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Messages - Kuhns

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Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Basic Item variations
« on: March 24, 2010, 12:53:07 AM »
guys pls dont read the last 2 or 3 posts if you want to know what about we´re talking here read the 1st post. we are not talking about the flee button..

Yea but we are, we didnt bother you, now dont bother us. Beginning to think someone is thinking they run the forums?

Actually, he has a point. This topic is about items/the 'Smart Repel' in general. Talking about the 'Flee' button is actually very much off topic. Make another thread if you want to discuss it further.

Through most areas you have to go through grass to get somewhere. Example would be the first part, where you have to go through all that grass to deliver a package.

Lol, and? At the first part, AKA the beginning of the game, you have a level five Pokemon with you. You need to go through the grass to train, catch other Pokemon, and have your journey hindered by lots of useless Pokemon. ;D

I like the idea of altering a few items, for the economy's sake, but if the PU team doesnt acknowledge that they are willing to accept item-changing ideas; why bother?

We listen to many of the things the members say, and given a good enough argument, might actually embrace some of the changes the members like. Simply saying "I give up because the PU Team doesn't comment on it" doesn't change anything however.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Basic Item variations
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:47:15 PM »
A creative idea, however....

I understand that, but with higher level repels that last a thousand steps or something, if you decide to stop by a city and look around, you are wasting quite a few steps. If someone was worried about that, they could spend some extra money and not have to worry about it anymore. I'd just like to see some more then the regular items.

Why would someone use a repel and then walk into a city/other-non-Pokemon-infested-place? That is like using some mosquito repellent and then staying inside the whole evening/night. Does the mosquito repellent stop working as you stay inside and turn on when you step outside for a moment? Of course not. It wears off in a couple hours regardless of where you are.

On-and-Off repel is just another way from players to be lazy IMO. The players buy repels and they use them, regardless of where they are. The repel's activity should not change because the player doesn't want to 'waste it' by going into a city. If they want more repel, they need to buy more, or simply ask themselves: "Do I really need to use this now?"

Oh plus, sometimes the flee button doesn't work. (My experience from Leaf Green

Stay out of the grass then. ;) Or bring some potions and repels.

News & Announcements / Re: [official]Quest contest winners!
« on: March 22, 2010, 07:00:29 PM »
Well, I'll tell you, both Jerry, and Declan_23 will also !#@%%^$@&*%^$$#&*%%()*&%*$$#@%$$*%$#$*&^%&$^#%$#$*%^*$#$%*^%*&%*%$


You mean to tell us that they'll get to &%*#(@$%* in the @(@#&%@* with a couple of $($^(&($(%### during the #$&@($**#(#? Holy tap dancing Christ!

On another note, congratulations to all winners. However, I'd like to remind everyone that had I entered the contest, I would've won all three places, because I'm just that good. ;)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Day-time and Night-time
« on: March 22, 2010, 04:14:45 PM »
Adding some special things like schedules in areas like a posting board of pokemon and the times that they spawn in that area..etc

Why does this keep coming up? It's like people want PU to give them free handouts so they can be lazy and junk. Guides of all sorts will come when players with no lives some free time decide to make them. :|

Japanese Entertainment / Re: Manga Discussions
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:23:39 AM »
But there are some mangas you won't be able to read since they're U.S. copywrited. a.k.a manga Fruit Basket


I'll just leave this here then. >_>

Games / Re: (cheats box)
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:51:07 AM »

That's why you simply give the link when the lists (or whatever) are too long. :|

Development / Re: Welcome to the US of A!
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:00:59 AM »
Im so confused... is the game coming out for beta on april first or is it the final being released april first

The private Pre-Beta will begin on April 1st. The public Beta will be released hopefully sometime this year.

if  anyone can answer this, can you catch and hold every pokemon?

Can you catch Pokemon: Duuuurrh Yes.

Can you store Pokemon AKA hold every Pokemon: Yes.

Games / Re: (cheats box)
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:48:59 AM »
Taze is correct. People can use Goggle if they really want the cheats. However, if cheats are posted here they should be linked after they reach a certain point. Long lists are not easy on the eyes.  ::)

Art Work / Re: Map Showroom (PKMN)
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:28:18 AM »
dont mean to sound like a science nerd or anything but. if water is in movement its not going to freeze. thats why rivers and some ponds and lakes stay all liquid like. lol :P

Then why is there a fisherman fishing through a hole in the ice....

Anyways, my main point is, is that I just think it was a bad design choice. :P

Other Games / Re: Who has a PS3
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:23:32 AM »
LOL i forgot i have assassins creed 2 also! And thats strange i've never heard of that... OVER 4 years with a 360?  my friends are on their 2nd-3rd by now cause of the red rings

That's probably what happened. I used all my game system luck on my X-Box 360 and there was none left for my PS3(s). :<

Other Games / Re: Who has a PS3
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:17:16 AM »
I have one.

One of the reasons why the PS3 sucks, in my opinion anyway, is the system itself. I bought one a couple months ago and two weeks later it gave me some stupid error code. I ended up returning it. Now, a couple months later, I got another error code, and I'm going to have to send this "new" one back too. :| I'm still debating with myself if it's even worth the trouble anymore.

It's funny in a way because I had my X-box 360 for over four and a half years before something error-related happened to it.

That aside I have: Assassin's Creed II (<3), Fallout 3, Overlord II, Prototype, Infamous, and one other that I can't remember the name for right now. >_>;

Other Games / Re: Call of duty mw2
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:04:53 AM »
Lol paying 60 dollars for it... what do you think internet coupons are used for bro?

Coupons are cheap, and I'll never use them for anything. I was simply stating that any game with so little actual planned game game play isn't worth any price over 20 bucks at best.


I'd rather you didn't call me bro, as I am a girl. ;P

Other Games / Re: Call of duty mw2
« on: March 18, 2010, 01:43:33 AM »
Meh. Modern Warfare 2 is one of the biggest wastes of money ever. 60 bucks for a game with about 2 hours of actual game play? No thanks.

"But the online play is--"

No. They should have just made a new map-pack and left it at that. Online play is kinda fun, but nothing to write home about. The elevators are about the only things that are "kickin tits."

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Degree of open-worldness
« on: March 16, 2010, 02:42:31 PM »
*Sighs and remembers Morrowind* Ah, high level areas where level 6's really shouldn't go. Good times.

I think trainers should only be able to go so far into higher level areas. Should they try and exploit certain items and abilities, certain strategic route...houses should stop them from going any father. Kinda like in the old Pokemon games where the guard wouldn't let you through until you gave him some water. It took me forever to figure that out. Curse back in the day when Goggle and walk-throughs weren't available. Except the guard would say something like: "I'm sorry but it's too dangerous for someone of your skill to go any farther." This will insure noob trainers from going to higher-level player cities and towns.... To insure this, the guard-houses would stop the players based on player level and not Pokemon level. >;D

Of course, in the before if trainers want to run away from battles...maybe PU needs a [Run] stat for the players. A player with a [Run] stat of 4 shouldn't be able to run away from a level 56 Ninetales. xD

Games / Re: Things about the Pokemon Games you hated
« on: March 16, 2010, 07:46:49 AM »
Dude, really. Have you read anything on the forums? Like the 'Write a Quest' type of thing? Its not going to be just battling gym leaders. Don't want to be mean, not my intention, but before you post again please read through-out the forums so you could get an understanding of what the game is like. It would be better off than posting a bunch of non-sense. I mean we all do this sometimes in our lives but say its a tip ya know ;)

He/She wasn't talking about PU. They were talking about the usual bland that goes into the [official] Pokemon games: fight other Pokemon trainers, get badges, try to complete the Pokedex.... The blahblahblah that come in every game...every time...of every release. Won't stop me from getting the new ones though. ;D

So, tip of the day: Read the above post carefully before you make a new post on what the previous poster was supposedly doing wrong.  ::)


I know what you mean kniveslove. I wish we could at least customize our characters a bit. Or maybe even pick the town we came from. :P 

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