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Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Daycare/Breeding
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:16:16 AM »
or maybe the higher level the pokemon, the higher chance of getting an egg

thats right....experience ;)

Jobs / Re: job request and quest idea
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:13:47 AM »
you may not meet the requirements, but i always welcome ideas..... this idea seems kind of generic and cliche, but despite that, it is a decent start to something, and could turn into a longer series of quests, with a well developed mysterious story without too much difficulty.

also, i do not have any requirements for how you present or detail your story/quest ideas, so long as they are good, implementable, developed, have a background to them (in other words, there is a reason for the course of events), and thats pretty much it.

and here are two ideas i wrote before i was asked to join the team:



feel free (in fact i encourage you) to give feedback and make suggestions on those

perhaps in the near future, i will ask the PU team if i can post a quest story that we are actually implementing... though keep in mind, that i have a life and therefore have alot of other things im doing as well, so it may be a while before such an idea is suitable for release

* have fun, get behind your idea (don't write something for the sake of writing it; its the same as if you were going to sell something, you will do a better job if you believe in your product)
* write in english
* welcome other people's ideas
* understand that if its good, i don't want to have it changed as much as possible, you can take credit for your own work (which means, if it needs to be improved, you improve it, not me)
* think beyond your story (look at avatar, assuming you have seen it, it is a simple story, but the story in the background, and the universe and everything else that is designed behind the primary story is what makes it magical) when you write a story, if you can write something that has a story behind it (even if you cannot notice it without looking for it), it will just pop out so much more
* try to be inspired before you write, if you have motivation, chances are it will seem much better
* don't spam the forum's with countless ideas (especially if they are useless)
* don't use 1337 speak or anything like that (its just a pain to read)
* don't write something for the sake of trying to get your stuff in game, if its good, i will let you know (if you try to be smart, you can be smart; if you try to be wise, you will come out sounding like an idiot)
* don't ask me or any other team members to implement your stuff, "if its good, i will let you know"

if you want to write some stuff, feel free to post it in the forums, but i also welcome private messages, in case you want to get some feedback before submitting stuff to the public

Computers & Technology / Re: question?
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:47:56 PM »
make an account and click "my home" at the top of the page

there should be a big square box with the words "Upload images & video" click that, find your file, select that. done. then just open the image on the site, and copy/paste the image code

photobucket is just one of may sites that do this, i use about 2 or 3

Computers & Technology / Re: question?
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:15:28 PM »
here is the coding i use in my sig, hopefully this helps

"you teach me, and i'll teach you" "helping you will help me too"
top of the pintacle! if you have a suggestion for a new signature, let me know

again, do not put the ' in, thats just there as Jerry said, "inserted it so that the code appears."

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Haunted past
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:44:06 PM »
What I think is that quests are always optional, right?

You choose to take a quest, or not... because your first goal is to obtain the badges and try to beat the Brutal 5 and quests may take some time, time which could have been put to better use in training for example.

yeah, for the most part. but there will probably be one or two (more) quests that are mandatory

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Rare Magikarp
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:51:26 AM »
ok, i like this as a start!
magicarp has a bit of a background to it now.

but here is my dilemma: this quest has no backbone, no reason to it.
a quest that has no reason, no emotion, no story, is no fun.

you need to consider (especially since this is an MMO we're talking about), why this is happening. why are magicarp more rare? why does the NPC want you to find one? why does he want you to train it? what are some of the obstacles that must be faced? etc.
when you watch an episode of pokemon, you notice that they are always being faced with additional obstacles on the way to achieving their goal, the same sort of principle should be implemented. ok, i shouldn't say that it should, that is more of a suggestion, as not all quests and stories have side arcs and such.

but there should definitely be a story to it, otherwise it is just a meaningless quest.

however, as i stated, there are aspects to this story that i enjoyed, and i think this could become a well developed side story, if it became just that: a "story", instead of just running around aimlessly.
my biggest suggestion to you is to make it more developed, which likely means making it longer as well.... (please note: that does not mean it has to be lengthy, just longer than you have it)

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Haunted past
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:22:26 AM »
how about the quest is optional?


Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Rapidash Rampage
« on: January 25, 2010, 10:07:19 PM »
errrm..... maybe

expand on this quest please
Is this better or do you wish for a full blown explanation?

well, the thing is, i could probably write a (minimum) of a 2 page story on that, but as it is your idea not mine, i feel it needs to have enough information, and things that you can do (considering this is for an MMO)

it does not need to be in the long way i normally write, and it can even be in point form, i just want more than just an idea
yeah, i know im being difficult and it is hard to explain, but i will tell you if you have something that really impresses me

in short, this is your idea, not mine, so it needs to be made by you, not me

i am still on the fence about this one

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: January 25, 2010, 09:33:04 PM »

Site Support / Re: Forum Improvement
« on: January 25, 2010, 06:12:42 AM »

Pokemon Related
Pokemon Universe Related (for all those story plot writers out there)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Rapidash Rampage
« on: January 24, 2010, 07:36:00 PM »
errrm..... maybe

expand on this quest please

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Trip in Time
« on: January 24, 2010, 02:16:58 PM »
Thanks to everyone for the critisism/praise.
ahem... constructive critisism

oh yeah,
and once again,
excellent job, i really enjoyed reading that

Trainers Lounge / Re: RP section in site?
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:17:50 AM »
please make one if one doesn't already exist
post it in the games section

i suggest giving it a good name and a decently developed intro so that people know the general theme and world their playing in

i look foreword to playing with you (not Gigity) because if you haven't guessed, i love writing, and i love inventing stories

Game Features / Re: New Ideas
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:13:36 AM »
trainers will have starter towns and be able to purchase homes/condo's

i don't know everything about what the animators are planning on doing, but off the top of my head, what your suggesting will require too many battle sprites, so you can bet that if that is ever implemented beyond the battle effects present in the games that it will be a long time after this game is released. ...unless you wanna get on animating those pixel sprites

there is no official stated time on an open beta. closed beta comes first

trust me, there will be tournaments! im even considering writing some into quests

im not 100% sure on the different versions of pokemon, including (but not limited to) spikey ear'd and shiny, but i suspect they will be implemented.

In-Forum Games / Re: Keep the story going!
« on: January 24, 2010, 02:50:32 AM »
Wishing he hadn't been so harsh to his Charmeleon, Charmeleon gave him a swift tail whip to the face.

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