included, and he was able to prove that the game was hacked.  after my girlfriend and I had that sussed out we called up the person who sent us the game asking her how she got it, and she said it was in one of the closets in the house when she moved in and she was referred to my team to have us take a look at it, I asked if she had experienced any weird activity around the said house and she said no and we told her the results of our examination of the game and our conclusion that the game was hacked.  that is what the story looks like to me, they hear a story that the game belonged to a kid in this case Ben who died an untimely death and believe he is haunting the game, looks to me like whoever obtained that game was nothing more than someone a prank was pulled on, though the claim that the guy who gave him the game vanishing is a little strange but all in all I am feeling quite safe in saying that it is just a game that somebody hacked the sh*t out of

Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: angiecakes on October 03, 2010, 08:07:27 PM
Personally, I have never had a paranormal experience, but I'm a strong believer in the supernatural.
I'm actually looking to major in Psychology/Parapsychology. 
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on October 03, 2010, 08:58:45 PM
those are good fields to be in! I have on occasion brought both in for certain cases to talk with clients about what they are experiencing.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on October 06, 2010, 12:59:05 PM
okay, what your describing sounds a LOT like psychic capabilities and it is not uncommon for spirits to send visions of the future through dreams, it is believed in a few traditions of magick especially Necromancy (a form of divination revolving around summoning spirits of the dead) that when a person dies and the spirit is released the spirit is privy to ancient secrets especially those pertaining to the future, Necromancy works in a way to glean answers from the dead about these questions.  essentially wht you are describing sounds exactly like a spirit trying to make contact, tell her for me on this subject that it is NOTHING to be scared of, they are merely people without bodies and they merely wish to communicate, and tell her for me that I based on the info provided here think that she has psychic abilities, they are nothing to be scared of, Lewellyn publishing company has published a lot of books on the subject, I haven't read any myself, I've seen them in the Magical studies section of Borders (for the sake of the Lord & Lady DO NOT CHECK OUT THE BOOKS BY ANTON LAVEY)
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on October 07, 2010, 02:24:29 AM
I am glad to hear that you don't really fear spirits, that is a good thing, don't see that much these days, I don't just watch those shows, I have also sent TAPS some of our alleged evidence to get their take on it.  If you need an opinion on the subject or if you want someone to share something that happened to you or your family my door is open and I will do my best to help
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on October 07, 2010, 04:35:17 AM
^_^ glad I can be of help!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 13, 2011, 07:33:54 AM
Woah, this topic has gotten pretty old.

I've had to call upon it again because I'm really...

D. All of the above.

...At what has been happening to me lately. So here's the story:

On friday night, around this time (like about 10 here), I was listening to music on my iPod in my room (more specifically, in my bed[and if someone cracks a joke about that, I will find you]). As I was listening to music, I got this strange feeling... Something I've never really felt before. And I could tell it wasn't because I was tired. But anyway, as I was getting this weird feeling, I noticed an odd sound in the music I was listening to that was...irregular. I rewinded it a little to hear it again, but it wasn't there when I listened to it again. Then I started getting more of those sounds, and I even listened to the whole song again, and all of the sounds were in a different spot in the music than last time. And before you say it might have been music made in the house, they were sounds that don't make sense for a house anywhere near here, but that was the odd thing. They were all household noises, and ones that I had all heard before in my previous house. Back to that night, after listening to the song over again, I started getting this image in my head. It was somewhat odd, because it looked like a 2D animated kid vampire (very specific, I know). And it wan't from anything I had seen or heard before. But the other thing is that I've had other examples of seeing Vampire-like entities, in the house I lived in before this one.

So to some everything up:

-Listening to music in bed
-Getting odd feeling
-Hearing odd sounds coming from the music
-Checking the song over for the sounds
-Hearing the sounds in different spots
-Getting strange image in my head.

If anyone bothers to read this, I'm hoping you can help me.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: pokesmurf on February 13, 2011, 06:19:45 PM
hehe this is funny  ;D rofl
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 13, 2011, 06:24:07 PM
What's funny?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: pokesmurf on February 13, 2011, 06:50:11 PM
This tread. I'm dying of laughter  :D .
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Darkstar64 on February 14, 2011, 03:18:33 AM
Number 1: It's spelled THREAD, not TREAD.

Number 2: Paranormal studies is a legitimate study.

So go be a deck somewhere else.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: pokesmurf on February 16, 2011, 02:25:35 PM
Insanity is legitimate as well.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on February 16, 2011, 04:17:15 PM
okay, DarkStar64, the first thing I would do is call Apple customer service or take it to an apple store OR an Apple rep at best buy and ask them about your Ipod, if they can find a reason for your Ipod acting up it is possibly NOT paranormal.  next up is the visions of a vampire like person, I would talk to a neurologist about that see if there is any way to explain that, if possible and the Ipod thing cannot be explained, try listening to the Ipod while having an MRI scan that MIGHT give some answers as to what happens when U have those visions

Trainerx, you do have it right that if it is paranormal it is possibly a spirit trying to communicate.  however based on what is described it does sound like a spirit attached to him, because if it was attached to an object it would be nothing more than residual energy, and that kind of spirit cannot communicate, it is nothing more than an imprint of the person in life. 

As for You pokesmurf, I do not like what you are saying, I respect the fact that you may be a skeptic but I request nicely that you do not go trolling here this is a place for those who have had unexplainable experiences and have no place to turn to get answers and here I provide them with a place where they can share what they saw, heard and/or felt and have a paranormal investigator examine them and help them understand what they experienced, be it understanding a potential entity OR debunking their claims so they can feel more comfortable in their home or other place they go to
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on February 17, 2011, 07:29:31 PM
funny, BUT come back when UR ready to be serious
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wailord on February 17, 2011, 11:03:04 PM
My long John rose by it's self when I saw Angelina Jolie naked.

It was scary  :o
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on February 18, 2011, 01:55:47 PM
My long John rose by it's self when I saw Angelina Jolie naked.

It was scary  :o

-.-' I feel my work as an investigator is no longer appreciated and People are poking jokes at a serious matter, Wailord, that is a standard body function NOT paranormal!!!!!!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wailord on February 18, 2011, 05:57:28 PM
That makes sense.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Flynt on June 24, 2011, 12:05:43 PM
nothing paranomal happened to me but my family experienced some paranomal things
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 24, 2011, 06:54:25 PM
Oh? care to talk about it? I might be able to help
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ez on July 24, 2011, 08:08:47 PM
My long John rose by it's self when I saw Angelina Jolie naked.

It was scary  :o

 ??? You too? I thought i was alone.

On a serious note a few years ago there was this creepy ass doll the was a mixture of chucky and a mental person from shutter island combined into one that was left here by a friend of my mom and one day i was in my room and that doll was on the floor and i was alone in the house so i was like f*ck that and decided to go out so i put on my shoes and when i stepped over it, its eyes followed me but not like a picture where no sh*t it follows you but they moved so that freaked me out  :o so i grabbed the doll and threw it in the chimney and lit the scary mofo on fire. The End.  8)
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 29, 2011, 07:23:10 PM
the thing with the doll is not unheard of, there are cases of spirit energy attaching to items, usually Items that the person was close to in life, I've only heard of them, haven't encountered a case of that yet, but there is a first time for everything
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wire on July 29, 2011, 09:40:23 PM
I had freaky experiences with those Furby dolls when i was trying to sleep they would just stare at me then one night it started talking out of the blue i definetly turned it off that night but it was scary as poop.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 29, 2011, 09:44:59 PM
let me ask ya something about that furby, did ya check the batteries on that thing? Jason's Daughter (Jason Hawes is the founder of TAPS or The Atlantic Paranormal Society) was hearing strange things in her room for a time so they went and checked it out and found that her Furby doll was low on battery power, that may be what you were experiencing
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 29, 2011, 10:18:55 PM
hmm... from what you saw did it have mass or was it just a shadow on the wall, if the latter are there any windows near where you were? if what you saw was legit, what you saw is known as a shadow person, usually manifestations of the dead, keep your eyes peeled around there and let me know of anything similar happening, this is the first claim to catch my real attention in a while
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 30, 2011, 06:50:48 AM
okay, were you doing any renovating or construction on the house or land? do you know any of the history of the location? are there any objects in the basement or nearby that could be linked to a death or even an object someone was close to? is there a body of water near your house? water can be a source for spirit energy according to some native american tribes 
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wire on July 30, 2011, 01:56:14 PM
Trainerx maybe it was your shadow.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 30, 2011, 03:06:21 PM
Trainerx maybe it was your shadow.

Unlikely, he said it was moving too fast for him to see, if it was his, he would've seen it better because he would be moving at the same speed, am I making any sense?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on July 30, 2011, 05:30:54 PM
You are making sense lance, trainerx, was there light? And if not it could have been a mouse, or do you have any pets? Evan if it was light the pet could already have black fur and was running, or it got into something and got it's fur black or brown, like mud, see immortal expert in paranormal stuff,I Kay like to put the practical view, I may post more often on this thread now, trying to help any way I can.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 30, 2011, 07:47:02 PM
if you read trainerx's claim more closely he said it couldn't have been an animal because his dogs were outside and he had a clear view of his cat, but rodents do sound like something to look into, trainerx, is there any sign of rodent activity in your house?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wire on July 30, 2011, 09:27:39 PM
Ok really i think your making too big a deal of this go down the freaking cellar unless you too chicken.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 31, 2011, 03:15:30 PM
Ok really i think your making too big a deal of this go down the freaking cellar unless you too chicken.

okay, Wire, that was pretty obnoxious of you, I keep saying this and I'll say it again, if you don't have anything to say that can help explain or debunk what people experienced then please don't post, this is where people who have had experiences can turn to to talk about what happened to them without getting laughed at, I get ridiculed all the time by my family for being an investigator

okay, were you doing any renovating or construction on the house or land? do you know any of the history of the location? are there any objects in the basement or nearby that could be linked to a death or even an object someone was close to? is there a body of water near your house? water can be a source for spirit energy according to some native american tribes
I don't know anything about the history of the land. My parents found the property when they were looking for a new place, and decided to build a house there since there was so much unused land there. There's a small pond on the property, about 50 yards away from the house(That's just a guess, it could be closer or farther than that.). I'm not sure, there could be something in a box somewhere that belonged to my great-grandmother. I don't think anything down there would be linked to the death of someone though.

You are making sense lance, trainerx, was there light? And if not it could have been a mouse, or do you have any pets? Evan if it was light the pet could already have black fur and was running, or it got into something and got it's fur black or brown, like mud, see immortal expert in paranormal stuff,I Kay like to put the practical view, I may post more often on this thread now, trying to help any way I can.
It was during the day, but the windows were too small to let much light in. I have two cats and a dog, and there's also my uncle's dog there. One of the cats was outside with the two dogs, and I saw the other one on the steps before I went downstairs. The cat couldn't have gotten in there, so it wasn't her.

if you read trainerx's claim more closely he said it couldn't have been an animal because his dogs were outside and he had a clear view of his cat, but rodents do sound like something to look into, trainerx, is there any sign of rodent activity in your house?
We don't see many rodents where I live, and I've never seen any in the house unless one of the cats killed it and carried it inside. We see a few outside every once in a while though. And now that I think about it, my cat won't go into the root cellar at all. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with paranormal activity, but I've heard that animals and small children are more sensitive to spirits, so it could be a possibility. My uncle's dog doesn't like to go in there either. I think it was bigger than a rodent though, but it's hard to tell because of how quickly it moved.

And there was also the time when that priest said that he sensed bad energy down there, so it could be what he sensed. My uncle is also a very negative and prideful person(so basically, he's an ass), and his bed is very close to the root cellar. He also keeps all of his stuff down there, so it's basically his room, and he's usually watching TV down there when he's not working or making something to eat.

okay, how recently was the house built? and I am also recommending looking into the history of the land, because it is POSSIBLE your family stirred up something when the house was built, how long have you experienced activity?

you are correct that animals & Children are more sensitive to spirits, especially cats that is why they have been a favorite of witches, wiccans such as myself and so on because they are naturally psychic animals.

I don't know about what the priest sensed, because if it was a negative entity, you would have a LOT more going on, you would have lightbulbs exploding, stuff thrown at ya, being hit by unknown forces, the list goes on.
possibly the entity doesn't like your uncle storing his things in the entity's space and is mad at him
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on July 31, 2011, 10:04:09 PM
okay, about that experience your mom had, what you describe sounds to me like sleep paralysis, it is a form of paralysis that we all go into when we go to sleep, it keeps us from lashing around in our sleep, and sometimes we sind up waking up while our bodies are still in that state, I've had cases of it too, I can concur with her that it IS scary, but it is not paranormal.  when you moved in on christmas eve, how long after you moved did you experience activity? I do NOT think that this entity has malicious intent, it might be trying to get your attention.  However, I was talking with my mom just today about your case and she asked if you have a medical history of hallucinations or similar symptoms. also hallucinations are symptoms of high Sensitivity to EMFs so I recommend checking the area that you saw this shadow for how high the EMF level is If any
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wire on August 01, 2011, 12:21:07 AM
Video evidance of somthing scary happening would be helpful otherwise this kind of stuff is easily made up after such movies being released such as paranormal activity which first time seeing its scary as poop when you watch it alone.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 01, 2011, 04:43:39 AM
Wire, I respect your skepticism but please, don't use it as a way to insult people
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Silver on August 01, 2011, 05:01:18 AM
Wire, I respect your skepticism but please, don't use it as a way to insult people

Ignore Wire. He's a fail troll.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wire on August 01, 2011, 01:14:58 PM
Well Silver i dont respect your remark of calling me a troll.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 01, 2011, 04:39:28 PM
y'know silver does have a point...
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Silver on August 01, 2011, 06:17:09 PM
Well Silver i dont respect your remark of calling me a troll.

Because I care if you appreciate something I say.

I don't even believe in the paranormal, so I don't come here. But your shots at the people who do was innapropriate, so I let the new users know what you are.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Wire on August 02, 2011, 12:06:53 PM
New uesers im a nice person i have my opinions like everyone else silver on the other hand is a person who likes putting people down that she dislikes. Plus get a poltergiest trainerx if this thing is true they will easily sense whatever is going on in the house or better yet leave a video recorder on as you sleep that could solve alot of the problems.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 02, 2011, 02:41:34 PM
okay, about that experience your mom had, what you describe sounds to me like sleep paralysis, it is a form of paralysis that we all go into when we go to sleep, it keeps us from lashing around in our sleep, and sometimes we sind up waking up while our bodies are still in that state, I've had cases of it too, I can concur with her that it IS scary, but it is not paranormal.  when you moved in on christmas eve, how long after you moved did you experience activity? I do NOT think that this entity has malicious intent, it might be trying to get your attention.  However, I was talking with my mom just today about your case and she asked if you have a medical history of hallucinations or similar symptoms. also hallucinations are symptoms of high Sensitivity to EMFs so I recommend checking the area that you saw this shadow for how high the EMF level is If any
One night she woke up, and she was having trouble breathing. There was smell in there that was so bad that she couldn't even find the right words to explain the smell.
I've heard a lot of stories about demons/evil entities making a horrible smell that's so bad sometimes that they throw up, and that's what made me think that it was something evil. I've never heard of that sleep paralysis thing, but I don't think it could cause that smell. I'm not really sure about how long it was until stuff started happening, I'll ask my parents. I haven't had any hallucinations before, and no one else in my family has a history of having hallucinations of any kind.

You know the one time when I PMed you about something(I don't remember what it was) and I said something about my mom having prophetical dreams? I'm starting to get them too, and they get more frequent as time goes on. I remember you saying that something could have been trying to communicate with my mom. You could be right that it's trying to communicate with me, it might have been just trying to get my attention.

Oh believe me, Sleep paralysis causes all kinds of hallucinations, even smells, one time when I had a case of it I thought I was smelling a dead skunk, srsly! but yes, you are right that Inhuman Entities have caused bad smells, according to TAPS it is commonly that of rotting flesh or sulfuric acid, but just because you smell them doesn't mean you have a demon, look around the house to see if you can find the source, if none is found, THEN you can start to worry. BTW, don't call inhuman entities Demons, these entities gain their power through fear and terror and if you label them as demons the fear of what they can do that comes with that name will make them stronger, I know I sound different when it comes to the paranormal nowadays is because I am on a new team after my previous one started being a bunch of unprofessional douche tacos
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 03, 2011, 06:29:47 PM
Provided it is an inhuman entity I am glad to hear you're not scared of it, that is good, I am still interested in whatever history tied to the land you can dig up because personally I think somehow you stirred something up when you built the house, another piece of advice I can think of is see if any Native Americans in the area can shed light on this, they are very in tune with spirits and are very helpful, and maybe a banishing ceremony can rid you of activity
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Yume Tsuki on August 04, 2011, 10:18:31 AM
I did something I shouldn't have done. I did automatic writing... I did this simply by thinking what I wanted to say to the entity and it answered through letting my hand write. I found out later it was actually a bad entity and now it's kinda following me. Although I didn't find any further problems than it is just talking to me I know it's not right. Its up to you guys if to believe me or not... I just don't care what you guys think. I believe it, thats enough for me.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Monzta on August 04, 2011, 11:10:54 AM
Lance: Do you believe in Jinns?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 04, 2011, 09:34:44 PM
Lance: Do you believe in Jinns?

hmm... I haven't encountered them, not in paranormal investigation or in my spell work, So I cannot give you a firm answer as to wether I believe in them or not,
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 04, 2011, 09:38:35 PM
I did something I shouldn't have done. I did automatic writing... I did this simply by thinking what I wanted to say to the entity and it answered through letting my hand write. I found out later it was actually a bad entity and now it's kinda following me. Although I didn't find any further problems than it is just talking to me I know it's not right. Its up to you guys if to believe me or not... I just don't care what you guys think. I believe it, thats enough for me.

I am not familiar with that technique, but provided it IS a negative entity just talking to it is not safe and it can lead to ugly things down the road,
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Yume Tsuki on August 04, 2011, 11:29:34 PM
I did something I shouldn't have done. I did automatic writing... I did this simply by thinking what I wanted to say to the entity and it answered through letting my hand write. I found out later it was actually a bad entity and now it's kinda following me. Although I didn't find any further problems than it is just talking to me I know it's not right. Its up to you guys if to believe me or not... I just don't care what you guys think. I believe it, thats enough for me.

I am not familiar with that technique, but provided it IS a negative entity just talking to it is not safe and it can lead to ugly things down the road,

yes thats true and the reason why I'm trying to get rid of it. Still looking for a way... Luckily I don't fear it. I don't see a reason to fear something that can't hurt me directly.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 05, 2011, 02:10:32 AM
depending on how you stand spiritually I do know of some ways that can get rid of this entity
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Yume Tsuki on August 05, 2011, 12:16:08 PM
I tried one thing that I found on the internet and that was trying to fill the entire room with my own energy and try to push it out of my house... Although I didn't try using the doorway... Maybe I should try that... Problem is that I can't see the entity and don't know if it's gone or not.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 05, 2011, 01:20:17 PM
I do not know if you would be willing to accept advice on how to do a banishing spell done by wiccans such as myself, but one easy thing I can srsly recommend is get a smudge stick of dried sage leaves (normally used for cleansing in wiccan/pagan rituals) light it with something and let the smoke waft throughout each room, run the smoke along the edge of each window and doorway in the house and waft the smoke at EVERY mirror in the house (mirrors can act as portals for spirit activity) the reason you use sage is that it is VERY stinky to spirits so you would be literally smoking them out of the house with the sage
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Yume Tsuki on August 08, 2011, 12:29:46 PM
I have no religion, I'm agnostic. Still remember the first line the entity wrote to me... It was not a language I've every heard of it was:

Le check de oeffrenchen de o
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 08, 2011, 02:04:34 PM
I have no religion, I'm agnostic. Still remember the first line the entity wrote to me... It was not a language I've every heard of it was:

Le check de oeffrenchen de o

okay, I googled the phrase and it pointed it to being dutch (I think) I sent the quote to a friend of mine who lives in the netherlands to see if she could translate it and if I can get a translation I'll tell ya what it is
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Flynt on August 08, 2011, 02:20:01 PM
I have no religion, I'm agnostic. Still remember the first line the entity wrote to me... It was not a language I've every heard of it was:

Le check de oeffrenchen de o

okay, I googled the phrase and it pointed it to being dutch (I think) I sent the quote to a friend of mine who lives in the netherlands to see if she could translate it and if I can get a translation I'll tell ya what it is
I CHECKED IT ON GOOGLE TRANSLATE but i wasnt in dutch but when i checked in french the result was check the oeffrenchen de o.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Flynt on August 08, 2011, 02:23:22 PM
Lance: Do you believe in Jinns?
a frnd of my grandpa had seen jinns.i dont know its true or false but in my opinion its true.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Yume Tsuki on August 08, 2011, 09:34:46 PM
I have no religion, I'm agnostic. Still remember the first line the entity wrote to me... It was not a language I've every heard of it was:

Le check de oeffrenchen de o

okay, I googled the phrase and it pointed it to being dutch (I think) I sent the quote to a friend of mine who lives in the netherlands to see if she could translate it and if I can get a translation I'll tell ya what it is

I am dutch.. And apparently that was the text I wrote when I first met that entity
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 09, 2011, 01:43:30 AM
When i was 10, I lived in an apartment building that had three different spirits. One was a little boy that loved playing pranks and jumping on the bed. another was a little girl that would appear by my door, pointing and laughing at a different room each time. The last was a shadow that moved throughout the apartment. The boy and girl didn't scare me, but the shadow always made me nervous. After I moved, i never had another experience like that, but I still see the shadow from time to time, lurking around when I'm alone. I hate being alone in a building because of it. All 100% true.   :-\
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 09, 2011, 05:59:44 AM
hmm... I have my doubts that the shadow is anything to fear, creepy as it may be, obviously it is attached to you seeing as it followed you from that apartment,  if it meant any ill will towards you it most likely would have done it a long time ago. there are a few methods of dealing with this, one I like to do is just sit down and speak with the entity, explain that he/she is making your life uncomfortable and you wish that you could back off,  Wouldn't hurt to have a digital recorder with you, you might pick up an EVP or two, another method of communication is a K2 meter, measures electromagnetic frequencies which can be signs of activity and a method of communication if used right.  or if you believe in this sort of thing contact a medium to try and make contact, I have changed my view on Sensitives and the like after I found out that I TOO AM A SENSITIVE, found out a few months ago and let me tell ya that rocked my world to its foundation!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 09, 2011, 07:16:35 AM
Here's the thing. It only shows up when I'm alone, and I feel reallly cold, and suddenly depressed. I know that whatever it is, it doesn't like me for some reason, and waits when everyone is gone.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 09, 2011, 08:22:25 PM
you know it sounds to me like the entity is trying to make contact by conveying it's emotions over to you, I've seen this before in a few cases, usually it means that the entity in question is depressed in this case maybe the entity had family that it was sad to have left behind (pure speculation on my part), based on your claims it doesn't seem like it desires to harm you, it seems just sad, and by conveying it's emotions to you it wants help.  find a medium or a sensitive to help you find out about this entity and maybe through contact with it it might pass on properly.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 09, 2011, 08:33:59 PM
I would do that, but it makes me nervous. What if I find out something I'm not going to like?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 10, 2011, 04:42:23 AM
If it turns into something negative, though I do have my doubts because it would be a lot crazier than what it is, you would be having bad smells, growling sounds, heavy objects moving, it would be really nuts, anyway, if it is negative, get spiritual help, a majority of religious faiths have ways of blesseing houses and people to banish spirit activity, one method that wiccans such as myself use is taking bundles of dried sage leaves and light them wafting the smoke around the room, it is believed that sage smoke is stinky to spirits, I've done this a number of times with good results, the key is to think forceful thoughts forcing this entity out of your home, and your life never to return.  there are other ways of doing it, I find this one personally very effective
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 10, 2011, 06:14:53 AM
  I've had my share of Paranormal stuff, Let me tell you it was weird.. I heard creaking [ My stairs creak the same way ] and then when it stoped, I saw a black mass walking to the turnstyle, I heard the turnstyle as if it was turning, then I saw Crackers being lifted in mid air, near the black mass, It went back to the stairs the creaking started again. I grabed a bat and went upstairs I saw a Cracker wrapper sitting on one of the stairs... I spent the rest of the day at my cousins.

It  Freaked  Me  Out!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 10, 2011, 02:56:20 PM
okay, this is interesting, on the subject of the creaking of the stairs, how old is the house? and do you see this activity all year round or in certain times of the year? the movement of the crackers and such is a phenomena referred to in investigations known as Object manipulation so obviously it is an intelligent entity.  Get A Paranormal team to check it out!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 10, 2011, 03:39:06 PM
Here's a good explanation. The house is old, the black mass could have been a real person, but you were too tired to recognize them, and they were too tired to throw away the wrapper. That or the above post.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 10, 2011, 04:30:57 PM
Here's a good explanation. The house is old, the black mass could have been a real person, but you were too tired to recognize them, and they were too tired to throw away the wrapper. That or the above post.

I could believe that, however, he said he saw the crackers being lifted up near the black mass, if it were a person lifting them up wouldn't he have seen the person? and cortexjs, were there any other people in the house?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 10, 2011, 04:33:07 PM
Here's a good explanation. The house is old, the black mass could have been a real person, but you were too tired to recognize them, and they were too tired to throw away the wrapper. That or the above post.

I could believe that, however, he said he saw the crackers being lifted up near the black mass, if it were a person lifting them up wouldn't he have seen the person? and cortexjs, were there any other people in the house?
For my experience, or Ziger's?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 10, 2011, 08:18:18 PM
 No there werent any people in the house besides my brother and my neice downstairs, And the black mass went upstairs.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 10, 2011, 09:06:05 PM
Ok, scratch my thoery then. Black masses creep me out. Read my experience to find out why. I call them shadows.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 10, 2011, 10:16:41 PM
were they in a distinguishable human shape? because if so, the technical term for that is shadow people in human form or not they are considered to be manifestations of the dead, Ziger, I recommend looking into property history, see if previous owners experienced anything, are there any objects of interest that possibly could be storing energy, IE objects that people were close to, in your family or found on property or also have potential occult importance (statues, or other artifacts)?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 12:21:25 AM
there were a couple old dolls and a couple old books talking about spells. [ Its in some musiem atm ] some stuff written on the wall downstairs, and on the floor. but its all covered up now. I've looked it up and They are called " Wraiths " Theyve practiced dark magic trying to make theyre life span larger, but they died in the progress. there are only a couple in the world. the rest were killed by the villagers old style. [ hanging ] therefore they had to practice with only themselfs. And today I just heard footsteps and the sound of cracker wrappers opening.. Its escilated ever since we found the old book. [ 3 months ago ]. but for now.. Its just footsteps. And everyone in my family seems more.. depressed.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 12:46:32 AM
I've heard of people opening portals by reading/buying books involving evil spells and satanic worship, but I don't know if any of that is true. What was written on the wall?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 12:48:54 AM
If you've played Wizard101 it looks like the battle circle, its a big circle with a spiral in the middle, and it had some type of letters and small pictures.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 12:50:29 AM
I've never played it. Do you know what language the letters were from? And what were the pictures of?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 12:55:09 AM
The language was old Its unreadable, the pictures look like some kind of animals or some type of plants.... I dont know much. lol.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 12:57:28 AM
It could have been Wiccan... I can't really tell, I would have to see it to be able to tell. Do you have any pictures of it?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 01:00:23 AM
I was around 7, Dident have a phone. and its all covered up now..
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 01:01:43 AM
We'll have to wait and see what Lance thinks, he might have a few ideas.

I've looked it up and They are called " Wraiths " Theyve practiced dark magic trying to make theyre life span larger, but they died in the progress. there are only a couple in the world. the rest were killed by the villagers old style. [ hanging ] therefore they had to practice with only themselfs
Where did you find that? If it's a Shadow Person, I don't think that's true. If it is a Wraith(Which I've never heard of), and if what you said about them is true, then it could be dangerous. But if it was evil, it would probably be doing more serious stuff.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 01:20:08 AM
 I found some of it here: http://www.mythcreatures.co.uk/undead/wraith.asp  and then google Wraiths and some more on the first and second one... Your probley right about it should be doing more stuff, but ever since we remove the book we found in the basement its been more active..
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 01:25:16 AM
I found some of it here: http://www.mythcreatures.co.uk/undead/wraith.asp  and then google Wraiths and some more on the first and second one... Your probley right about it should be doing more stuff, but ever since we remove the book we found in the basement its been more active..
Did you read anything in the book? It could help if we knew what was in the book.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 01:28:15 AM
Go get the place purified instead of trying to find out more. You could get drawn into something you don't want to be in. That's my proposal, and seems to be the wiser one.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 01:29:02 AM
   My big brother who found it read part of it before my mom stopped him all he read was some type of spells and some type of logs. and the same pictures we saw on the wall, we're not so sure on the type of logs.. We found it after the big flood, when we went back downstairs we found it in the middle of the floor.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 01:32:03 AM
Go get the place purified instead of trying to find out more. You could get drawn into something you don't want to be in. That's my proposal, and seems to be the wiser one.

   I cant fight my curitousity..  Its my thing, lol.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 01:35:55 AM
Go get the place purified instead of trying to find out more. You could get drawn into something you don't want to be in. That's my proposal, and seems to be the wiser one.

   I cant fight my curitousity..  Its my thing, lol.
Here's the thing, the shadow that has haunted me for the past 9 years makes me feel depressed, but only does so when I'm alone. You have a similiar experience with everyine around you being depressed. The only difference, your entity is tied to a place, while my entity seems to have connected to me, therefore, follwing me everywhere. You get the place purifies, maybe everyone will feel a bit better. I can't purify myself so easily, I'm a person, not a thing. Go get some sage and burn it, wafting the smoke around the room. It's what was recommended for me. Or find a professional.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 01:43:09 AM
   ok heres a quick, short story. my mom got a psycic when we found the book. the psycic brang the book with her, she starting whispering words, and then brang out the cross. when she did that the book was pulled right from her and thrown across the room, she said they were getting restless, running around the house for shelter.. she lost sight of the ghost(s), but we had no more paranormal runins up intil I saw the dark mass.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 01:52:08 AM
Go get the place purified instead of trying to find out more. You could get drawn into something you don't want to be in. That's my proposal, and seems to be the wiser one.
How could he be "Drawn in" to something? There's an entity in his house, and sometimes it can be easier to get rid of it if you know why it's there, and what it wants. If it's a spirit that can't pass on, if you know why it's there, you can help it pass on. There's really nothing to worry about right now, all it's doing is carrying crackers off and leaving the wrappers laying around. No offense, but you're proposal isn't really "wiser." Just purifying it right away doesn't always solve the problem, which is why finding out more can be helpful.

Go get the place purified instead of trying to find out more. You could get drawn into something you don't want to be in. That's my proposal, and seems to be the wiser one.

   I cant fight my curitousity..  Its my thing, lol.
Here's the thing, the shadow that has haunted me for the past 9 years makes me feel depressed, but only does so when I'm alone. You have a similiar experience with everyine around you being depressed. The only difference, your entity is tied to a place, while my entity seems to have connected to me, therefore, follwing me everywhere. You get the place purifies, maybe everyone will feel a bit better. I can't purify myself so easily, I'm a person, not a thing. Go get some sage and burn it, wafting the smoke around the room. It's what was recommended for me. Or find a professional.
If you feel depressed when the spirit is around you, it could just mean that it's trying to convey it's emotions to you to try to communicate. It might just be trying to tell you that it needs help to pass on. Unless you try to figure out why it's there, you won't be able to get rid of it. If it meant harm, it would have been throwing things at you, pushing you, and other stuff. It doesn't matter if you like what you find out or not, but you have to find out if you want to get rid of it.

   ok heres a quick, short story. my mom got a psycic when we found the book. the psycic brang the book with her, she starting whispering words, and then brang out the cross. when she did that the book was pulled right from her and thrown across the room, she said they were getting restless, running around the house for shelter.. she lost sight of the ghost(s), but we had no more paranormal runins up intil I saw the dark mass.
This is interesting. This means that there are multiple spirits in the house. They might be evil spirits. I'm going to wait for Lance, because he knows more about this stuff than I do.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 02:05:15 AM
Why do you insist I confront it/help it? I don't want to help, and I don't want it around. It's afraid of everyone else except me, so I stay around people as often as I can.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 02:07:34 AM
 If you dont want it around then you should help it.. its easier then just waiting it out for the rest of its or your life..
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 02:12:44 AM
Its life, if it ever was a person, is done. I want to live mine. When people say help it, my gut says no. My business is with the living, not the dead.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 11, 2011, 05:00:06 AM
Wow... just wow.  First off, I have to say it is NOT WICCAN! I practice wicca myself, I am unsure wether it is satanic or not, satanism, well, true satanism is more of a philosophy than a religion, Do you still have those books? I would strongly recommend taking the old books to an occult expert and have them see what they can tell ya, or if you would like, I could PM you my E-Mail address and if you could send me some scans or pictures of the books, I could have some contacts I know take a look at them, another option while on the books is see if the world of witches Museum in Salem Mass. would be willing to take them in or take a look at them.  but when it comes to the activity GET THAT HOUSE BLESSED ASAP!!!! I am going to contact an online friend of mine and major person in the pagan community to get his take on this! Cortexjs, they are right, you are going to need to face this thing, the way you describe your experiences it is attached to you, Maybe have a priest bless you or like I said, Wafting the smoke of burning sage works great, I've done it before with great success.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 05:09:25 AM
The book is at some type of musem.. Plus in the flood most of the ink wore off.. its pretty much useless.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 05:27:57 AM
My brother and I were talking about the book he brought up this one word that was marked under spells: and the door slammed open followed by a chill.  we said it again and we heard something as if it was moving but we dident see anything as if it moved.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 11, 2011, 06:00:15 AM
hmm... the way you describe it sounds like an entity not liking you two reading that book, there are such books and from the description this sounds like one, called Books of Shadows.  despite the foreboding name not all of them are negative or even necessarily malevolent.  they are simply notebooks compiled by people who practice Magick, I have one myself and many have been published such as the one by Wicca literature classic author Scott Cunningham (his was published at least a decade after his death) and I have no doubt that energy from the owner of that book still lingers around it, though I do have to say Magick is NOT something to toy around with, most likely that book was compiled by a seasoned practitioner of the craft and would know how to properly work some of the stuff in there.  you two on the other hand I doubt have any proper training so I heavily advise against doing that.  sry if I sounded mad but doing that could cause all kinds of problems, just remember this: Whatever you do will come back at you three times, that is known as the threefold law in our traditions
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 06:03:23 AM
 so the ghost or whatever it is, is going to come at me 3 times?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 06:31:28 AM
I am Freaked out!

                 My brother was sleeping and a cold chill woke him up, a book beside his head he brang it to me and we looked in and it has the spell written ALL OVER THE PAGES in the same ink the book we found was in [Old ink like before the pen/penciel was discovered.] Is that what you mean by it coming at me?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 08:05:10 AM
Well, you're the expert. There is one problem though. I need to be alone for that, and with my current living conditions, that is impossible. It stays away when other people are around.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Yume Tsuki on August 11, 2011, 10:28:14 AM
Okay, I somehow calmed the entity down by just simply talking to it, but I can now communicate with it completely through my mind. Although I knew I could this before (becasue everytime it wrote I knew exactly what it was going to write) Anyways, I don't think this makes an end to the problems I have since I only calmed it down. Point is, sometimes I'm staring at one direction, being sure that it's standing there. Still I don't see anything.

This reminds me, I feel Ill whenether I stare in the big mirror in my room, there's no other mirror that makes me feel like that, so maybe that's where the entity probably comes and goes...

Also I still remember a bit of the conversation I had with it. She probably ended up suprised because she asked why I still acted politely against her in some way. Yes I'm polite thats just who I am... But I do have resisted alot so far. I pretty much just want to bring her to rest. She can't do that if she keeps a watch over me.

Also, another paranormal experience I had is that I've learned to create psiballs. (For those who don't know, a Psiball is used for recovering from fatigue, illness, that kind of stuff.) People that carefully put their hands near it can feel it too. However, I haven't tried using it for healing yet because it has one con for healthy persons.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Flynt on August 11, 2011, 01:57:23 PM
Okay, I somehow calmed the entity down by just simply talking to it, but I can now communicate with it completely through my mind. Although I knew I could this before (becasue everytime it wrote I knew exactly what it was going to write) Anyways, I don't think this makes an end to the problems I have since I only calmed it down. Point is, sometimes I'm staring at one direction, being sure that it's standing there. Still I don't see anything.

This reminds me, I feel Ill whenether I stare in the big mirror in my room, there's no other mirror that makes me feel like that, so maybe that's where the entity probably comes and goes...

Also I still remember a bit of the conversation I had with it. She probably ended up suprised because she asked why I still acted politely against her in some way. Yes I'm polite thats just who I am... But I do have resisted alot so far. I pretty much just want to bring her to rest. She can't do that if she keeps a watch over me.

Also, another paranormal experience I had is that I've learned to create psiballs. (For those who don't know, a Psiball is used for recovering from fatigue, illness, that kind of stuff.) People that carefully put their hands near it can feel it too. However, I haven't tried using it for healing yet because it has one con for healthy persons.
is that really true?if yes then teach me how to create a psiball.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 11, 2011, 03:35:48 PM
Okay, I somehow calmed the entity down by just simply talking to it, but I can now communicate with it completely through my mind. Although I knew I could this before (becasue everytime it wrote I knew exactly what it was going to write) Anyways, I don't think this makes an end to the problems I have since I only calmed it down. Point is, sometimes I'm staring at one direction, being sure that it's standing there. Still I don't see anything.

This reminds me, I feel Ill whenether I stare in the big mirror in my room, there's no other mirror that makes me feel like that, so maybe that's where the entity probably comes and goes...

Also I still remember a bit of the conversation I had with it. She probably ended up suprised because she asked why I still acted politely against her in some way. Yes I'm polite thats just who I am... But I do have resisted alot so far. I pretty much just want to bring her to rest. She can't do that if she keeps a watch over me.

Also, another paranormal experience I had is that I've learned to create psiballs. (For those who don't know, a Psiball is used for recovering from fatigue, illness, that kind of stuff.) People that carefully put their hands near it can feel it too. However, I haven't tried using it for healing yet because it has one con for healthy persons.

that is not exactly paranormal, the term for that is psychic healing, a common healing technique in the pagan and wiccan community that doesn't necessarily mean you should become wiccan or pagan, there are people who can do it across all religions and spiritual paths, and people can also do it without a spiritual path at all! 
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 03:38:47 PM
 Lance I found alot of cracker wrappers on the stairs again. And the childs book besides my brothers head when he woke up is gone today. what did you mean by it coming at me 3 times?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 04:53:18 PM
I told my mother about the shadow, and she told me that I onced talked to an old man in a mirror at my grandmothers at 5, and the little boy I seen when I was 10 apeared in her dreams and tried to kill her.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 11, 2011, 07:34:18 PM
Lance I found alot of cracker wrappers on the stairs again. And the childs book besides my brothers head when he woke up is gone today. what did you mean by it coming at me 3 times?

ever heard of karma?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 11, 2011, 07:39:01 PM
I told my mother about the shadow, and she told me that I onced talked to an old man in a mirror at my grandmothers at 5, and the little boy I seen when I was 10 apeared in her dreams and tried to kill her.

now this changes things, your mom telling you that you seem to have communicated with spirits as a child, you might be sensitive to spirits, I do not think I will be of much help in this matter (true I may be sensitive to some degree but I am merely learning at the moment), but tell your mother that she may need to be cautious, what you described with the boy sounds like a possible prophetic dream. so it is a good Idea to be alert
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 08:49:54 PM
Oh sure yea Karma that thing that doesent exist. o_e. So its going to show up 2 more times?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 11, 2011, 10:32:46 PM
what I mean, is let's say I work a spell to make a dog bite you in the @$$ (there is no such spell, trust me!) the Karma of that spell would come back and bite ME in the @$$ three times as hard or as many times possible till I learned the lesson, in your case you were fooling around with a spellbook that potentially could have dangerous repercussions on you, and the entity will keep going at you until you learned the lesson about what you did
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 11, 2011, 11:25:37 PM
 My family has mood swings like that. my dad loves to golf, my brother and I were going to go with him but then he refused, he took a nap when he woke up he said: " So lets get golfing! "  This ghost thing is ruining my life. I turn on the lights in the hallway, I know lights dont work but it makes me more confortable.. Every cornor I turn I feel something watching me.. and Lance I dun belive in Karma..
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 11, 2011, 11:38:16 PM
this thread is starting to freak me out.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 11, 2011, 11:39:28 PM
How is it freaking you out?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 12, 2011, 12:17:10 AM
Because it just is. Do i really need a reason why?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 12, 2011, 12:27:23 AM
No, I was just wondering.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 12, 2011, 03:29:06 AM
Something weird happened last night.

I woke up crying for some reason. And I almost never cry. I just felt very upset about something, and I had no idea why. After a while, the feeling just suddenly went away, and I stopped crying. I got up and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I felt this presence, like someone was walking beside me. I felt it until I got back to my room. When I got back to my room, I still felt it, but it wasn't as strong. I just went back to sleep, and when I woke up I didn't feel the presence anymore.

When I was downstairs this morning, and I heard something banging on the cellar door. I opened the cellar door to make sure my little brother or sister weren't stuck inside. When I opened it, the shadow person was standing there. It stood there for less than a second, and then it disappeared. I got a better look at it than last time though(There's not really much to see anyway.).

What happened at night reminded me of a time when my mom woke up, and she was very depressed for no reason. She had no idea why she was sad. I told you before that she has prophetic dreams, and I think she's also sensitive to spirits. I've started having them too, and maybe the spirit is trying to communicate with me instead.

A few other people on my mom's side have them too, but they usually have them depending on what's going to happen. My mom has dreams when people she knows are going to have a baby or die, another relative has them when someone is going to be very upset about something, and another has them when someone is going to be very happy about something. There are one or two more, but I don't know when they have theirs. Mine are just random things that are going to happen, and most of the time they involve me.

And I'm still working on getting some history on the property.

it is not unknown for families to pass down psychic traits, sometimes the lie dormant until the person is mentally ready to handle them, or they sense stuff at birth and throughout their life.  EVERYONE is Psychic in some way or another, I am kinda sensitive like I said, and it sounds like the entity is conveying emotions over to you in order to make contact.

My family has mood swings like that. my dad loves to golf, my brother and I were going to go with him but then he refused, he took a nap when he woke up he said: " So lets get golfing! "  This ghost thing is ruining my life. I turn on the lights in the hallway, I know lights dont work but it makes me more confortable.. Every cornor I turn I feel something watching me.. and Lance I dun belive in Karma..

it is your choice of wether you believe in it or not, I am just conveying what I was taught as a wiccan, do yourself a favor and get a protection charm of some kind, a Religious or Spiritual Symbol, or a personal possession that feels right and comfortable to you, I wear my YuGiOh Card game deck in a holster as a talisman for protection, ask if you wish to know more about protection charms. 
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 12, 2011, 03:30:08 AM
maybe even have a blessing put on you if you think that would work
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 12, 2011, 08:14:32 PM
It's knocking stuff over in my basement, I hear jars and stuff falling on the floor. Everyone is upstairs, and so is the cat.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 12, 2011, 08:17:14 PM
 My cat died from unkown reasons. as the doctor said. That makes 3.. right? I hope so.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 12, 2011, 08:28:22 PM
 I don't want to scare you, but if that thing killed your cat, it's dangerous.

 Animals are more sensitive to spirits than we are, so I've heard of animals dying when there's paranormal activity going on multiple times before. I think it has something to do with their sensitivity to spirits. Most of the animals that died in the stories were cats, and they seem to be more sensitive than dogs.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 12, 2011, 08:31:37 PM
  We JUST got my cat, meaning we got it checked by a vet a couple days ago. within the week we had it it just stayed in its bed. every time we come down the stairs it hissed at us. [ but when it was the first day it did just fine ] and sometimes it just pounces and paws at mid air. [ I dun know if that has anything to do with it.. ]  We also have a dog, and its starting to do the same thing. LANCE I DUN WANT MY DOGGIE TO DIE. :<
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 12, 2011, 08:52:10 PM
we really dont have one.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 12, 2011, 09:37:50 PM
Your cat died? noooooooo, i hope your dog doesn't die, i like animals...
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 12, 2011, 09:40:49 PM
ikr It was born in 10/10/10. :[
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 12, 2011, 10:17:59 PM
poor cat. i have 8 cats, i have 3 inside and 5 outside, our female had babys.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 04:33:08 AM
  I am forsure that thing killed my cat. I took my dog to my cousins [ and my family, they have a pool ] and you could tell it changed..
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 13, 2011, 04:33:56 AM
Ziger, this is getting serious, I understand you aren't of any religion, but get that house cleansed ASAP! this entity seems to be turning into some kind of poltergeist if it is crashing stuff around in your basement, get spiritual help fast, I am running out of Ideas of how to help you, if it is all right, I will present your case before the Paranormal discussion group I go to and see if I can get any advice from them
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 04:36:50 AM
I called ORBS [ the offical paranormal team of ohio ] they said they are sending a team over on
 Monday. They are also doing some type of search.... I dont know much of what they said. lol.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 05:56:24 AM
 They called back today, so Lance I was hopeing you could explain this to me, I dident want to ask them because of a couple reasons, They said: " we went looking for the book at the musem, and a couple pages were still readable. " that part I understand, but the next part: " It seems as if  the book has Anti-coursual meanings. our worker [ I dun remeber the name she said ] said the pictures were of the enity doing some type of curse/ritual [ she talked to me like a preschooler ] so its obvious it practiced some type of spells, meaning this entity practiced some type of magic " [ I told them my suspipousons about it being a wraith] " that could be true, but there are two ways to make this problem go away 1. Destroy the book, and possibly put it into sleep, but the other side, It would become restless, and become worse. 2.  get the house clensed and possibly make it go to sleep. I said that a friend of mine recomendded getting the house clensed so thats what I picked. Do you know anything about Any of this?  :o
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 06:25:34 AM
Maybe you should move, this so starting to freak me out, but I want to know what is happening!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 06:32:53 AM
  I really dont want to move, I've moved 3 times in my life, and I'm 12. Theyve moved up the date to tommrow, something dangrous is going on, the lady had a bit of panic in her voice, and out of nowhere said she was moving up the date tommrow... I'm scared now.. Does that mean its bad?!  :o
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 07:23:39 AM
Prolly, dude here is this *hands him the Vacume from ghost busters* jk, but please I suggest being very careful, make sure there is not any thing that could kill you in your room because it might use that.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 13, 2011, 07:28:34 AM
So I'm sitting in my room right, and I feel that familiar sensation from long ago, almost safe. This is a spirit that actually touched me, set it's hand on my shoulder. I blocked out most of my childhood, I guess I also blocked out the things I came in contact with. This one is an old woman, she means no harm, and her touch is warm. Lance, would sage scare her as well, I wouldn't want to get rid of this one. It sounds weird I know.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 07:30:48 AM

Prolly, dude here is this *hands him the Vacume from ghost busters* jk, but please I suggest being very careful, make sure there is not any thing that could kill you in your room because it might use that.

 ok dude:


 2. I dont have whepons in my room who do you think I am? JAMES BON?!?

 3. I already know to be careful. lol.  ::)
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 08:02:36 AM
Almost anything can kill you, sorry, but still get anything slightly sharp out of your room, get anything that is heavy enough to be put on your neck and kill you, I should probably stop now...
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 08:07:09 AM
       Something is in my room... I saw something out of the cornor of my eye, I looked at it and where I looked there was a mirror, and I looked into the mirror and saw a shadow on the wall moving. Im scared..  :-\
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 08:12:38 AM
Have you tried telling your perants?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 08:14:15 AM
 My mom knows after I've called the ORBS team, we are all sleeping in one room tonight, [ By mom ] me and my brother are the only one still up. so... yea.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 08:20:07 AM
Okay I am scared for you now.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 08:29:44 AM
I an really sorry for the double post but there is something that lance said awhile ago that you might want to know!!!

Don't fear it!! They et there power from fear!! So don't fear it.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 08:42:59 AM
 How can I not fear it? I keep on thinking its there in the mirror starring at us, my brother sees it too, btu when we look it disappears...
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 08:53:12 AM
But if you fear it then it gains more power, I have a idea, do you have anything taut makes you feel safe like a plushie, or just think about something you really really like, just think about other things that's what I do whenever I am scared of something.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 08:55:28 AM
  Just as I was reading this my brother screamed: OWWWW and scrach marks on his back.  :-\
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 08:59:05 AM
Uh, get anything that makes you feel safe NOW, I once read from lance that something that makes you feel safe can protect you, get something that makes your brother feel safe too.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 09:00:48 AM
 We both got our pokemon cards, and right now it sounds like Chanting downstairs, and its getting louder. IM SCAREDDDDDD.  :-\ :o >:(
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 09:02:58 AM
Why are you mad at me? I am just trying to help! Wait, didn't lance say it would stop once you learned your lesson? That means you havent learned it yet.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 09:05:51 AM
 Im not mad at you.. and he said it would come at us 3 times, Its came at us 3 times: the book by my brothers head when he was sleeping, my cat dieing, and my brother's scrached back.. its got loud enough for my mom to wake up, we are all in bed atm..
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Desbear on August 13, 2011, 09:08:16 AM
I have to go to bed now, say something in the morning if your still alive.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 09:13:02 AM
Ok, Now im mad at you.  >:( the chanting stopped now.. my family caught a few words: FyuKau - Trai At  you  I....  They were all Slurred.. I am sure that it said you and I. the first one sounded like it. my mom wanted me to put it.....  :-\
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 13, 2011, 04:03:54 PM
Ziger, Good job calling in the paranormal team, hopefully they can debunk some of the claims, or get that entity the hell out of your life! my prayers to the lord and lady go out to ya!

I would like to hear the results of the investigation if at all possible
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 13, 2011, 04:08:42 PM
So I'm sitting in my room right, and I feel that familiar sensation from long ago, almost safe. This is a spirit that actually touched me, set it's hand on my shoulder. I blocked out most of my childhood, I guess I also blocked out the things I came in contact with. This one is an old woman, she means no harm, and her touch is warm. Lance, would sage scare her as well, I wouldn't want to get rid of this one. It sounds weird I know.

well your case has been turned flat out on its head it is obvious now that you are a psychic, it is your choice wether to develop this talent OR shun it, there are books that can shed light on this ability, remember, I am relatively new to my talents so I won't be able to help you out completely
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 13, 2011, 04:52:28 PM
Neat, I'm a psychic. but i don't know if I should develop it. Could it be potentially dangerous? I'm a risk taker, but I never go as far as endangering myself.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 13, 2011, 09:29:22 PM
Could telling the future in dreams count as another ability. I also have dreams that look into one week to five years in the future. One was of a person i never met until my first semester at school, and the dream was 1 month prior.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 13, 2011, 10:30:46 PM
Yeah. I write down all my dreams. Everytime something seems familiar, I refer to my journal to see if I dreamed it.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 10:54:34 PM
  I have those too, but It suddenly stopped this year now that I think about it. The first time I saw a box falling over on the firepit and setting setting some grass on fire. [ In my family we have a fire once per month to get rid of paper/boxes etc. ] and it ended up happening 3 or 4 days later.

                                                                  On the other hand...
  the ORBS team came at 2:00 and had us stay for around a hour and talk to whatever the thing is seeing if it would talk to us more then them. after that they sent us over to our cousins, and they did theyre own investagation. they came by at 4:00 and said they saw a shadow on the wall, moving very quickly. and when they sat down on the bed they felt the other side of the bed sink in as if someone else was sitting on it, but nobodey was. when they were leaving they were gathering up all theyre stuff and they heard a big BANG as if something huge was tipped over, it turned out to be desk. [in my dads office]. They are coming back at around 8:00 and doing it again. putting up cameras, EVPS, and they said they are bringing in this person to agervate the whatever it is and see if it does anything... they said we should stay at our cousins for 2 days atleast...  :o
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 13, 2011, 11:08:24 PM
If they pick up anything on the EVPs, you should post them here.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 13, 2011, 11:30:06 PM
 They did do some EVPS when My family was around, they wont tell me untill they get all the EVPS collected and finshed.  :(
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 14, 2011, 04:32:05 AM
Those are called prophetic dreams, and I'm pretty sure they're psychic abilities. What they're about depends on the person. Me and other people on my mom's side of the family have prophetic dreams,  and they all have them about different things. So far, mine are only about random stuff that I end up seeing/hearing at some point. Mine usually happen a few days later, but sometimes they happen a week or two after I have the dream. My ability is still developing though, because I only started to have them a few months ago(Although I occasionally had them before that, but that only happened once or twice a year.), so I think how far you see in the future depends on how long you've been having them, and the extent of your psychic powers.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one!

Yeah. I write down all my dreams. Everytime something seems familiar, I refer to my journal to see if I dreamed it.

advice straight out of many wiccan/pagan/new age books, and good all the same, I don't often remember my dreams but when I do, they're usually of something weird like me riding a Suzuki Hayabusa down a road of chocolate Pursuing some monkeys that stole my Pre-Order of Star Wars The Old Republic

They did do some EVPS when My family was around, they wont tell me untill they get all the EVPS collected and finshed.  :(

understandable, some teams collect the evidence first then look it over, to ensure they caught everything that happened
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Monzta on August 14, 2011, 06:32:10 AM
evp's are scary as hell.. my television stopped working D:
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Pokemaster MAC on August 14, 2011, 01:05:31 PM
i have had "prophetic" dreams as you would call it, giving me insight to a few critical points in time in my life. lol at one point in like 2001 i had a dream about a snake like dragon with what appeared to be red, black and gray scales, with a ton of yellow claws sticking out its side. A picture of something, it was drawn on a silvery background...

Turns out that mysterious dream picture turn out to be the front cover of the Pokemon Platinum case. And not too long ago i had a dream about the pokemon Audino, which in my dream looked more like a Mogwai from the movie Gremlins. don't remember much from that dream except it wanted to eat my socks. -.-

After that, like Februrary 2011 i have a vision of a weird cartoonish creature that i'm pretty sure is another pokemon from the future. Green and blue, it stands on 2 stubby legs with long arms and hooked claws from no fingertips. with 2 long pikachu like ears. if i dream again and it changes at all, i will post it lol
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Pokemaster MAC on August 14, 2011, 01:31:45 PM
i forgot another one! a weird black, red and yellow sphere pokemon that looked like a Fire/Electric pokemon, that i assumed was an evolution of Electrode, i saw it's name as Vectorode. it had like flaming arrows all over it and eyebrows made of fire. had an attack that looked like Blaze Arrow, power 75 acc 95 and could lower some stat possibly. although it was a female gender, which made no sense to me...
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 14, 2011, 04:52:45 PM
evp's are scary as hell.. my television stopped working D:

yes they can be pretty scary, I can agree to that
i have had "prophetic" dreams as you would call it, giving me insight to a few critical points in time in my life. lol at one point in like 2001 i had a dream about a snake like dragon with what appeared to be red, black and gray scales, with a ton of yellow claws sticking out its side. A picture of something, it was drawn on a silvery background...

Turns out that mysterious dream picture turn out to be the front cover of the Pokemon Platinum case. And not too long ago i had a dream about the pokemon Audino, which in my dream looked more like a Mogwai from the movie Gremlins. don't remember much from that dream except it wanted to eat my socks. -.-

After that, like Februrary 2011 i have a vision of a weird cartoonish creature that i'm pretty sure is another pokemon from the future. Green and blue, it stands on 2 stubby legs with long arms and hooked claws from no fingertips. with 2 long pikachu like ears. if i dream again and it changes at all, i will post it lol
i forgot another one! a weird black, red and yellow sphere pokemon that looked like a Fire/Electric pokemon, that i assumed was an evolution of Electrode, i saw it's name as Vectorode. it had like flaming arrows all over it and eyebrows made of fire. had an attack that looked like Blaze Arrow, power 75 acc 95 and could lower some stat possibly. although it was a female gender, which made no sense to me...

Very interesting, very Interesting

Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 14, 2011, 05:43:31 PM
                Alright, The Evidence is in! and the winner of american idol..... Nojks. <3.

I will start with EVPS. they found 3 EVPS: 1. Whats your name? Reply a couple seconds later: Deiu [ or as we think its spelled, It was scrachy too. ] 2. Why are you here? Reply: To find... [ And a door slammed upstairs.] they went upstairs, and did the last EVP: 3. Why do you eat crackers? [ Or something like that ] A young girls reply came very loud. HUNGRY SILLY!!!!  [All of those were at night, none at day ]

              Secondly Psyical Evidence:

              They had some person agervate " Deiu " every like 15 minutes. 1. In the 2nd EVP had a door slam. 2. at day they were packing up and they heard a Loud BANG and they went upstairs in my dads office, and found his desk tipped over. 3. at day: they were doing EVPS and they were sititng on the bed, and they felt the other side of the bed sink as if it was being sat on. Walking on the stairs. and they said something about manafesting. whatever that is, Lance can you explain that? lol.

 Black Mass:

 When they were going upstairs, they heard a disembodied voice and saw a shadow moving from my parents bedroom to my bedroom.

     :-\ They said they dont know what they are going to do, they said they will recall within a few days. riht now they are trying to get some more information.


Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 14, 2011, 09:17:33 PM
wow, just wow, hope the team researchers can find stuff to shed light on the evidence and look foreword to hearing what they find!
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 14, 2011, 09:22:01 PM
 Interesting... I wonder what it's trying to find? I loled a bit at the third evp.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Ziger on August 14, 2011, 09:57:47 PM
Anyone know what Manafesting means?  ???
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: TrainerX on August 14, 2011, 10:03:15 PM
I don't really know how to explain it...

Spirits can manifest in an object, usually related to it's death or an object that it was attached to in life. It's sort of like it's storing it's energy in the object(I think). If the object is moved somewhere else in the world, the spirit moves with it.

Lance could explain it better, I'm not even sure if that was right  :-\
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 14, 2011, 10:07:40 PM
the definition in the dictionary of the word manifest is "to be clearly apparent to sight or understanding, Obvious."  (from www.thefreedictionary.com/manifest) so in this case a ghost manifesting is drawing in energy to make itself apparent or obvious to the living that it is there. and TrainerX, that is true, but most of the time those are Residual hauntings
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 14, 2011, 10:15:32 PM
From what I know, residual is a ghost repeating itself as if it was still alive, unaware of whats happened. Intellegent hauntings are ghosts that activily know what they are doing.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Gardevoir on August 15, 2011, 12:25:15 AM
The other day me, my brother, and my boyfriend decided we were going to pull a prank on our friend. Our friend , Yoder, is into all that paranormal stuff and has been watching all these weird videos on youtube of ghosts, aliens, and other ungodly stuff lately, and he decided he wanted to try and catch something on his video camera. So me, my bro (Koda) , and Kc (bf) planned that we would get some of my fake blood, take him to the local rundown park in the woods, and fake an attack. Everything was going good, I had the blood in my pocket, it was extremely dark so we had a heavy duty flashlight, and Yoder was filming and scared already. After watching him jerk and twist around at every little sound, I ran back towards the truck. I got out the fake blood, squished a capsule in my mouth to let it gush out, spread a little on my neck to look like a slash wound, did the same on my arms, tore my shirt to look like rips, spread some on the ground, and I was ready. I let out the most realistic, bloodcurdling scream, and posed myself in an unnatural position (flexible so it didn't hurt) on the ground. It took what seemed like hours before I heard pounding feet on the ground rushing my way. Trying my best not to giggle, I was waiting just to hear him freak out. Next thing I know, though, I was being lifted off the ground by Kc, and hauled into the truck. Everyone piled into the truck screaming their heads off (including me in confusion), and Kc floored it out of the park. Nobody would tell me what went on until we were back in town under the lights. Koda was crying, something that's hard to make him do, and Yoder and Kc were both trying to explain what happened at the same time. Basically, they saw something that looked like a really shaggy deer, but stood on two legs. They saw the thing, tried to get a better look at it, then got freaked out and sprinted back to the truck when it looked at them. I still don't know if they got spooked by someone playing a trick out there dressed up, their imagination, or something legitimately freaky out there. I choose not to believe it though because I didn't see it and I'm one of those "I don't believe it until I see it" people.

TL;DR: Friends saw creepy, shaggy deer on two legs in woods,  pee themselves, and nope all the way back to the truck.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: St. Jimmy on August 15, 2011, 12:46:40 AM
Do you live in New Jersey?  If so, do you know what woods you were in, and/or what part of New Jersey (North South East West)?
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Gardevoir on August 15, 2011, 12:53:13 AM
Nope, I live in Texas.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: St. Jimmy on August 15, 2011, 12:54:59 AM
Oh, well I'm not sure then.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Pokemaster MAC on August 25, 2011, 01:14:06 AM
I don't really know how to explain it...

Spirits can manifest in an object, usually related to it's death or an object that it was attached to in life. It's sort of like it's storing it's energy in the object(I think). If the object is moved somewhere else in the world, the spirit moves with it.

Lance could explain it better, I'm not even sure if that was right  :-\

Like the pokemon Spiritomb :D
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Mr Pokemon on August 25, 2011, 03:38:49 AM
My friend told me a story about him going to his dead great-grandmother's house. He had to sleep in her old room. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw her sitting in a chair, and he felt a sense of pleasure before immediately falling asleep again.
He seemed really serious when he told the story, and he's not one to lie about things like that without confessing to it.
Just want to get your opinion on this.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Cloaked Schemer on August 25, 2011, 04:58:23 AM
Hmm, there were some strange occurances in my life that could count as paranormal experiences. I mostly write them off as paranoia, but I might as well share.

1. When I was younger - around the age of eight or nine - my parents took my sister and I, along with a couple of their friends, to a nice restaurant. I can't remember the occasion, but I do remember that my father had asked for a more private table and we were brought to this small room (a wine-cellar, I would later learn) with only a couple of tables and a doorway without a door. After taking my seat, a feeling of unease swept over me and throughout the course of the dinner, it grew into absolute terror and panic. I have felt fear before, everyone has, but never before had I felt so... I don't know. Close to death? All I knew - all that was running through my head - was that I had to get out of that room immediately - I remember eventually being reduced to tears because of that, much to my parents' displeasure. To avoid further embarressment in front of their friends, my father had escorted me out of the restaurant - and I was mumbling my thanks the entire way. Once in the car, however, I felt much better, until I realized my father was going back into the restaurant. Naturally, I freaked out, but not for the normal reasons - not because I was an eight/nine year old child in the back of an empty car late at night, but because someone I loved was going back to the bad place. Again, I was in hysterics, begging him not to go back - begging him to just get my mother and sister and leave. Eventually, he gave in, but I recieved a great tongue lashing all the way home. I didn't mind in the slightest, I only felt great relief.

Now, I've always been somewhat paranoid, and under any other circumstance, I'd dismiss this entirely. But there's just something... wrong about how I felt. I've never felt fear so intense - as though I knew death would find me if I stayed too long in that room. I remember the feeling clearly, and it still gives me the creeps... I try to forget it.

2. My older step-sister sometimes claimed to see things that weren't there - more specifically, people. Normally, I'd roll my eyes at her or tell her to get some sleep, but there was one instance that really got to me. The day was either Saturday or Sunday - a day without school - and everyone was gathered in the family room to watch a bit of television (my father, my sister, my step-mother, my step-sister and myself). Now, let me give you a bit of insight on how my house is set up. The living room is right in front of the kitchen, separated only by a counter. To the direct right of the family room is an open staircase which led to a sort of half-catwalk upon which you could clearly see my younger sister's open door first followed by my open door. Getting back to the story, everything was fine - it was the middle of the day with the sun lighting up the house and we were watching some sort of comedy show when all of a sudden, my step-sister flips out. She jumps about a foot off the couch and grabs one of the pillows, kind of whisper-yelling "Oh my god!" Naturally we, her family, turn to her with concern and she looks at me. "Someone just went into your room!" she told me, eyes wide and serious, freaking me out a bit. Upon further questioning, she explained that she saw 'something' out of the corner of her eye move up the last few steps and disappear through my open doorway once she turned her head. She claimed the figure was humanoid, and seemed like a shadow. Looking up, I saw nothing, and neither did the rest of my family, so we dismissed my step-sister immediately. She was adamant though, and refused to believe that what she saw was a figment of her imagination. We tried to tell her that it was probably the ceiling fan in my room casting shadows (it was almost always on- I like my room really cold, otherwise I can't sleep). Unfortunately, when my younger sister and I went up to investigate (my older sister refused to go check it out) my fan was, surprisingly, not on. Since then, nearly every person in my immediate family (with the exception of my father) had some sort of weird... occurance.

- My step-mom thought she saw a child going through our pantry (and for that matter, thought that I had screamed her name early one morning, but I had not). Whoever it was or whatever it was faded before she could get a proper look. Now, she claims that she was just tired and seeing things.

- While my younger sister was sleeping, I went into her room to look for something. She could sleep through WWIII, so I wasn't concerned. All of a sudden, the eleven year old bolts upright and stares out the open door behind me with the most horrified expression on her face (her eyes were actually bulging and her entire frame was stiff) She looked as though a mass murderer were behind me, holding an axe over my head or something of that nature. For three or four minutes, I tried to shake her out of it, and eventually succeeded, only for my sister to look at me in confusion and fall back asleep.

- A few days after my step-sister's sixteenth birthday, the family and I were staying at a condo by the beach with only two rooms. One my dad and step-mom had, the other I shared with my sisters. That morning, my step-sister wakes me up, calling my name warily. She explains that at some point in the night, I had sat up in my bed and started chanting some sort of incoherent babble under my breath. Then, I repeated the phrase "three more times" thrice before returning to sleep. She said I was clutching my abdomen as if in pain, and rocking back and forth.

I would like to point out right now that I live in Florida - incredibly hot almost year round. I would also like to point out that my ceiling fan sucks. It does little more than circulate air and occasionally blows room temperature air at me. Now that you know that, you should also know that for a majority of the year, my room is an icebox. And only my room. No, my room does not have separate air conditioning and yes, I only use my fan. My step-mom always says that my room is unnaturally cold and that I must have one great fan, but I don't. On the rare days that my room isn't just cold, the fan does nothing. If anything, it just makes the room stuffy, so I leave it off.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Gardevoir on August 25, 2011, 08:35:50 PM
Dude o.0 that's some freaky stuff...family haunted maybe?

Speaking of shadow people, my mother decided to get a video of me and my bro playing QWOP yesterday. She was looking dead serious at the video and called me over to watch it saying she saw shadow people (she watches all these dumb, fake ghost movies and is very paranoid). I went over and watched, and yes I did see shadows, but it wasn't shadow people. It was a weird black mist/smudge thing that alternated between getting bigger each time we laughed, and smaller when we would calm down. I looked at her, laughed, and called her crazy. I'm dismissing it as her camera being low quality, but is there anything similar? Just wondering, for all you people who know about this kind of stuff. Not asking her because all she does is watch the movies, not search for the actual facts.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 26, 2011, 01:21:31 PM
Wow, quite an interesting slew of replies, let's see what I can do,
The other day me, my brother, and my boyfriend decided we were going to pull a prank on our friend. Our friend , Yoder, is into all that paranormal stuff and has been watching all these weird videos on youtube of ghosts, aliens, and other ungodly stuff lately, and he decided he wanted to try and catch something on his video camera. So me, my bro (Koda) , and Kc (bf) planned that we would get some of my fake blood, take him to the local rundown park in the woods, and fake an attack. Everything was going good, I had the blood in my pocket, it was extremely dark so we had a heavy duty flashlight, and Yoder was filming and scared already. After watching him jerk and twist around at every little sound, I ran back towards the truck. I got out the fake blood, squished a capsule in my mouth to let it gush out, spread a little on my neck to look like a slash wound, did the same on my arms, tore my shirt to look like rips, spread some on the ground, and I was ready. I let out the most realistic, bloodcurdling scream, and posed myself in an unnatural position (flexible so it didn't hurt) on the ground. It took what seemed like hours before I heard pounding feet on the ground rushing my way. Trying my best not to giggle, I was waiting just to hear him freak out. Next thing I know, though, I was being lifted off the ground by Kc, and hauled into the truck. Everyone piled into the truck screaming their heads off (including me in confusion), and Kc floored it out of the park. Nobody would tell me what went on until we were back in town under the lights. Koda was crying, something that's hard to make him do, and Yoder and Kc were both trying to explain what happened at the same time. Basically, they saw something that looked like a really shaggy deer, but stood on two legs. They saw the thing, tried to get a better look at it, then got freaked out and sprinted back to the truck when it looked at them. I still don't know if they got spooked by someone playing a trick out there dressed up, their imagination, or something legitimately freaky out there. I choose not to believe it though because I didn't see it and I'm one of those "I don't believe it until I see it" people.

TL;DR: Friends saw creepy, shaggy deer on two legs in woods,  pee themselves, and nope all the way back to the truck.

wow, that was a freaky claim, even freaked the hell out of me.  one of my friends would instantly say demon, but I am not sure, are there any Native americans living in the local area? couldn't hurt to ask them about what they saw, I have spoken with native american Shamans and folklore experts on some of my cases when the activity seems to be land based, they are VERY helpful.
I don't really know how to explain it...

Spirits can manifest in an object, usually related to it's death or an object that it was attached to in life. It's sort of like it's storing it's energy in the object(I think). If the object is moved somewhere else in the world, the spirit moves with it.

Lance could explain it better, I'm not even sure if that was right  :-\

Like the pokemon Spiritomb :D

Kinda, though Spiritomb is the manifestation of wicked souls that were sealed inside that keystone, in reality it is commonly an object that the person was close to in life or an object that caused a persons death, such as a gun, knife or other things because it would attain some of the spirit's energy at the point of death.
My friend told me a story about him going to his dead great-grandmother's house. He had to sleep in her old room. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he saw her sitting in a chair, and he felt a sense of pleasure before immediately falling asleep again.
He seemed really serious when he told the story, and he's not one to lie about things like that without confessing to it.
Just want to get your opinion on this.

oh this is quite common phenomena it means that she is just there watching over the family, nothing to fear ^_^, wish my deceased relatives would do such a thing.
Hmm, there were some strange occurances in my life that could count as paranormal experiences. I mostly write them off as paranoia, but I might as well share.

1. When I was younger - around the age of eight or nine - my parents took my sister and I, along with a couple of their friends, to a nice restaurant. I can't remember the occasion, but I do remember that my father had asked for a more private table and we were brought to this small room (a wine-cellar, I would later learn) with only a couple of tables and a doorway without a door. After taking my seat, a feeling of unease swept over me and throughout the course of the dinner, it grew into absolute terror and panic. I have felt fear before, everyone has, but never before had I felt so... I don't know. Close to death? All I knew - all that was running through my head - was that I had to get out of that room immediately - I remember eventually being reduced to tears because of that, much to my parents' displeasure. To avoid further embarressment in front of their friends, my father had escorted me out of the restaurant - and I was mumbling my thanks the entire way. Once in the car, however, I felt much better, until I realized my father was going back into the restaurant. Naturally, I freaked out, but not for the normal reasons - not because I was an eight/nine year old child in the back of an empty car late at night, but because someone I loved was going back to the bad place. Again, I was in hysterics, begging him not to go back - begging him to just get my mother and sister and leave. Eventually, he gave in, but I recieved a great tongue lashing all the way home. I didn't mind in the slightest, I only felt great relief.

Now, I've always been somewhat paranoid, and under any other circumstance, I'd dismiss this entirely. But there's just something... wrong about how I felt. I've never felt fear so intense - as though I knew death would find me if I stayed too long in that room. I remember the feeling clearly, and it still gives me the creeps... I try to forget it.

2. My older step-sister sometimes claimed to see things that weren't there - more specifically, people. Normally, I'd roll my eyes at her or tell her to get some sleep, but there was one instance that really got to me. The day was either Saturday or Sunday - a day without school - and everyone was gathered in the family room to watch a bit of television (my father, my sister, my step-mother, my step-sister and myself). Now, let me give you a bit of insight on how my house is set up. The living room is right in front of the kitchen, separated only by a counter. To the direct right of the family room is an open staircase which led to a sort of half-catwalk upon which you could clearly see my younger sister's open door first followed by my open door. Getting back to the story, everything was fine - it was the middle of the day with the sun lighting up the house and we were watching some sort of comedy show when all of a sudden, my step-sister flips out. She jumps about a foot off the couch and grabs one of the pillows, kind of whisper-yelling "Oh my god!" Naturally we, her family, turn to her with concern and she looks at me. "Someone just went into your room!" she told me, eyes wide and serious, freaking me out a bit. Upon further questioning, she explained that she saw 'something' out of the corner of her eye move up the last few steps and disappear through my open doorway once she turned her head. She claimed the figure was humanoid, and seemed like a shadow. Looking up, I saw nothing, and neither did the rest of my family, so we dismissed my step-sister immediately. She was adamant though, and refused to believe that what she saw was a figment of her imagination. We tried to tell her that it was probably the ceiling fan in my room casting shadows (it was almost always on- I like my room really cold, otherwise I can't sleep). Unfortunately, when my younger sister and I went up to investigate (my older sister refused to go check it out) my fan was, surprisingly, not on. Since then, nearly every person in my immediate family (with the exception of my father) had some sort of weird... occurance.

- My step-mom thought she saw a child going through our pantry (and for that matter, thought that I had screamed her name early one morning, but I had not). Whoever it was or whatever it was faded before she could get a proper look. Now, she claims that she was just tired and seeing things.

- While my younger sister was sleeping, I went into her room to look for something. She could sleep through WWIII, so I wasn't concerned. All of a sudden, the eleven year old bolts upright and stares out the open door behind me with the most horrified expression on her face (her eyes were actually bulging and her entire frame was stiff) She looked as though a mass murderer were behind me, holding an axe over my head or something of that nature. For three or four minutes, I tried to shake her out of it, and eventually succeeded, only for my sister to look at me in confusion and fall back asleep.

- A few days after my step-sister's sixteenth birthday, the family and I were staying at a condo by the beach with only two rooms. One my dad and step-mom had, the other I shared with my sisters. That morning, my step-sister wakes me up, calling my name warily. She explains that at some point in the night, I had sat up in my bed and started chanting some sort of incoherent babble under my breath. Then, I repeated the phrase "three more times" thrice before returning to sleep. She said I was clutching my abdomen as if in pain, and rocking back and forth.

I would like to point out right now that I live in Florida - incredibly hot almost year round. I would also like to point out that my ceiling fan sucks. It does little more than circulate air and occasionally blows room temperature air at me. Now that you know that, you should also know that for a majority of the year, my room is an icebox. And only my room. No, my room does not have separate air conditioning and yes, I only use my fan. My step-mom always says that my room is unnaturally cold and that I must have one great fan, but I don't. On the rare days that my room isn't just cold, the fan does nothing. If anything, it just makes the room stuffy, so I leave it off.

okay, #1: doesn't sound like anything paranormal, sounds like you were in what is known in paranormal investigation as a "Fear Cage" despite how foreboding that term is, it really isn't that scary, just means that the room was gushing out EMFs which can create feelings of dread, creeped out feelings, skin irritation, hallucinations, and other things, children are Very sensitive to these so sounds like you were just suffering from exposure.

#2. when it comes to your step sister, there is no doubt about it, She is psychic, in other words she can sense spirits, see them at times, and potentially communicate with them, I can recommend some books on the subject of psychic development if she is interested.

#3.  I would recommend checking into the history of the property, see if there were any child deaths, that may explain what your mom experienced.

#4.  Probably just a nightmare, I have my doubts on that instance being paranormal.

#5.  the instance in the condo, that is a bit bizarre, the only thing I can think of non paranormal wise is that you were just talking weirdly in your sleep, people do that all the time.

lastly, that is a phenomena known as cold spots, the theory behind that is that an entity trying to manifest requires energy.  and sometimes that energy can come from the heat in the air, creating what is known as a cold spot.

Dude o.0 that's some freaky stuff...family haunted maybe?

Speaking of shadow people, my mother decided to get a video of me and my bro playing QWOP yesterday. She was looking dead serious at the video and called me over to watch it saying she saw shadow people (she watches all these dumb, fake ghost movies and is very paranoid). I went over and watched, and yes I did see shadows, but it wasn't shadow people. It was a weird black mist/smudge thing that alternated between getting bigger each time we laughed, and smaller when we would calm down. I looked at her, laughed, and called her crazy. I'm dismissing it as her camera being low quality, but is there anything similar? Just wondering, for all you people who know about this kind of stuff. Not asking her because all she does is watch the movies, not search for the actual facts.

Black mist is a type of activity, I have seen it a couple times on investigations, not much is known about it, at least to me that is so sry if I don't have much info to provide
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Tickles on August 26, 2011, 05:49:35 PM
It could be an error with the camera depending on how old it is. Some cameras mics can distort images, which could explain how the shadow reacted to loud laughter. If the camera is old, and has received minimal damage, then this could be a high possibility.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Gardevoir on August 26, 2011, 09:56:50 PM
wow, that was a freaky claim, even freaked the hell out of me.  one of my friends would instantly say demon, but I am not sure, are there any Native americans living in the local area? couldn't hurt to ask them about what they saw, I have spoken with native american Shamans and folklore experts on some of my cases when the activity seems to be land based, they are VERY helpful.

The closest Indian reservation is in Oklahoma about an hour and a half away from me. Maybe I'll pay them a visit next time I head that way. Never heard of demons that would haunt woods before, though. Then again I guess there's no reason they can't reside anywhere they want. I'm not quite learned in all this I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Cloaked Schemer on August 26, 2011, 10:12:30 PM
#1: doesn't sound like anything paranormal, sounds like you were in what is known in paranormal investigation as a "Fear Cage" despite how foreboding that term is, it really isn't that scary, just means that the room was gushing out EMFs which can create feelings of dread, creeped out feelings, skin irritation, hallucinations, and other things, children are Very sensitive to these so sounds like you were just suffering from exposure.

#2. when it comes to your step sister, there is no doubt about it, She is psychic, in other words she can sense spirits, see them at times, and potentially communicate with them, I can recommend some books on the subject of psychic development if she is interested.

#3.  I would recommend checking into the history of the property, see if there were any child deaths, that may explain what your mom experienced.

#4.  Probably just a nightmare, I have my doubts on that instance being paranormal.

#5.  the instance in the condo, that is a bit bizarre, the only thing I can think of non paranormal wise is that you were just talking weirdly in your sleep, people do that all the time.

lastly, that is a phenomena known as cold spots, the theory behind that is that an entity trying to manifest requires energy.  and sometimes that energy can come from the heat in the air, creating what is known as a cold spot.

#1- Okay, that makes sense. Are some children unaffected, though? My sister at the time was around three or four, and from what I remember, she didn't seem the slightest bit uneasy.

#2- Strange enough, my step sister doesn't really believe in that sort of thing - psychics and whatnot - but to this day, she still won't step foot in my room. She'll stand outside of it, if she needs me, but won't even open the door. Kinda creepy to be honest, but nothing bad's happened, save for the vents flying open at times (something probably clogged or dirty or whatever my father said) so I let it go. I could believe that she's psychic, though the mentionings of seeing things has slowly faded over the years. The last time she saw something was at the age of seventeen (Year and a half ago) when she was coming home from a freind's house at night. She claimed that a she saw an aged man in the center of the road, wearing blue pajamas and glaring angrily at her - pointing his finger. She didn't realize that no one else could see him until other cars began to honk at her and drive around, through the fading old man. After that, no more strange visions to hear of.

#3- Yeah, I'll look into that, see if she wasn't just seeing things. Didn't you say something earlier about psychic abilities being inherited? My step-mom could have passed on something to my step-sister. *shrugs*

#4-Good, 'cause that freaked the bejezzus out of me.  :P

#5- Yeah, I would think so too, except that I don't talk in my sleep. My younger sister mumbles and my step-sister laughs, but for all the times that I've slept in the same room as someone (camping, hotels, etc.) I've been told that I 'sleep like a rock'. No movement or sound. Plus, I remember the dream I was having. The day prior I developed a bit of sun poisoning on the tops of my feet, so my dreams revolved around that. One moment I was standing in ankle deep water, the next I was in ankle deep lava. After that, I had a dream about joining a sports team at school... but that's besides the point.  xP

So... An entity is trying to manifest... in my room?? ... Could it have something to do with whatever my step-sister saw walk in here?  :o   
Title: Re: Share your paranormal experiences!
Post by: Lance_Stormblade on August 27, 2011, 03:28:03 PM
#1: doesn't sound like anything paranormal, sounds like you were in what is known in paranormal investigation as a "Fear Cage" despite how foreboding that term is, it really isn't that scary, just means that the room was gushing out EMFs which can create feelings of dread, creeped out feelings, skin irritation, hallucinations, and other things, children are Very sensitive to these so sounds like you were just suffering from exposure.

#2. when it comes to your step sister, there is no doubt about it, She is psychic, in other words she can sense spirits, see them at times, and potentially communicate with them, I can recommend some books on the subject of psychic development if she is interested.

#3.  I would recommend checking into the history of the property, see if there were any child deaths, that may explain what your mom experienced.

#4.  Probably just a nightmare, I have my doubts on that instance being paranormal.

#5.  the instance in the condo, that is a bit bizarre, the only thing I can think of non paranormal wise is that you were just talking weirdly in your sleep, people do that all the time.

lastly, that is a phenomena known as cold spots, the theory behind that is that an entity trying to manifest requires energy.  and sometimes that energy can come from the heat in the air, creating what is known as a cold spot.

#1- Okay, that makes sense. Are some children unaffected, though? My sister at the time was around three or four, and from what I remember, she didn't seem the slightest bit uneasy.

#2- Strange enough, my step sister doesn't really believe in that sort of thing - psychics and whatnot - but to this day, she still won't step foot in my room. She'll stand outside of it, if she needs me, but won't even open the door. Kinda creepy to be honest, but nothing bad's happened, save for the vents flying open at times (something probably clogged or dirty or whatever my father said) so I let it go. I could believe that she's psychic, though the mentionings of seeing things has slowly faded over the years. The last time she saw something was at the age of seventeen (Year and a half ago) when she was coming home from a freind's house at night. She claimed that a she saw an aged man in the center of the road, wearing blue pajamas and glaring angrily at her - pointing his finger. She didn't realize that no one else could see him until other cars began to honk at her and drive around, through the fading old man. After that, no more strange visions to hear of.

#3- Yeah, I'll look into that, see if she wasn't just seeing things. Didn't you say something earlier about psychic abilities being inherited? My step-mom could have passed on something to my step-sister. *shrugs*

#4-Good, 'cause that freaked the bejezzus out of me.  :P

#5- Yeah, I would think so too, except that I don't talk in my sleep. My younger sister mumbles and my step-sister laughs, but for all the times that I've slept in the same room as someone (camping, hotels, etc.) I've been told that I 'sleep like a rock'. No movement or sound. Plus, I remember the dream I was having. The day prior I developed a bit of sun poisoning on the tops of my feet, so my dreams revolved around that. One moment I was standing in ankle deep water, the next I was in ankle deep lava. After that, I had a dream about joining a sports team at school... but that's besides the point.  xP

So... An entity is trying to manifest... in my room?? ... Could it have something to do with whatever my step-sister saw walk in here?  :o

#1: sensitivity varies from person to person, I occasionally get effected every now and then,

#2: I have heard of people who have mentally shut the door on their abilities, sometimes by choice and sometimes by people around her saying that it is not real, I deal with it all the time because I recently discovered that I am psychic too, I just talk to my fellow wiccans for support on this and such.  maybe the reason she stays away from your room is that there is a remnant of her ability remaining.

#3: Yes Psychic abilities can be inherited, though in some form or another EVERYONE is psychic in one way or another,

#4: I would be terrified too!

#5: that makes it even weirder, haven't encountered anything of that nature

#6: wouldn't surprise me